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The Other Side of the World

And Now We Wait

Harry’s POV

Hours have passed but no one spoken a word. The doctors had said that we would have to wait until she wakes up.

Everything in her room was dark and mysterious. None of us knew really want to do. The police asked us questions, wanting to know what really had happened. Press was everywhere, but we just didn’t want to leave her side.

Zach and Cameron took the fastest flight out here and we were expecting them soon.

I still couldn’t wrap my head around what I just went through. But I guess none of us could. I sat next to her holding her hand, hoping she could feel my presence. The doctor said she was completely unconscious and there isn’t any estimated time as to when she will be awake again or if she would ever wake up.

I think we were all just holding out breaths and hoping she’d wake up soon.

Liam’s POV

My heart as going to explode from all the anticipation, I couldn’t stop shaking from what had just happened. I couldn’t take seeing her lying in the hospital bed all bandaged up. I felt weak and helpless. I just wanted her to wake up so I knew that she was okay.

I didn’t realize how bad all of it was. I didn’t know how bad she was. I should have known.

“Liam…” My thoughts were interrupted by Danielle’s voice.

I looked up to see her standing at the door with my sister. Their eyes were filled with tears. “Dani.” I ran and hugged her, knowing that despite what happened that night before, she would always be there for me.

“Come Liam, let’s go talk.” I followed her into the hallway and we both sat on the floor right outside of the room. She grabbed my hand and put her head on my shoulder. We both sat in silence, but I knew she was just waiting for me to say something.

“I shouldn’t have left her. Not when she needed me the most.” I said quietly. Danielle looked up at me trying to figure out what I was thinking. “The one time someone really needed me, I walked away…”

“Liam you can’t blame yourself for what just happened. It’s not your fault.”

“Then whose is it Danielle? I know you don’t know her and I know you think I don’t know her well enough either, but I spent every day with her since the first time I met her. Danielle, every day and she told me everything. She told me things she never told anyone else. I’m just some guy she met one day and yet she trusted me with everything. And I let her down when I promised I never would.”

“You broke up with me because you still love her, don’t you?”

“I broke up with you because it’s not fair to you.”

“I saw the way you looked at her when you saw her again.” She let go of my hand. “You never looked at me like that…”


“No, Liam I get it. You were different when you came back from the states. I knew things were different. But I wanted to be with you and I figured I’d get used to it. And when you told me you wanted to get back together, I just couldn’t let you go again because I love you.”

“Danielle, I love you too…”

“But not like you love her. I get it Liam, I really do. I understand, but yeah it’s hard for me. I can’t get in the way of it. You and I, it was a long time ago and that time is done for us. We were done for a while now, I guess I just couldn’t let you go.”

“I’ll always love you Danielle, please know that.”

“I’ll never forget it. Liam Payne, you deserve everything good in the world. And I will always love you.” She looked at me as her eyes filled with tears. She grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek. “Stop trying to make everyone happy, it’s time to make yourself happy.”

I smiled at her knowing that she was right.

“Liam?” We were interrupted by Harry holding an envelope. Danielle went back into the room as Harry took her place and sat next to me. “Here.” He handed it to me.

“What’s this?” I said slowly opening it.

“The police found it in her room. It was addressed to you.” I held it first not wanting to open it. “She loves you, you know?”

“What do you mean?”

“The kiss, it meant nothing. She loves you and only you.”

“Thanks Harry, for being there for her.”

“She needed a friend, and I just provided that for her. But she needs you, and I’m not you.” He paused for a second. “You should have told her, you should have told her that for a week after you left her you were miserable, that you never forgot about her. Liam, she’s right, you were settling and that’s not who you are.”

“I broke up with Danielle last night. That’s what I had to take care of. I told her I couldn’t do it anymore.”

“So now what?”

“I was going to tell Kaylin today about it. But it’s too late now.”

“Mate, it’s not too late, she’s still here. She’s alive. You just not have to prove to her that you’re not going anywhere this time.”

“So where do I start?”

“I supposed with the letter.” He pointed at the open envelope in my hands.

I carefully opened up the letter and quickly, a yellow ribbon covered with little blood stains fell into my lap. My heart grew heavy and my eye filled with tears, but I knew I had to read this letter.

“Dear Liam,

I could probably write an entire book about how much I love you, and yet it still wouldn’t be enough to explain it all. You came into my life out of a complete surprise, and you left the exact same way. I don’t regret spending all that time with you. I don’t regret ever falling for you. And I especially don’t regret trusting you with my entire life. You changed me. You changed me in the best way possible. You taught me to love again. You taught me to trust again. You taught me that I’m better than what I think of myself. I know you must be thinking at this point that it’s your fault, that you could have done something to stop me, but to be honest with you… I was in way too deep before you ever came along. Honestly, you probably let me live a lot longer than I wanted. All those nights we spent together, it was all honest and real. I never held anything back with you. I loved you, and I always will. I was never scared with you, I was never afraid to be myself with you. If you asked… if you honestly asked me to give up everything for you; I probably would have. It would have been crazy, it would have been insane, but it would have been right. You were the only guy who made me take chances, who took me out of my comfort zone. I loved you for everything you had to offer me. Liam please just know that none of this is your fault. It’s no one’s fault but my own. I know why you left me that night. I know that everything I had to offer you was not what you wanted. You’re perfect, and I’m nothing close to that, yet you still loved me in some weird way. You couldn’t save me, no one could have. So when those days come around to when you start to miss me, just remember all the good times we had. 4am talks every night, sunrises on the balcony, and the love we had for each other. I’m just another person who has come and gone in your life. Liam, so please to dwell on the “what could have been” and “what if”, just move on and live life. You deserve the best; you deserve more than you think you do. So please never lose sight in it. Make yourself happy; find someone who will love you for your perfections and imperfections. Don’t be afraid and take those chances. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.

I love you Liam James Payne and I always will. Please don’t ever forget me.

Forever yours, Kaylin Marie.”

My heart broke into a million pieces as a tear fell upon the words “forever yours”. I clenched onto the ribbon trying to hold back every emotion from the letter. I traced the letters on my page, her indentions of every letter written. I analyzed the many different smudge marks of the pen along the pages. Her tear stains scattered along the line.

Harry pulled me in for a hug as I broke down crying even harder into his shoulder. He was crying too making it all harder for me. I couldn’t breathe, I felt lost, and completely alone. I just wanted Kaylin to wake up. I just wanted to hold her again.

“Where is she?” Harry and I focused our attention on the loud commotion down the hall. “Where is she?! Where the hell is she?”

It was Zach running down the hall. He spotted us getting up from the floor still crying. “Harry! Liam!” Cameron yelled out running towards us with Zach. “Where is she?” He said out of breath.

“In there.” Harry pointed to her door as we both tried to wipe our tears and get ourselves together.

I walked in after them and found Zach crying next to her. Everyone in that room started to cry just as hard. No one could keep it in anymore. Cameron was scared. He fell to the ground crying harder and harder.

Zach held her and just cried. Harry led everyone out of the room giving Cameron and Zach their time alone with her.

As we walked out of the room, you can hear Zach crying out to her, “Please Kaylin, please. I’m here. Just wake up. Please don’t leave.” At that moment, I knew that this was a lot bigger than just her leaving me. It was a lot bigger than just drama between me and her.

We all went into the waiting room not knowing what to do. We prayed and waited for Kaylin to wake up.
♠ ♠ ♠
So. yeah, this was kind of a hard chapter for me to write. But its getting there. Enjoy! please let me know what you think! xx