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The Other Side of the World

But You Can Never Escape Reality

*Beep, beep*

“Fucking hell.” I said as I quickly turned off my alarm. I rolled over in my bed and I found Zach lying right next to me. “Fuck.”

I looked at the clock. 8am. “Shit, Liam is supposed to leave in a half hour.” I said to myself. I threw on my hoodie and ran out of the room.

I ran passed the bathroom while hearing someone vomiting out their insides. I look at the couch, it was Cameron. He opened the door while wiping his mouth off. “Hi.” He stood there awkwardly.

I looked at him up and down and turned away from him. Without a second look back, I ran out the door.

I reached the elevators. “Damn it. Could this go any slower? Fuck it.” I ran down the stairs to the 5th floor; Liam’s floor.

Slowly walking, trying to still catch my breath. “504, 505, 506…” I took a deep breath.

*knock, knock* No answer.
*knock, knock* No answer again.

“Fucking Liam.”

“Excuse me Miss… Are you looking for someone?” Startled by a tap on my shoulder, I turned around. It was a cleaning lady.

“Uhm yes, the ones who are staying in this room… Do you know if they are still here by any chance?”

“Sorry Miss, I’ve already cleaned the room. There’s no one left in there.”

“Oh…” I said in disappointment. “Thanks anyway.” My heart was pounding out of my chest.

“Did he really leave without saying goodbye?” I said to myself. “All of them?” I quickly gathered my thoughts and ran to the elevator to take me down to the lobby.

“Maybe, just maybe they might still be here.” I checked my phone. “Ten more minutes before they have to leave. Maybe.” I said trying to reassure myself and calm down.

The elevator doors opened and I slowly walked out. My heart pounding out of my chest, I was just hoping to see him one last time before he leaves. I closed my eyes as I turned towards the lobby doors; nothing. I tear rolled down the face.

I stared at the window knowing in my gut that it was all over. That it wasn’t worth fighting for anymore. He wasn’t worth fighting for anymore.

“Waiting for someone?” It was the hotel receptionist.

I turned to him wiping my tears away. “Uhm,” I was still choked up. “More like looking for someone. Uh, you know One Direction?”

“Yes, I heard they were staying here.”

“Well uhm, I was wondering if they had checked out?”

“You just missed them. They left about 15 minutes ago.”

“Oh…” I looked down at my hands. “Thanks anyway Sir.” I started to walk away. My heart was heavy and I could barely breathe.

“Wait. Are you Kaylin?”

I stopped for a second, “Yeah, I am.” I slowly turned to him.

“This was left for you.” He reached out an envelope to me. “One of the band members said it was important and said to give it to you once you guys check out. But it looks like you need it now.”

My eye filled with tears. My throat, I felt like I was choking. I swallowed and took a deep breath as I took the envelope from his hand. “Thanks.” I gave him a weak smile. I started out to the revolving doors.

“He looked pretty upset.” I looked back at him, stared right into his eyes. “Whatever it is, you’ll get through it.”

I went through the revolving doors not even looking up from the envelope in my hands. I walked to the nearest bench, shaking in disbelief of what has happened in the past couple of hours.

The sun was shining high. The temperature was getting higher by the minute. The streets were getting busier and the sidewalks were getting crowded. But I didn’t notice a thing while I sat there with the envelope in my hands.

“Kaylin!”My thoughts were interrupted by Zach. “Bug.” He quickly ran over to me.

I was crying even harder now. Unable to speak, “Come here.” He said as he pulled me in for a hug. “Are you okay?” He looked at me, wiping away my tears. “What is this?” He took the envelope out my hand.

“Kaylin.” He read the front out loud. “Did Liam leave this for you?” He tried looking at me but I kept my head down and just nodded.

The streets got busier. The hot summer wind was blowing. More and more people were walking by, but I still didn’t notice anything.My heart was still heavy, still wishing I could have seen Liam that one last time. I just kept crying and crying, not being able to say a single word. I looked down, playing with my fingers, trying to collect my thoughts.

