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The Other Side of the World

Blood Is Thicker Than Water, But This Family Is Different

A week has passed since the night Liam kissed me. I was happier than ever. Every night at 4am when we were at the hotel, Liam would show up at my door with hot chocolate just like that night. We would take our walk and watch the sunrise together. I guess you can say it became a routine. It was something I looked forward to every time we were traveling on the bus from city to city.

Zach was the only one who knew about Liam and I. Even thought Liam and I weren’t even anything. To be honest, we were just enjoying being with each other at that moment. We didn’t put a label on it. Well only because we both agreed to get to know each other more before anything. Liam only told Harry about us; other than that no one else knew.

Cameron has kept his distance, only really saying a couple words each day. He was in pain; I could see it in his eyes. But as selfish as it sounds, I didn’t care too much. I was happy. So I guess you can say I didn’t really know how he felt about everything.

Everyone did realize we had gotten closer, but from the looks of it, no one had really caught on. They really didn’t think much of it.

It was our little secret I guess.

I don’t want to say that I’m falling in love, but I’m not sure what the feeling was. I was happy though, I knew that. Zach told me he hasn’t seen me that happy in a long time.

And to his surprise I hadn’t shed one tear since that night, except from tears of laughter.

Liam made me laugh like no one else did. It was easy with him. That’s what I liked the most, how comfortable I was. I could have no makeup, hair undone, and in sweats; and yet he still thought I was beautiful. No one has ever told me that before.

I watched the sunset from my hotel in Chicago. The skyline was beautiful this time of day.

My thoughts of Liam circulated in my head. The butterfly feeling deep in my stomach with my heart beating out of my chest; if this wasn’t love, then I don’t know what is.

“Please tell me you’re being careful.” Zach said interrupting my long look out the window.

“Like I said, you have nothing to worry about.” I turned to him and kissed his cheek. “I love that you are about me so much, but sometimes Z, you know you gotta back off.”

“You’re getting serious with him real quick here Bug.” He took a seat on his bed. “I don’t want to be left picking up the pieces again.”

“No one said there were going to be any pieces to pick up.”

“You really think you guys can take this relationship from the other side of the world?” He looked at him concerned. “I know you. I know you’ve fallen really hard for him. But Bug, you don’t do long distance relationships.”

“Look, can we talk about this after dinner? We have to get everyone and meet with my grandparents at 8pm. It’s already 7:30. We need to get going.”

“You can’t avoid the subject forever Bug. I know you better than anyone, and you do this every time you know you’re getting yourself into something that isn’t good for you.”

“No one ever said you have to always look out for me.”

“Yeah, your dad did.” It got silent quick. I looked at him and he knew he said the wrong thing. But we both also knew that he was right.

“I know you made that promise Z, I know your family made that promise.” I said quietly, not making eye contact. “But it’s been 6 years since the accident. You’re not going to be able to look out for me until I die.”

“I’m looking out for you now.”

“And what will happen when I got to college and you keep touring? Zach, you and I can’t be with each other all the time. I am so thankful to have you in my life, to have you as my best friend, but it’s to the point where you and I both know this will not always be there.” I gave him and hug. “Zach, you’re my best friend and you always will be. But right here, right now, I need to learn to make my own mistakes. I need to learn to fight my own battles. I need to do things on my own. You can’t always be protecting me.”

We both let go. “I just don’t want to see you hurt anymore.”

“I’ll be okay. I promise you.” My hand lingered down him arm and into his hand. “I made you this promise when I was 13. You remember it? I told you that you’re my number one man in my life. That still stands Z. Best friends until the day we die remember?” He smiled a weak smile. “Stop worrying, you’re going to get wrinkles.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

We met everyone at the lobby. Everyone was dressed in their best attire; just how my grandparents requested. It’s been almost a year since the last time I saw my grandparents. I never went to visit them as much, only when I went to Chicago with the guys. So this time it was no different.

Not that I didn’t love my grandparents or anything, we just weren’t as close as a grandchild should be to their grandparents. My dad never really got along with them; I guess you can say they are pretty strict. They’re really old fashioned, but I loved them nonetheless.

“So what are your grandparents like?” Liam said as he walked up next to me.

“They’re interesting. Strict; I should say.” I laughed to myself. “You’re all in for a treat tonight.”

