Status: Attackative

Jagged Edges


Dad pulls into the parking lot at 2:05 on the dot as expected. I climb into the front seat as L'von buckles himself into the back. 

"Hey boys. How was your first day?" He asks, pulling into traffic carefully. 

We take turns mentioning the people we met and I'm careful not to nation Treason. Somehow my dad always seems to pick up on my thoughts and this isn't one that I'm ready for him to 'help' me with just yet.

L'von tells him about Jade and the drama auditions and I tell him how excited I am to attend my first GSA meeting. Dad laughs and jokes with us, giving little comments here and there.

By the time we get home, whatever weird mood I was in lifts and I'm ready for the inevitable list of chores that comes with moving into a new house.

Dad leads is inside and L'von and I stand together awaiting instructions. "Do either of you have homework?" He asks, getting that out of the way first.

"No, sir." We say in unison. He nods slowly.

"Alright. Your boxes are in your rooms an your furniture had been set up for you. You need to vacuum and dust before you set anything away. Don't forget to do the windows either. Then you're cleaning your bathroom. After that, one of you will accompany your mother to the hardware store and the other will come grocery shopping with me. We'll be eating out tonight so be thumbing about where you'd like to go. After that, you can do whatever you'd like but I'm just letting you know that I expect your rooms to be pit together by Thursday, understood?"

"Yes, sir." We answer.

He smiles at us and nods toward the stairs. "Get to it. We're leaving for the store at four, so that should give you plenty of time. And Gian?"

"Yeah dad?" I ask, turning back to face him. 

"I made you a list so you won't forget. It's on your dresser." 

I bite my lip to hold back a smile and hug him tightly. "Thanks dad."

He laughs and ruffles my hair before pushing me towards the stairs gently. I follow L'von up and get to work, dusting and cleaning what I can reach before asking my brother to get the rest. In exchange, I vacuum his floor and pull his favorite sheets onto his bed before doing the same to my own.

When that's done, I agree to clean the toilet the vanity as ling as he does the shower and mops the flood. By the time four rolls around we both smell like bleach and our arms are tired from scrubbing.

Mom appears in the doorway to my room where L'von and I are laying on my bed. She smiles sweetly at us. "It's tome to go, boys." 

"Mommy, I'm tired." I whine.

"I know sweetie, but this has to get done. Just think though, you guys get your moving in present tomorrow. 

At the mention of this both L'von an I pop up. "What is it?" My brother asks.

"It's a surprise but it's the best one yet. Now, cmon. Your father's waiting downstairs." She laughs. We follow her and it's agreed that I'll go with dad since he's almost hopeless when it comes to healthy choices and pairing food.

Our GPS directs us to the closest Giant (because, let's face it, Food Lion sucks) and dad looks at me. "No budget. Go wild."

I beam at him and shake my head. He really shouldn't have said that. 

I make him push the cart while I pile in the essentials first. Milk, eggs, cheese, bread, butter, ketchup & mustard, everyones favorite cereal, flour, sugar, hot pockets (yes, they're essential), peanut butter & jelly, lunch meat and fresh fruits.

Then comes the fun part. I have to go get a whole other cart just for the favorites. Pudding and yogurt is first. Then nutella & crackers, cheese it's, popcorn, bagel bites, more hot pockets and several bags of potato chips et cetera, et cetera. I make sure to grab L'von some pretzels and several bags of various candy (because he has an unhealthy addiction to sugar). I pick up some fresh pastries for mom and dad throws in a bag of cashews as well.

I give him a look when he does this cashews are his guilty pleasure but mom's allergic to them. She makes him brush his teeth for ten minutes right after he eats them, mouthwash and floss included. He doesn't mind, though. It's a serious love. 

Overall the price reaches past $350 but dad doesn't complain about it at all. In fact, he smiles as he hands over his credit card and signs the machine thingie. He's been smiling a lot lately. I think he's really excited about his new job.

Dad hands me his keys and tells me to bring the car around. He hardly ever does this so I don't ask questions. After I've helped load everything into the car he let's me drive home too.

Pulling into the driveway we see mom and L'von trying to get a wicker patio chair through the front door. 

"Um, mom? I dunno if you know this but that goes outside." I laugh. 

She gives me a look and I immediately stop. "This is for your balcony so I would help if I were you." 

I don't have to be told twice. I take her end from her and together, L'von and I get the chair to it's destination. 

"This is nice." I observe. "How much was it?"

"You don't even wanna know, bro. Mom bought me the same one and she didn't even mention the price." 

"Dude, same with dad! We got like, everything and it was like, $350." 

His eyes widen. "For groceries? And he didn't say anything?" I shake my head. L'von contemplates this for a second. "You think mom's preggo?" 

"What?! No!" Whatever I expected him to say, it wasn't that. "Hy would you even thing that?"

He shrugs and starts back downstairs. "I heard that when your parents are having another child, they spoil you." 

I raise an eyebrow and roll my eyes. "Stop being so dramatic. A few wicker chairs and a high grocery bill isn't spoiling."

"Whatever you say, bro." He sighs, stepping outside to bring in groceries. "Whatever you say." 
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so sorry about the wait.
Don't worry, I'll get the nest one out ASAP.