“Hm...” Zach kept examining the envelope. “Do you want me to read it to you?”

I looked up at him with no emotion and just nodded.

“Okay let’s see here.” I watched him and as slowly opened the envelope. He took out a piece of paper, opened it up and started to read it. But first he put his arm around me, pulled me in, and reassured me he was there. He started slowly reading it. And as he did I started to calm down.

“Dear Kaylin, A lot has happened these past few weeks, things I wouldn’t trade for anything. I know it was wrong not to say goodbye. I know I shouldn’t have just left, but I thought it would be easier for you, and also me, to do it this way. You showed me a lot, things I didn’t even realize was out there in the world. You helped me see things differently, the world differently. I learned a lot from you. You always said you wanted to change at least one person’s life in your life time, where here I am. Kaylin, I know I’m a different person because of you. I wish this was easier for us. I wish we could see each other every day. I wish we could make this all work out, but from what we all saw last night, we can’t do that. I don’t know when I’ll see you again, Kay, I really don’t. But what I want you to know is that you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met; inside and out. You are the most honest, real person I have ever come across. I can honestly say I‘ve never met anyone like you before. Please don’t lose sight in who you are. I promised you I would never hurt you, and I’m sorry that I did. I’m sorry for a lot of things; past, present, and future. You deserve to be happy Kaylin, you deserve someone who will love you unconditionally and someone who can be there to take care of you all the time. You’re going to find someone like that one day, I know you will. Be strong, take care, and love life more than anything. Please never forget those nights we spent together, and please never forget me. I love you, I always have from the first day I laid my eyes on you. You’ll be in my heart forever. Liam.”

I sat there in Zach’s arms clenching my arms around his body. The moment Zach read out loud “I love you” I couldn’t hold back the tears anymore.

“Hold on Kaylin there’s one more thing.” Zach took his arm off me and kept reading. “Ps: Here are two things I want you to have.” Zach handed me the letter and pulled the two things out of the envelope.

He handed me a yellow ribbon and a little gold beaded bracelet. He kept reading, “Tie the yellow ribbon on your left hand and the put gold bracelet on your right.” I did has he said. I pushed up my sleeves so Zach could tie the ribbon around my wrist. He saw the scars and his hands we’re trembling. He took a minute before continuing. “These are reminders for you Kaylin; for those days where it’s tough for you. The days where you can’t take the pain inside your heart anymore. When those days get the best of you, and you want to do something you know isn’t good for you; you’ll see these on your wrist and I want them to remind you of happiness. I want them to remind you of love. I want them to remind you that someone out there cares. Reality can escape you sometimes, but you can never escape reality.”

And that was it. That was all he left me. Zach put his arm back around me. “So how you feeling Bug?” He kissed my forehead.

“You do a terrible British accent.” He looked at me confused and I just smiled at him.

“Hey I tried okay. I wanted the full effect of things.” We both laughed. “You’re going to be okay Bug, everything is going to be okay.”

Zach grabbed my hand and led me back into the lobby. He had all our stuff packed up. We were ready to go back home.

Liam’s POV

The turbulence of the plane was not helping my mood that morning. A 12 hour plane ride back home, was not worth it for me. “Fuck I just want to be home already.” I said out loud to myself.

“Mate,” Harry turned to me. “Just put your headphones in and sleep. By the time you wake up, we’ll be home.”

He had a good point. It would probably be easier just to sleep everything off for now. I looked out the window to the puffy white clouds and the sun shining brightly. I turned on my IPod, put it straight to shuffle and put my headphone on.

“We’ll do it all, everything, on our own…” Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol started to play. It was Kaylin’s favorite song. I remember every night before the sun would rise, she would play it. We would both sit there in each other’s arms singing along.

I bit my lip trying to hold back the tears. One tear rolled down my face as I closed my eyes. My heart was aching, but there wasn’t much I could do now. I fell into a deep sleep, trying not to remember anything at all.
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I hope you guys are enjoying it!
Just a couple more chapters left until the end!!! <3 x