Status: Attackative

Jagged Edges


Wednesday night is when dad walks into the living room after evening chores instead of heading to his study as per usual. We look up from our game of Mortal Kombat and give him our full attention.

"Boys, your mother and I have decided that you two can have your party." He announces, sitting on the sofa between us.

"Oh, really?" L'von asks excitedly.

"Yeah," Dad smiles. "This Saturday. You boys plan everything and let us know the details and we'll give you permission accordingly."

We both agree eagerly and shut off our game in favor of planning. L'von convinces me to limit the guest list to six. Mom and dad would let us take out the boat and then everyone could stay here for the night. Before long we have everything planned out from the food to the sleeping arrangements. 

L'von drew up a list of people we want to invite and it goes as follows: Sabrina, Jade, Ivy, Bradley, Skipper and Treason.

I don't exactly know why we added Treason but, for some reason, it felt all too natural. L'von says he's a really great guy, that he helps a lot with L'vons chemistry work and can be funny at times. As for my reasoning? Well, I'm not quite over my obsession just yet. This party could be just what I need.

We run the plans by mom and then dad and, after half an hour of persistent begging, they agree with smiling faces.

The next day, Thursday, is when we spread the news to our friends. Skipper is the only one who seems suspicious of the idea, especially when she hears that Treason is invited, but she agrees with some convincing on her brothers part.

Treason though . . . I honesty haven't seen him properly in nearly two weeks and I don't know why. Every time I see him he looks determined but that look fades when he sees me and then he disappears before I have a chance to talk to him. Seeing as how today is a 'B' day, L'von hasn't seen him either and we really need to talk to him about the party.

However, seeing as how he hasn't shown up for lunch in what seems like ages, I don't know how we can do that.

I flop down at the lunch table and drop my bag by my side with a heavy sigh. Ivy looks up from her marshmallow and Nutella sandwich. "What's up buttercup?"

"I can't find Treason anywhere." I mumble, picking at a loose splinter in the wooden table.

"Oh, for the party? Well, maybe he's in the supply closet." She shrugs.

I smile to myself and prepare for one of Ivy's daily conspiracy theories. "Yeah? Why would he be there?"

"Isn't it obvious? That's where they keep the kitty litter for vomit and stuff." Ivy rolls her eyes as if it is, in fact, obvious. "He wants to use it to dry up the ocean so he won't have to get on the boat. Treason's terribly afraid of whales, you know."

"No, I didn't know that." I laugh.

"Know what?" Jade asks as she and L'von slide into seats next to each other. I swear, something's going on between them.

"That Treason is terribly afraid of whales." I answer with a smile. Jade looks confused until she sees Ivy's smile.

"That may be the case but I'm sure that's not why he's been avoiding you." She says.

"Wait, me? Just me?"

"Yeah, he's perfectly fine around the rest of us." L'von pipes up. "It's like, only you he's not talking to."

I furrow my eyebrows and think about that I've possibly done to offend him. I just wanted to be friends. Maybe I came on too strong? I mean, that thing about the rumors was a little heavy. 

Sabrina drops her bag in the chair next to me and looks around the table before her eyes settle on mine. "I've solved the mystery of where Treason disappears to." She announces.

"How?" I ask, maybe too quickly. 

"I asked." She shrugs. "Check the music room."

Before I even say anything to anyone, I'm up and out of my seat and heading out of the cafeteria. I still don't know my way all the way around the school so it takes almost ten minutes to find the music room but once I do, there's no mistake that this I the right place.

I peek through the window in the door and spot the luscious mess of black hair that I've found myself staring at a lot over the past couple of days. His brilliant blue eyes are closed and he's sitting on one of the many god-awful orange chairs with a guitar perched delicately on his jean clad lap. He's alone and that's perfect for right now.

Pushing open the door softly so as not to scare him, I notice that he's strumming a mash-up of melodies before settling on one. The intro is absolutely gorgeous but I wasn't prepared for him to sing too. The sheer emotion in his voice is enough to bring tears to my eyes. I forgot why I even came in here but suddenly it doesn't matter.
♠ ♠ ♠
You. Guys. You. Guys.
Next chapter will be interesting, I swear.
Perhaps it will be out in a few days?
I still have to chose a song, any suggestions?

Hoax and What Nots

Thanks for all the comments! They inspire me to please you <3

Let me know what you think?