Status: Completed

Lessons Learned


Taking a deep breath, then letting it go in a rush I tilt my head back and look up at the sky. Leaning on the back legs of my chair I keep picturing how differently the scene in the classroom that happened not even an hour ago could have gone.

I probably should have tried to resist coming on so strong that soon but damn, what was I supposed to do? For the first time, not counting when we'd met at the gym, we'd been alone and it's not like I actually needed help- the 98% on the test I'd had yesterday told both of us that much.

Wonder why he was so wound up today. He's not exactly the type of guy I expected to get turned on so easily by just a tactful placement of my hand on his thigh. I wouldn't be surprised if it had something to do with Hallie. If only she hadn't come in just then we-

Smirking as the very graphic image of him thrusting into me again and again and me screaming for more flitted through my mind I chuckled at how he'd wanted me to beg for him. If I remember correctly he'd told me not that long ago that one, he wasn't gay- obviously someone's in denial- and two, that he'd never willingly kiss me- I'd proven that wrong once but if blackmail kisses don't count then add it to my To Do list.

Setting the chair back on it's four legs I set some money on the table and wave to Seth who's working the cash register. He beckons me over and when I get closer he starts to say something when he gets a curious look in his face. Cocking my head I ask if something's wrong and he nods toward my upper arm.

'How'd you get that bruise? It looks pretty bad."


Looking casually over at it, I shrug and fumble for an excuse.

"Oh this? I… um… you know I'm not quiet sure actually? I think I got it when I was having a paintball war a couple days ago. Hurt like a bitch I'll tell you that."

Seth gives me a sympathetic smile and agrees.

"Yea I can believe it. But it makes payback all the sweeter. We should get together this week and have on of our own."

I laugh.

"Sure. But same rules. No aiming for the family jewels or the noggin. Everything else is a go."

A customer comes in the parlor and I use this as my opportunity to leave. Before I do however I go to the restroom, reapply the concealer to the bruise and like magic it's as if it was never there. Checking to make sure the rest of the makeup is still hiding the truth I breath a sigh of relief.

Way too close there, but no harm no foul. I'll just be a bit more careful.

Once outside the warm sunshine greets me. Stretching I swear I see Vias and his girlfriend drive past but after doing a double take I see the car is a different color. 'Course it could've been his girlfriend's car, I think she's got one similar so it's not all that impossible.

Shrugging I head my own way, easily losing myself in the lewd fantasies what Vias might do to me the next opportunity I create for him.

But of course the timing has to be right. Timing is everything in this game I'm playing, and I have no intentions of screwing up now.
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two updates in one day? I think yes ;)