Status: Completed

Lessons Learned


I don't know why but for some reason- the reason standing at the front of the classroom teaching- I can't seem to concentrate on the lessson. Seems my mind is wandering to a very dangerous place right now and I don't really feel like stopping myself. Watching the way Vais er Mr. Hatley's jeans move with his body and the way his shirt compliments just the right attributes I can't help but think of the corny pick up line, "That shirt looks good on you, but you know what would look better? Me" comes to mind.

Smirking I lean back in my chair and feel someone tap my shoulder. Turning my head slightly I show I'm listening Gina Wright whispers, "the student teacher is kind of hot don't you think?"

Stifling a chuckle cause I'm not the only who thinks so I mutter back, "Oh yea."

She leans in a little closer, "I'd tap that."

My grin widens and a whisper back, "I'd tap that twice."

She giggles and I cringe as Mr. B calls out sternly, "Is there something you'd like to share with the class Mr. Seitzer and Ms. Wright?"

Titling my head I look right at Mr. Littela and say, "I don't see the harm in telling you."

Mr. B said irritably, "And would you mind telling then? Since you seem to think that whatever it is you two are talking about is worth interrupting the class."

Taking a deep breath I say in a teasing manner but dead serious at the same time, "Mr. Littela, Gina would love to tap you sometime. Just give her the time and place and she'll meet you there."

The class erupts into laughter and Gina cries out, "Paarker!"

Feeling a little guilty for giving her a hard time I add, "Liza, Alyce, and Katie told me they had the same wishes so aren't you just the little heartbreaker Mr. Littela."

He doesn't react like I had hoped he would. Instead of getting angry or upset or anything of the like, he just turns back to the smartboard and says, "To find X you take the value of y multiplied by the value of g+5…"

The class doesn't quiet down though, rather their attention is long gone from math and focused now on the girls in question on wanting to tap the student teacher. I'm also surprised than Gina didn't mention my comment on how I'd tap him twice but really, I plan to get him in bed way more than that. Looking at his broad shoulders and slim waist I have to admit that it wouldn't even have to be a bed. On the floor would be good enough too.

Mr. Littela must realize he's getting no where because he turns off the smart board and goes over to his mini desk. Unfazed about all this he pulls out a book and Mr. B continues to try to keep the class in check to no avail.

The bell rings and everyone packs up their stuff and surges towards the doors. Mr. B goes out into the hall to monitor the hallway behavior and I wait until most of them are out. Walking past Vias, he finally looks up and the look on his face is dangerous- which is an attractive look on him and makes me want to get down and suck-

"This better not happen again Parker."

Leaving my thought uncompleted I put my hands in my back pockets and say seductively, "Punish me then."

He puts down the book and gets up but doesn't come any closer.

"What by giving you detention and having to waste my time babysitting a kid like you? I don't think so."

The use of kid hits a nerve but the insult isn't enough to make me want to back down any.

"Just remember, I'll do anything you want."

With that a group of the next period's class comes in so he's unable to retort to my comment. Giving a small salute I slip out of the classroom and head to my next class with anything hanging in the air.
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X) A shorter chapter but Sari's update will probably make up for it ;)