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The Other Side of the World

I Don’t Want To Leave Her, I Can’t Leave Her

Kaylin’s POV

I woke up more tired than when I fell asleep. I realized it was a new day, but I also figured my trip probably wouldn’t be any better.

I got up and looked out the window. The sun was shining bright and high, the streets were filled with cars, and people were everywhere. It was a beautiful day.

I turned back and looked around the room. My heart sank down to my stomach with the recognition that I was all alone, all alone in a place I knew nothing about. I grabbed my purse and a few other things and went into the bathroom.

Without looking back, I closed the door behind me.

Harry’s POV

I woke up much later than I expected to.

I haven’t spoken to any of the lads since last night, surprisingly none of them checked up on me. But I thought they would have known I would be watching over Kaylin.

Knowing I’d probably have to wake up the other lads, I drag them to grab something to eat with Kaylin and me.

“Come on Niall, you idiot, pick up your damn phone.” I said to myself waiting impatiently as the phone kept ringing.

“*grunt* Ugh hello?” He answered the phone still half asleep.

“Nialler wake up!”

“Harry, what do you want?”

“Come eat with Kaylin and me.”

“No. This hangover sucks. I just want to sleep.”

“How hammered did you get last night?”

“Just enough. Now let me go back to bed.”

“Come on Ny, We gotta keep her company.”

“You and Kaylin are a bad idea Harry, so just drop it.”

“Why is it that I can’t get close to a girl as a friend? People keep thinking I want something more.”

“You’re Harry Styles, the one who always does want something more.”


“It’s true and you know it.”

“Well she’s Kaylin, the one who is in love with Liam. And you’re Niall Horan, the one who never takes down the offer to go out to eat. Now that we all know who each other is, get off your arse and let’s go!”

“Ugh. Fine, but its only because I’m already awake.”

“Good. Now get Louis and meet me at Kaylin’s room in 15 minutes. Don’t be late.”

“What about Zayn and Liam?”

“I’ll text Zayn to keep Liam company. We don’t need Liam and Kaylin seeing each other right now. Okay? 15 minutes Niall. I’ll see you soon.” I hung up and rushed to get ready.

I tried to ring Kaylin, but there wasn’t an answer. I just thought that she must still be sleeping.


I walked over to Kaylin’s room taking a deep breath before knocking on the door.

*knock, knock* No answer. I knocked again. Still no answer.

“Kaylin?!” I yelled out. “Kaylin?” It was nearly half past noon; she should be up by now. I took a step back from the door and quickly grasped the fact that I had her room key in my pocket.

“I can’t,” I said to myself. “But…”

I slipped the room key into the slot. The little light turned green and I slowly opened the door. I looked around the room and Kaylin was nowhere to found.

All I could hear was the faucet running from the bathroom. “Kaylin? It’s Harry. I’ll just wait for you out here.” No answer.

I sat on her bed waiting for her; five minutes later the faucet was still on. “Hey Kaylin, you alright?” I walked up to the bathroom door. “Kaylin…” Still no answer.

I knocked on the door, “Kay, answer me.” Nothing. I put my hand on the door knob to find it was unlocked. I slowly opened it to find Kaylin sprawled out on the floor covered in blood.

“Kaylin!” I ran to her with my heart racing practically out of my chest. “Kaylin, no.” I kept saying aloud.

I picked her up crying I could barely see. I had forgotten my hand was sprained, but it didn’t matter. I had to get help.

Louis’ POV

“Why are we even up right now?” I asked Niall rubbing my head because of my horrible hangover.

“Don’t know. Harry wants to take Kaylin out to eat. Kinda distract her I guess.”

“Oh man.”


We got to Kaylin’s room and knocked before entering. “Hey H, you left the door open.”

Niall and I looked around to find Kaylin in Harry’s arms in the middle of the floor as he struggled to get his phone out. They were both covered in blood.

“Help me!” He yelled out crying hysterically.

“Harry what happened?” I said running to him.

“I don’t know.” He was having trouble breathing, he was crying so hard. “I found her covered in blood. I found her like this. I don’t know what to do. Help me please!”

“Niall call an ambulance now!” I watched as he frantically started to dial.

“There are pills all over the bathroom floor, Louis. I don’t know. The bottle of her antidepressants is empty. Louis, she’s unconscious!”

“It’s okay Harry, it’s okay. Everything is going to be okay.”

“The ambulance is on its way.” Niall said crying as well.

Harry was trying to find ways to stop her from bleeding. She had cuts everywhere, from her arms to her legs.

“I can’t, I can’t…” He held her in his arms still trying to find the words he needed to say.

“What is is Harry? Breathe. Come on, what is it?”

“Go get, Liam and Zayn. And Niall get Georgie. He should be outside. I’ll stay here until the ambulance gets here. Get them and meet us at the hospital.”

“Harry we can’t leave you here.”

“I’ll be fine. Please just go.” He was still hysterically crying, but we did as he asked. “Lou!” he said stopping me before I ran out the door. “Call Zach. He needs to be here. Tell him everything and I mean everything.”

I nodded and ran out the door.

“Niall go get Georgie and I’ll meet you out back in 5 minutes.”

I ran to Zayn’s room desperately knocking on his door. “Zayn! Open up! Hurry!”

“Bloody hell Louis! What?!” He opened up the door with Liam beside him.

“Thank God you two are together. We need to go, now!” I grabbed both of them by their arms and dragged them out.

“Louis, hold on! What’s going on?” Liam could sense it.

“Louis! Stop! Why are you crying? What’s going on?” Zayn yelled out trying to keep up behind me.

I kept walking. “Louis stop!” Liam ran in front of me. “What the hell is going on?!”

I tried to catch my breath and hold back anymore tears. “It’s Kaylin, Liam. It’s not good.”

“What do you mean it’s not good?” His face fell in sadness. “Louis, tell me right now. What’s happening?”

I started to cry. “Harry found her. In her room, Liam it’s not good.” Liam ran as fast as he could. “Liam! Wait please!”

Liam’s POV

My heart was about to explode and my knees were weak from the news, but I just kept running. I charged into her room and found her in Harry’s arms on the floor.

“Liam!” He said. He was crying uncontrollably. And I could say the same for myself.

“Harry. What happened?”

“I found her like this Liam. I found her in the bathroom.” He paused to catch his breath. “It won’t stop. Liam she won’t stop bleeding.”

My hands were covered in blood at this point and my cheeks were wet from all the tears. “Kaylin, please.” I said quietly.

Suddenly I felt Zayn and Louis try and pick me up from the ground. “No! Stop! Let go of me!” I yell at them.

“Liam, come on! We have to go, we have to let the paramedics.” Louis said to me as the paramedics came rushing in. But I shoved the both of them off and ran back to Kaylin.

“I can’t leave her! No I won’t leave her!”

“Liam go.” Harry said to me. “I’ve got it.”

“No!” I yelled out.

“Come on, Liam. We’ll meet them at the hospital.” Louis and Zayn finally had a good grip on me that I couldn’t get out.

“I don’t want to leave her, I can’t leave her.” I said looking at them take her out of Harry’s arms.

“Harry will take care of her, Liam. We have to go.”

The paramedics closed the door as we left. Kaylin on the stretcher was the last I saw.
♠ ♠ ♠
Emotionally, this was the hardest chapter I had to write.
This was the chapter that has been stuck in my head for a while now.
Give me feedback. Thanks and enjoy! <3 x