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The Other Side of the World

Trust Goes A Long Way

The two weeks of tour have passed and now we’re on our last day of tour. The boys’ home town show of San Diego.

Nothing has changed really, but I have been spending a lot of my time with Liam. For once he was finally letting me in. Instead of him asking me all the questions, he finally told me about his life.

Within those two weeks we told me more about him.

He told me about his family and friends from back home.

“You’d get on with my sisters really well.” Hesaid to me.

“Really? How so?” I looked up at him in curiosity.

“I don’t know, but I think they’d really like you. My mom would love you too. That’s for sure.”

“Well maybe one day I’ll be able to meet them,” I said as I played with his hands.

“Now Andy, you would love him. You’re just like him. Sarcastic and all.” He laughed to himself. “You’d really fit into my life.”

“You miss them don’t you?” I smiled at him.

“Every day. It’s hard being in this business, but I know it’s worth it. They support me. And I guess that’s all I can really ask for. But one day I want to be able to give back to all of them. So them how much I really do appreciate them.”

“I’m sure they know how much they love and miss them.”

“I know they do, sometimes I just feel guilty not being around.” He looked down at his hands, hesitating to say anymore. “I miss how simple a lot of things were. That’s all.”


He told me about his past relationships.

“So you know my drama with my ex-boyfriend. How about you?”

“Hm.” He sat there thinking for a while. “Before I went off to XFactor I had this one girlfriend, called Shannon. She was… Well I guess you say, she was my first love. But I was young. So I never really thought much about it.”

“You loved her?”

“As much as a 15 year old boy can love a girl.”

“Love is love no matter what age you are.” I gave him a weak smile. “How come that ended? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“Oh it’s alright. Uh. I guess we just had different things going for us.” He paused. “It’s not like she didn’t approve of my dreams or anything, she was a strong supporter. Things just got complicated. Trust went out the window after a while…” He started to get uncomfortable.

“Oh sorry, you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”

“Yeah. Well then there was Danielle.”

“And she is?”

“Another one of my ex’s. Uhm. Well. We recently broke up, like a month before we came out here.” He hesitated again. “Our schedules didn’t mix. So yeah.”

“How did you meet her?”

“Uhm XFactor. She was a back-up dancer. We had a thing going for a couple months. It was good for that time being.” He was getting uncomfortable again. But I was curious.

“It only ended because of bad communication or…” I was trying not to be nosy, but I wanted to know.

“It ended pretty badly I guess. We just couldn’t make it work. We said some nasty things to each other. Things I do regret ever saying to her or anyone really. Trust was another issue there. Not with just her, but with me too I guess.” He got quiet. “It’s a part of my past I really don’t want to go back to.”

“Did you love her?” I said quietly.

“I did. I guess you can say that it was the first time I really understood what love was.”


From then on he never held anything back from me. Every time he told me something new, I had this feeling that I was the only one who knew these things; like he trusted me with his entire life. All his secrets, all his fears, all his dreams; I knew them all because he trusted me.

One thing that never changed was the way every night ended and it ended with the same question, “So what are we going to do when I leave?” He asked it every night and I avoided it every night.

I wouldn’t expect this last day of tour to be any different.

*knock, knock*
“Kay, open up.” It was Liam at the door.

I opened up the door to find a bouquet of white roses in his hand.

“Hello there. I know these are your favorite.” He handed them to me and kissed me on the cheek. “So you almost ready? We have to be at the venue in like 20 minutes.”

“Yes just give me a minute.” He followed me into my room and sat on my bed waiting patiently for me to finish getting ready. “These are beautiful by the way. Thank you.” I gave him a kiss.

“When did Zach leave?”

“Uh about a half hour ago. They have to do some press stuff or whatever.” I said still stumbling to finish getting ready. “What about you guys. Don’t you have press stuff or whatever to do?”

“Did that this morning. That’s why we couldn’t go to breakfast.”

“Oh.” I put the last of my makeup on, put on my shoes, grabbed my purse, and the rest of my things. “Ready?”

“Yup.” He looked at me up and down. “Don’t you think you’re a little too fancy for today?”

I stood there staring at him in my nice floral dress and wedged high heels.

He put his hands up in defense, “not that I’m complaining because you look absolutely stunning.” He gave me another kiss on the cheek.

“Let’s go.” I grabbed his hand and led him out the door.

“Kaylin,” His voice got quiet as we got into the elevator. “I leave tomorrow morning.”

“Can we not, Liam? Please? Not tonight?”

“Then when?” He simply asked.

“Can we not do this tonight?”

“I leave tomorrow Kaylin. There really isn’t any other time.”

“I want tonight to be perfect, okay? Let’s just have fun?” I gave him a kiss as the elevator doors opened revealing the rest of the band waiting for us in the lobby.

“You can’t keep avoiding this Kay.” He whispered in my ear.

“I just want to spend this last day with you being happy, okay? Just drop it.” I lightly said to him as I walked away greeting the other guys.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just another filler chapter. Setting things up for the chapter coming up. Enjoy!

I realized their ages don't really add up. Just ignore that. haha