Status: Completed

Lessons Learned


I groaned softly as I continued lifting the weights. Most of the time when I came to the gym, I just ran on the treadmills or the stair-stepper-not-quite-treadmill things because it cost less to join the gym than buy one myself.

Besides, it gave me the opportunity to meet new people.

I looked into the reflective wall before me as I saw who just walked in.


I rolled my eyes as he practically made a beeline for me. “Hey, I didn’t know you went here.” He said before picking up some weights himself.

Of course his weighed much less than mine did.

If he had been watching me while we were in class, he was practically eye-fucking me now. “Like what you see?” I asked, and he smirked.

“I’m sure I’d like it more if your shirt was off.” He said, and I groaned, trying to ignore his staring. Once I realized that would be impossible, I left the weight room, to the room with the treadmills in it to go for a run.

Parker followed me though, and a small smile played on his lips as I realized I had to take my shirt off or else it would just slosh around with all the sweat on it. Parker smirked as he too, realized this.

“Dumb fucker.” I growled.

Parker’s smirk remained on his face. “Now Mr. Vias, that’s not very teacher-ly of you.” He said, and I rolled my eyes yet again today. “By the way, Vias is one sexy name.” He walked closer to me and put his hands on my chest, staring at me, and I was glad no one else was here on a Sunday morning.

I stepped back from him. “So my girlfriend has told me.” I said, hoping he’d get the hint, but he didn’t seem fazed.

“I’d love to scream it.” He murmured sensually into my ear.

I stiffened before walking towards the changing rooms. I hadn’t realized what time it was, how much time I had spent trying to pretend Parker wasn’t trying to get in my pants.

Don’t you know what he did as I stepped into the locker room? He followed me.

“You do know that teacher-student relationships are illegal.” I told him, and he shrugged a little.

“It’d be worth it if I got to taste that.” He said, “and besides, I’m 18, my birthday was two weeks ago, meaning you can get fired for being with me, but you don’t have to worry about going to jail.” He said and I frowned at him.

“You thought this out.” I said. It wasn’t a question.

“Of course.” He said, and then with a smirk, “I want to know who or what I’m getting in bed with.” He whispered.

I groaned. “Come on; just leave so I can get a shower.” I told him.

“What, you don’t want to get a shower with me here?” He asked.

“No. Who knows what kind of shit you’ll try with me.” I said, and Parker frowned.

“What you think I’d do something like this?” He asked, and smirked as he reached for my crotch.

“Fuck yes!” I hissed, and started pushing him towards the door, then immediately backed up as he stopped and pressed the length of his body against mine.

I saw that he was about half a head shorter than me. The perfect height to hold.

What am I even saying? I’m not gay.

“I’m not gay.” I said, while holding the grabby boy at arm’s length.

Parker shrugged. “That can change. You’re obviously not homophobic, so that’s half of the job done. Now all I need is to get you to find me….sexually attractive. I’m sure I’m a better lay than your girlfriend Hallie is.” He said, showing his knowledge of my relationship.

I was about to speak, but he wasn’t done.

He stepped closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist so our hips rested against one another. Leaning up into my ear, he whispered, “I’d let you be as rough as you wanted. You wouldn’t have to worry about me leaving you for being ‘insensitive to the needs of my body.’” He said, and I stiffened even more than I already had.

Those words, ‘insensitive to the needs of my body’ were the exact words Hallie had said to me when we were in the break room last Friday. She said I was being too rough on her and that was the reason she was tired all day.

“Where the hell did you hear that from?” I hissed, and he smirked, kissing my jaw line.

“Let’s just say that’s not the only thing I know about you, big boy.” He said into my ear, and I must admit, I was shocked.

I heard a knock four times on the locker room door and knew it must be Hallie. Without showering, I pushed Parker lightly back from me, and grabbed my bag and water bottle, going to leave.

As we exited the room, Parker still behind me, I saw Hallie smile at him. “Oh, Vias, babe, you know Parker? Ironically, I met him at a Park yesterday and we talked for a while. He goes to the school we’re learning at.”

Holy fuck my life could not get any worse.

He’d heard all of those things from her.

I closed my eyes and sighed. This day was already horrible, and it wasn’t even noon.
♠ ♠ ♠
shiznits yea:D
that was 910 words:D
you better comment!!!!!

oh, and that thing about if you're over 18 the teacher can only get fired...yeah i made that up, so it's probably not real, but oh well:D
