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The Other Side of the World

It's A Pleasure Meeting You

It was a nice early spring day in Southern California. I was sitting passenger seat to Zach driving the old van with Michael, Nathan, and Cameron in the back, leaving San Diego behind us for the next couple of months.

“So what did your mom have to talk to you about last night?” I slightly yelled to Zach as I turned the music down a little.

“Nothing really. She just wanted to talk and she just told me to make sure I take care of you.” He took his eyes off the road for a split second to flash me a wink.

I giggled. “Well of course she would. She always thinks you guys will corrupt me or something. But how long have we been doing this, 4 years now? I think I’ll be okay.” We both laughed.

“Yo turn the music back up!” Michael shouted interrupting us. As I did I looked out the window to see the beautiful scenery. With the sky as blue as the ocean and no clouds in sight, surprisingly it wasn’t as hot out as it should be at the end of May, it was completely perfect. We headed up North to LA to head out for rehearsals and a meeting the guys had to do.

“So about this tour coming up… How come we barely know what’s going on? Usually we know everything by now. I mean you kick off tour tomorrow night at the Wiltern…”

“I guess that’s what this meeting is about today. I don’t really know. All I know is that we are only playing the major cities across the country.”

“There’s something you aren’t telling me isn’t there?” I shot him a glare. “Come on, I know you better than anyone… SPILL!”

“There’s nothing I know. Well… No. Okay, if I know it, you’d know it too. Okay?” He looked at me all sly.

“Fine, it just seems sketchy. But you’re lucky I trust you enough.” I slowly started to look back out the window. I can never get sick of this California view. It’s always been my home.

Life with these guys is pretty chaotic I tell you. Traveling the country, doing events; though I only get to go on tour, everything else I’ve witnessed from the beginning. Things can get unpredictable, but I love it. I honestly wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

As my thought of how perfect my life was, I was interrupted by the warm touch of Zach’s hand on my arm. “But hey Kay, we have a surprise for you today.”

“What surprise? Like good or bad?” I looked at him confused. “Wait I thought I knew everything you knew…”

“Well…” He laughed. “Kay, relax. It’s a good surprise. You’ll love it. I promise.” Within moments we were driving up to the rehearsal studios parking lot. I could see our tour bus the moment we drove in, but I also saw another one right next to it. Parked next to the tour bus was a black SUV that I have never seen before. We all got out of the car and each of the guys looked at each other with mischievous grins on their faces.

“I am so confused right now.” They all just chuckled. “Oh come on. What the hell is going on?”

“Just stay here with Cameron. We’ll go see if everyone is in there.” The rest of the guys headed inside.

“Oh come on Porter! You can’t do this to me!” I yelled after him. But before he could actually hear me, the door shut behind them. I turned to Cameron, “Do I look okay for this surprise?” I turned a full 360 for him to get the full view. I was wearing my white shorts, a black v-neck with a purple tank top under it and my Nike shoes.

Cameron looked at me, “You look perfect. Like always.” I looked down at my shoes and started to kick the rocks on the ground. It got awkward, only because Cameron and I have history. We’ve been on and off for 2 years now. But I guess you can say we never really made it official, only because his career comes first before anything. And I was the only girl he dated who understood that. So as of right now, we’re off, and like always, when tour starts we’re probably going to be on again. I kind of just got used to it, only because I really never have time to date anyone else I guess. But last time things didn’t end well. And so right now things are pretty awkward between us.

“So… who’s bus is this anyway? And what’s with that fancy black SUV.” I tried to change the subject.

“Uhm… I’m guessing…. Uh… the people we’re touring with? I don’t know… I’m not too sure.”

“You’ve always been a terrible liar Cameron…” I smiled at him. And once again… it got awkward. “So uh... When can we go in?"

“Now,” Cameron’s phone beeped, “Zach just texted me.”

I gave him a suspicious look. “Why didn’t he just come out and tell us? Why is this all so sketchy to me?”

“Kay, let’s go. Trust me. You’ll be happy.”

“I will kick all your asses if this is some prank.”

“Funny, you can’t take 4 boys down.” Before I could retaliate with a comeback, he grabbed my hand and led me inside. The building was cool from the air conditioning and goose bumps covered my whole body. I slowly walked behind Cameron as he opened the door to the room.

To my left we greeted Dillon and Greg and as we made our rounds saying hello to everyone, we finally made it to my surprise.

I stood there in shock not knowing exactly what to do. Right in front of me stood Simon Cowell while he spoke to Stefanie and Richard. And of course right behind them, were 5 gorgeous boys playing around and looking at all the instruments.

“You can tell me thank you now.” Zach whispered in my ear.

“What are they doing here?” I said still in shock staring at them.

“Well funny thing is, Simon liked how our fan base was and he requested to meet with us. He asked us if they can open up for us on this tour. That’s why it’s only the major cities.” Cameron said.

I turned to all of them. “So for the next month… We’re touring….” I turned back at One Direction. “… With them?”

“Yeah, so quit drooling.” Nathan said.

“Shut up Nate!” I whipped my left arm and smacked him right in the chest, still not taking my eyes off of One Direction.

“Boys! Boys! Come on now, settle down. We have people you need to meet.” Simon called the boys over and introduced them. I stood back behind Zach, Nathan, Michael, and Cameron as they greeted the boys.

“And who is this?” Harry said as they were all done greeting one another. I blushed so hard that I swear I was as red as Louis’ shirt.

“Well, this is our best friend Kaylin. She’ll be on tour with us as our merch girl.” I bit my lip trying not to smile so big.

“Hello Kaylin, I’m Harry.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a hug. Me being only 5’5” and all, I came to right about his chest.

“Hi, I’m Niall.” He smiled and shook my hand.

“And I’m Zayn.” He too, just like Harry, pulled me in for a hug.

“I’m Louis.” He shook my hand and smiled. I smiled back at him. “Do you speak?” All the boys laughed.

“Yes I speak.” I bit my lip smiling and rolled my eyes letting out a soft giggle.

“Don’t mind Louis. Hello, I’m Liam.” He grabbed my hand and I know this might sound cheesy, but I swear time stopped for a second. We both locked eyes and smiled. “It’s a pleasure meeting you.”

I slowly took my hand back. “Yeah, you too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hopefully you guys like this concept of the story so far. I know its only the first chapter so it could be kind of confusing. But let me know what you guys think! (: <3

I really like this story, so it might be updated a lot more frequently.