“Do you think the usual argument will break out?” Nathan said walking behind me.

“Of course, it wouldn’t be the usual dinner with my grandparents if it didn’t.” As I said that, all the boys of One Direction exchanged concerned looked. “You boys really have nothing to worry about.”

“Just enjoy the entertainment.” Zach said as he held the door open for everyone.

I was the first to walk into the restaurant seeing my grandparents already waiting at a table for us. “Great, we’re late.”

“But its 8pm. Just like they asked. We’re here on time.” Liam said.

“Not if they get here before us.” I walked up to the table with a big smile on my face. “Mama, Papa! How are you?” As they saw me walking towards them they got up to greet us.

“You look lovely Kaylin. In great shape too.” My grandpa said as I kissed his cheek.

“Too thin I think. We need some meat on that body.” My grandma chimed in. I gave her a smile and hugged her.

“I want you guys to meet a couple friends of mine. They’re on tour with us right now. This is Liam, Louis, Harry, Niall, and Zayn. They’re from the UK.”

“It’s very nice to meet you guys.” My grandpa shook all their hands. My grandma smiled and gave a slight wave.

“And you already know Michael, Nathan, Zach, and Cameron.”

“Yes we do. Hello boys.” My grandma gave all of them hugs. “Zachary, you are turning out to be such a man. You’re father sure has done well with you.”

“Thank you Mama.” Zach has caught on to also calling my grandmother that. She hugged him so tight I swear he would have broken in two. She always loved him.

“And you Cameron, still as handsome as ever. Come here and give me a big hug.” Clearly she didn’t know we broke up. I kind of just stood there awkwardly waiting for this time to pass. She made her rounds with Michael and Nathan too.

Now my grandma didn’t like them right off the bat. They all had to charm her into liking them. Well of course it was a lot easier when Cameron and I were dating.

“How about we all take our seats and get to dinner…” My grandpa said realizing how uncomfortable I was getting.

“Papa, is it okay if they sit near us, I want you guys to get to know them.” I gestured over to One Direction.

“I can’t see why not.” We all took our seats. My grandpa at the head of the table, I sat to his right and my grandma on his left. Zach took the seat next to her and Liam sat next to me. The rest of the boys sat as the wanted to leaving Cameron, Nathan, and Michael at the end of the table.

We made small talk, nothing big. We were all still trying to get comfortable.


Soon enough our food came. It was getting easier but there was still some tension in the air for some reason. I did most of the talking trying to catch them up on what I’ve been up to; with school and everything.

“So what school are you planning on going to Kaylin?” My grandpa asked while taking a bite of his steak.

“UCLA. I got into their really good Psychology program. So yeah.”

“When do you move in?” The questions kept rolling and I just kept answering them. Everyone else was having their own conversations here and there, but they were still all listening in.

“Aw Cam, you are so far away!” My grandma yelled across the table in the middle of our conversation. All attention turned to me and I turned quiet.

“Mama…” I tried to quiet her down.

“Charlotte, please. Kaylin is trying to tell her about school. Can we just…”

“Fine.” My grandma put her hands up, cutting my grandpa off. “So boys,” she turned to Liam and the rest of them. Zach and I made eye contact quickly. I knew exactly what he was thinking. “You guys are a group? Interesting. From the UK you say?”

Liam looked at me before answering. I could tell he was nervous. I just nodded telling him to answer her. “Uh yes, we are. We’re just open for them.”

“Interesting.” I knew my grandma was judging them. I don’t get why she does it. But she’s always been the toughest critic in my life. She was never satisfied. As much as it looked like she loved Zach and the rest of them, they still don’t have her hundred percent approval.

“You know Mama, they’re really big over there. Like super famous.”

“You’re on the road with all these boys? Why would they ever let that happen?” She shook her head in disapproval.

“Mama, I can hold my own. They’re taking real good care of me. I’m fine.”

“Whatever you say, Kaylin.” Her answer was cold with no emotion. “So Zach, how is your family?”

“They’re good. My mom is great. My dad says hi. They’re all…” I didn’t let him finish.

“Mama, I was talking to you.”

“I know Kaylin. But I’m talking to Zach now. That was kind of rude of you to interrupt him.”

“It’s oh…” I cut him off again.

