Status: Work in progress <3

I'm Stuck On You

Chapter One: A great start to the day

---» charlotte «--- says:
• ...I've cut my leg.
ELLIEelephant says:
• D: how?
---» charlotte «--- says:
• idk.
• I can literally smell the blood
• so I'm hoping
• it's one of those
• "shallow but bleeds like a mofo" types
ELLIEelephant says:
• I think it is
• unless you're retarded and used box cutters to fight someone with
• lol
---» charlotte «--- says:
• idek how I did it. maybe I was in a knife fight with a lobster
ELLIEelephant says:
• or in a crab battle
---» charlotte «--- says:
• battling to the death?
ELLIEelephant says:
• obv
• that's why you're bleeding so much
---» charlotte «--- says:
• damn them! D:<
ELLIEelephant says:
• dw, we can go get seafood after school to make you feel better :]
• cuz nothing tastes like sweet revenge more than the juicy meat from crab claws
• speaking of school tho, I need to get dressed for it
• see you there love <3
ELLIEelephant is now offline

I stared at the screen for a moment longer, sighing in resignation, and then shut the messenger down. It was the same as every morning; I'd go out for my morning run, come home to shower and talk to my best friend for a while then get myself prepared for the school day. Of course, there were times when we'd be rushing to trade answers for the homework due in that day, but it seemed like we'd been lucky in not getting any the past few days. It was bliss.

Stretching my arms above my head with a yawn I felt my shoulders click satisfyingly. Obviously I'd lingered long enough, the sound of my twin brother thundering down the stairs for breakfast was signal enough, so I got up and wandered over to my closet. I never really planned my outfit, like most girls my age did, so I had a quick browse and picked something out. A crisp white dress shirt, untucked of course, with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows and the top two buttons left unfastened, my ratty pair of blue jeans with holes in the knees and my converse. Brilliant.

Make up was just as simple; a line of brown eyeliner since Ellie said it made my blue eyes look better, mascara, a sweep of green eyeshadow and a dab of lip gloss. Honestly? I liked to think I looked good without having to exert too much effort. After all it was school, not a fashion parade. Some would disagree but I say they couldn't be more vain.

However, I had taken the time to straighten my hair while I was talking to Ellie online and it was for an entirely vain reason; Luke Nixon. I couldn't lie, he's pretty much the hottest guy I know. He's not even your typical sports obsessed moron. He's really quite intelligent and he takes part in both the drama club and soccer team so I think that counts for something. At least he's not a typical jock, right? And he's not the number one hottest guy either! ...He's just his best friend.

Okay, okay, I know this doesn't make me look great. Girls flock to them like magnets and fall at their feet. I know. They're stereotypical and they date the mean, bitchy girls of my school. Not that I'm not a popular kid, but I don't take it to the extreme. It all adds up to make a big, glaringly obvious neon sign telling me he's bad news. But I can't help that, away from his friends, as I found out when we got paired up on a lab project, he's actually really different. In a cliche phrase; he's deeper than the shallow puddle of an exterior he puts on.

Still, having my usually dull blonde and frizzy hair look smooth and shiny made me feel better about my chances of getting him to notice I liked him. I was making this effort for him after all. Sweeping it back off my shoulders I gave myself a spritz of the expensive perfume I'd gotten for my birthday and grabbed by bag from the foot of the bed. A sweeping glance over the room assured me I wasn't missing anything so I practically hopped down the stairs and whirled into the kitchen.

"Mom. Dad. Jerkface." The latter was aimed at my twin, Mark, who was stuffing his face with the waffles our mom had made. It was rather disgusting watching him eat. Like he'd been starved for months and there was the threat of food disappearing from the face of the planet in the next few minutes, so he'd shovel it in and amazingly not choke on it. I often wondered if he ever chewed. Or even tasted what he was eating. "I won't be home straight after school today; I'll be hanging out with Ellie."

My father, an older man with salt and pepper hair, glasses and a rather round belly, looked up at me over the paper he was reading. I was waiting for the typical 'Char, now you know I don't like you being out late, so be sure to come home at a respectable time' speech he often gave me when I was staying out with friends. But it never came. It was a surprise, obviously, but a welcome one. I'd already had a heart to heart with my mom about it and how I was a responsible teenager. There was a time when parents just had to cut those apron strings and let their kids actually have a little freedom. Apparently mom had gotten through to him; score.

"Well..remember to keep your phone turned on. And call us if you need us." He said, his voice slightly gruff as if it was taking effort to not mollycoddle his baby girl. I caught the look he sent to mom, a questioning glance asking if he'd done okay, and her reassuring smile in return.

My mom was a wispy woman. She usually had her head in the clouds and carried a dreamy look that would normally have one question if you were really all there; but she was lovely. She was a freelance artist in her own time, filling the house with the random paintings and sculptures she'd grown too fond of to sell. I'll admit it, she was a bit of a ditz, but I loved her.

