Status: Work in progress <3

I'm Stuck On You

Prologue: Getting to know you

Peter Maher, a Canadian marathon runner once said, "Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?'". I like that quote. I like to ask myself the same question each day and apply it to everything. If you wimp out then you're a loser before you've even started. I hate to lose.

I guess I should introduce myself now since, y'know, you're probably wondering who quoted Peter Maher at you. I won't blame you because, admittedly, it is kind of random and weird. Everyone loves introductions though.

My name is Charlotte Pond. I know, I know, fantastic surname; not. Blame my mother for marrying my father. I mean, seriously, who marries a guy who's nickname in school was "pond life"?? Her logic escapes me on a daily basis.

Anyway, I'm sort of your average seventeen-year-old teenager with all the hormones and drama attached. My best friend Ellie Hillock, given name Eleanor but never call her that, can attest for it considering she's the cause of most our drama anyway.

We're your stereotypical best friends, Ellie and I. We've been friends since the start of forever..or, at least, since childhood. We grew up living next door to each other as it happens, along with the last of our trio; Oliver Digby. He was one of the sweetest boys you could ever hope to meet. His smile, not to mention charm, could have even the strictest of adults wrapped around his finger. Ollie was the boy of my dreams and I'm not even kidding.

Once, when we were six or something, he proposed to me because I was 'the nicest girl' he knew. It was sweet and it only fueled the crush I'd started to develop on him and would henceforth nurse over the next few years.

You'll notice that I'm speaking about him in the past tense though; there's a reason. When we turned fourteen he left. I don't mean left our circle of friends or anything, I mean he moved away. He didn't tell us, didn't call or leave us a note. He didn't even get in touch after he left, so he really did just disappear. It was a month or so after his birthday. I remember because it was the year I'd included this silly, string friendship bracelet with his gift. All three of us had them and they were supposed to keep us all connected. I shouldn't really admit it, but I still wear mine.

That's enough about that anyway, and my introduction too. You'll find out all you need to know about me when I start recounting the most traumatic event of my life anyway. It will cause tears, angst, dramatic gasps of shock amongst other things. Or maybe that's just me exaggerating. Go ahead and find out for yourself.
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Well, there we go. The first of many chapters..or here's hoping.
Feedback would be nice but it's not something I'll be actively looking for.
If you like it then you like it, if not? Oh well.