“I don’t get it. Can you please explain this to me Mama… Why can you never accept new things in my life?” I was getting louder.

“Look at you being dramatic again. You haven’t changed one bit Kaylin. California is not good for you.”

“What are you talking about?” I threw my fork down. “California is my home. It’s been my home. Dad wanted it that way. I don’t understand why you can’t accept that!”

“Kaylin please, calm down.” My grandpa was pulling on my hand to get me to settle down. I furiously pulled it back from him.

“Do not mention your father to me!” By this time everyone had lost their appetite. They were all just watching us now.

“I will mention my father whenever I want to.” I stood up. “You will never accept my life. You will never accept that Dad wanted something better for me.”

She stood up just as quickly as I did. “California is not your home. It is not where you belong. It’s never where you or your father belonged. The Porter’s, they are not your family!”

“Yes they are! They were there when I performed in front of my whole school for the first time, they were there when I walked up to get my diploma, and they were there when my parents died! And where were you…? You guys were here; in Chicago, buried too deep in your fucking pride to come see me at all. Don’t give me some bullshit about how you guys were busy. I tried my hardest to keep in touch, but I wasn’t going to give up my life out there for people who didn’t give two shits about me!”

“Do not speak to me like that!”

“You aren’t my family. You never were.” I frantically started to walk away, but suddenly turned back. “And by the way, Cameron and I aren’t together anymore. So you can stop trying to kiss his ass.”

I walked away furious and tears rapidly falling down my cheeks. I couldn’t breathe and better yet, I could barely walk. I finally got outside and stood up against the wall. Still crying I tried to collect my thoughts and try to figure out what just happened. I said everything I’ve wanted to say since my parents died.

Liam’s POV

We were all left in shock from what just happened. We all sat in silence during the whole thing and even after. I wasn’t sure if I should follow her, none of us really knew if any of us should do anything at all. But I noticed no one was going to be going after her with the fear of disrespecting her grandparents.

“Will you guys excuse me?” I said quietly. Her grandfather nodded okay. “It was really great meeting you guys.” And I got up to find her.

As I walked away I heard Zach from the distance, “Let him go guys. Just give them time.”

I rushed outside, I found her up against a wall crying harder and harder.

“Hey you, come here.” I grabbed her and held her tight. My left hand was on the back of her head while my right hand was rubbing her back trying to comfort her. “You’ll be okay.” She started to calm down but she wasn’t letting go.

I slowly pulled her off to look into her eyes. She was still struggling to breathe, but I wiped her last tears away and pulled her in for another hug.

“Why does it seem like you’re always saving me?” She said trying to find the words still sniffling.

“Sometimes you just need someone to let you know that they’re really there.” She pulled me in for a hug.

“Thank you. Thank you for showing me that you care.” We hugged for what felt like the longest time.

Zach’s POV

The rest of the guys and I walked out of the restaurant leaving Kaylin’s grandparents still inside. We saw Liam comforting Kaylin as we walked outside. The moment she saw us coming her way, she let go of him and ran to me.

“You okay Bug?” She jumped into my arms.

“I hate that you all had to witness that.” She said to all of us while pulling away from me.

“It was bound to happen… we saw that one coming.” Nathan joked.

She laughed a little. “Yeah I know.” She turned to One Direction. “I’m sorry you guys had to experience that. That was not something you guys should have seen.”

“Don’t worry about it. Things happen. But you’re alright huh?” Harry said to her.

“Yeah, I’ll be okay.”

“How about we go back to the hotel and call it a night?” Liam suggested to us.

We all decided that it was probably for the best. We walked back to our hotel with the warm summer breeze in our hair. It was quiet, we all didn’t say much. Liam and Kaylin walked ahead of all of us.

And for the first time, Liam slowly grabbed her hand and she didn’t pull away. It was the first time anyone witnessed this. Sure, the rest of the guys knew something had to have been going on. Harry looked at me and smiled because we both knew that something new was happening right before us.

I turned to look at Cameron walking next to me. I knew he saw what we all just saw. He put his head down not making eye contact with anyone.

I think we were all thinking the same thing. All of us, even Kaylin and Liam; we were all getting set up for another wild ride.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another filler in the story. Its just a chapter I wrote up to lead into more things. Its also just showing you more things Kaylin has to deal with, within herself and with other people around her. Enjoy! x