"Now that's settled you two should really be getting to school before you're late." She chimed in, moving over to me and kissing the top of my head before passing me a smallish, brown paper bag. Inside, no doubt, would be two toasted cream cheese bagels; one for myself and one for Ellie.

It was custom for my mom to do this ever since the morning she'd woken up early to find me in the kitchen making them. When asked why--because Ellie and I had started ritual breakfast meetings where I'd bring the food and she'd supply the coffee--my dear mother had taken it upon herself to prepare my bagels for me. I told you she was lovely.

Smiling warmly I thanked my mom, gave my dad a quick peck on the cheek and then disappeared from the house. I never walked to school with Mark, even though it wasn't like he was a social reject. He was on the soccer team too so being seen with him wouldn't have hurt my reputation. It was his irritating ability to ask all the wrong questions and get me to tell him things I certainly didn't need him to know. Call it some weird twin connection in you want, I call it ridiculously bad luck. Avoiding him was always the best way of keeping my secrets just that; secret.

Lakeshore High was only a ten or so minute drive from my house. Yes, I had the joy of being one of those kids who lived relatively close to school. Fun. Well, it actually was pretty convenient since it meant I didn't have to get up as early, so I suppose it has its positives. Either way, I knew I'd gotten there earlier than intended when I couldn't see Ellie sat at our chosen bench.

Sure, we lived next door to each other, but Ellie had stayed over at her boyfriend's house the night previous, otherwise we'd have driven to school together just like usual. Like I said, we had out own little breakfast ritual that we started about the same time she got a boyfriend the year before. At first it was just so we could sit and gossip but then it turned into habit and just stuck with us.

Dropping the bagels onto the picnic style bench I sat down with a sigh. My stomach growled and I looked down at it sadly. I really was hungry and I had no idea how long Ellie would even be...

Starting bagels without you. Hungry. Ily <3

That should do. At least I thought to text her and tell her I was going to start before she got here; so she couldn't complain when she found me half way finished. Win.

Opening the bag, I peered in and almost drooled at the aroma. They were still warm too. I'm pretty sure that the moment I took mine out and took a, larger than actually intended, bite I was in Heaven. Nothing, and I really mean nothing, could compare to the bagels my mom made. There was a delicious ten minutes where I sat savouring the flavour, and generally making the most out of my breakfast, before I noticed the shadow that fell over me.

Assuming it was just Ellie with the coffees I didn't bother to look up as I spoke with my mouth half full of bagel.
"You took your time. I was wondering if you'd ever get he-" My sentence fell short and I swallowed thickly as I looked up into the thoroughly amused gaze of Luke Nixon. Damn it all to Hell. I probably looked like a complete and utter pig, stuffing my face with food and then showing no manners whatsoever by talking with my mouth full. Way to go, Char. Way. To. Go.

"Enjoying that?" He asked, his gorgeous voice showing just as much amusement as his expression, but it was the grin that caused every atom in my body to want to melt right then and there. I could do little but nod; clearly my brain was working on autopilot so as not to show myself up any more than I had. "I might have to try it some time then." Stop. Now. Before you make my heart implode.

"I didn't mean to bother you, but I was wondering if Mark was here yet? It's just I forgot to mention to the team about the meeting at lunch." Luke went on to say, and I only gaped at him. My thoughts flew into overdrive. Meeting? What meeting? God, why was he only asking me about Mark?! Didn't he notice my shiny straight hair that I spent at least an hour on for him?? "Charlotte?"

Snapping back into reality I shook my head slowly, trying to buy myself some time until it finally clicked. He was talking about the soccer team!
"No..Er, I mean, he should be here soon. I left before him but I know he'll be here." I managed to answer, thankfully getting the words out without getting tongue tied and flashed him an apologetic smile for not being able to help more. He ruffled his gorgeous, short black hair--shut up, I know I keep calling him gorgeous but, if you'd seen this boy, you'd know it's really the only fitting word--and scrunched his nose up slightly in the most adorable way. It was really no wonder why the female population of Lakeshore was in love with him.

"Alright, well, if you see him before me would you give him the message please?" Don't worry Luke, I'd do pretty much anything you asked of me.

"Sure, that's no problem." His thankful smile made my heart flutter. I mean, seriously, flutter like there were huge bats in my chest nevermind butterflies.

"You're an angel. I'll see you around, then." I couldn't even bring my mind to form a coherent thought after he'd called me an angel and just watched as he turned and disappeared in the crowd of people entering the school building. Had anyone been watching me they might have thought I looked a bit like a loon, especially with the way a ridiculously goofy grin spread across my face. Heat had risen to my cheeks and I scrambled to get my phone from my jeans pocket.

Idk where you are but get here now. I think my heart just burst. He called me an angel.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha, I'm going to stop it here because yeah.
Hope you like it and let me know if the chapters are too long etc :]