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The Other Side of the World

I'll Wait Forever For You

I woke up to an empty room with my outfit to leave laid out at the end of my bed. “8am.” I said aloud looking at the clock on the wall. Knowing I had a flight in a couple hours wasn’t really motivating me to get up, but I did it anyway. Turning my head toward the window, I saw the sun lightly peeking through the curtains. “It looks like a beautiful day.” I said to myself.

I cautiously got ready trying not to ruin any of the bandages on my arms and legs. Zach, being the logical guy he is, left me sweat pants and a hoodie. Though I didn’t mind it since it would cover up all the bandages, but it wasn’t my ideal outfit to leave in since I was stuck with that ugly hospital gown for the last couple days.

As I finished getting ready I carefully folded my gown and out it at the end of the bed. I slowly walked over to the window peered out to see the paparazzi attack Zach and Cameron as they entered the hospital. With an anxious feeling at the pit of my stomach, I impatiently waited for them to come get me.

Moments later, Cameron walked pushing a wheelchair in front of him.

“You’re joking right?”

“They don’t want you walking a lot, they said it might ruin some of the bandages and wound on your legs.”

I took a seat in it, “Oh come on Cam, I’m gonna look so dumb being pushed out of here.”

“Doctor’s orders, but…” He crouched down so his mouth was close to my ear, “We’ll ditch it once we get to the airport. Zach and I don’t think you need it.”

“Oh thank God.” I said laughing with a sign of relief. “Where is Z anyway?”

“Just talking to the doctors.” He pushed me out into the hallway to find Zach patiently waiting for us.

“How you doing Bug?” He said as he kissed me on the cheek and took Cameron’s spot.

“I’ve been better.”

“Well we’re gonna go home now, everything is going to be better.”

“Yeah…” I said quietly under my breath. I threw my up hair into a sloppy bun just before we reached the doors to exit the hospital.

“You ready Kay?” Cameron asked grabbing my hand.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” The automatic doors slid open as we got closer. Flashes from every angle came at me.

“Kaylin? Is it true that Liam Payne is the reason you’re here?” One of the paparazzi said.

“Are you crazy?” said another one.

The questions kept coming. The sea of people asked questions even if they didn’t get answers. I hid myself under my hood so they couldn’t see that I was crying. My heart was pounding fast, I was getting overwhelmed. Cameron squeezed my hand to reassure me that he was still there and that everything was going to be okay.

Still holding my hand he helped me out of the wheelchair and into the car. Hiding me from the paparazzi, he shut the door behind him.

“Are you okay?” Zach asked as he got into the front seat.

“Yeah I’ll be fine,” I said as I wiped my cheeks dry. He looked back at me knowing I wasn’t.

“Heathrow airport Georgie.”

“Yes sir.”

“Hi Georgie.” I said soft spoken.

“Hello Miss Anderson.” He smiled through the rearview mirror.

“I told you…”

“I know, Kaylin. Hello Kaylin.” He said cutting me off before I could remind him once again.

“You’ve been great Georgie. I’m gonna miss you.” I gave him a weak smile.

“I’m gonna miss you too kiddo.”

My heart sank down to my stomach as I heard him say those words. “You remind me a lot of my dad.”

“Well I bet he was a great man. He raised such a beautiful young lady.”

“He was…” I said under my breath giving a weak smile. “Z?”

“Yeah Bug.”

“I’m ready to go home.” I cuddled up next to Cameron as we drove off to the airport.


We finally arrived to more paparazzi. I just never understood how word traveled so fast. My stomach filled up with anxiety, I didn’t know what to do.

“You take care of yourself okay kiddo?” He saw the worried expression painted on my face.

“I will Georgie, thank you for everything.” I gave him a hug from behind before getting out of the car.

“Come on Kay,” Cameron grabbed my hand. “I got you, I promise.” He helped me out of the car guarding me away from everyone. There were more questions, more flashes, and more people. I was ready to break down again.

We got into the airport very much overwhelmed. Cameron stood in front of me taking my hood down. Searching everywhere on my body, he then looked into my eyes and said, “Are you alright?”

“Yeah Cam, I’m okay.” He pulled me in for a hug and I realized I had forgotten how safe I felt in his arms. Knowing that we were each other’s first loves and that no matter what happened between us, it wouldn’t change anything. I knew I would always love him.

“Okay guys bags are checked in, you ready to head back home?” Zach said as he ran up to us. Cameron and I broke it off and just smiled at each other. At that moment we both knew that we were okay, that despite that summer, that past year, we we’re okay. We were finally okay with one another.

“Yeah Z, we’re ready.” He put my arm around me as we walked towards security.

Suddenly, there was a call from behind us. “Kaylin!”

“Took him long enough.” Zach said under his breath as he smiled to himself. I looked at him confused.

“Kaylin!” There it was again.

I turned around to find Harry and Liam running towards us. Zach let go of me and said, “Go ahead, we’ll wait right here.” I looked over at Cameron and he smiled gesturing to go.

Liam’s POV

Harry and I were out of breath as we approached Kaylin panting with our hands on our knees trying to catch our breath.

“Harry… Liam… What?” She paused in confusion. “What are you guys doing here?”

“We tried to get here as fast as we could, we were afraid we’d miss you.” Harry said still a little winded.

“I needed to see you one last time,” I said finally able to speak. “And I’m sorry.”

“For what?” She looked at me strangely. She had no idea what I was really apologizing for.

“For everything. I owe you an apology. And a real one. I’m sorry for leaving you that night. I’m sorry for saying those things to you in the elevator.” I paused trying to collect my thoughts, because at this point I was hysterically crying and so was she. “I’m sorry for not helping you when you needed it. Because I knew. I knew what you were dealing with, and I didn’t help you. And I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I couldn’t save you...”

“Liam…. Liam stop.” With tears falling rapidly down her cheeks she grabbed my hands and kissed them. “I never expected you to save me. I never expected anything for you. All I wanted was to be loved back, and its okay. Please Liam, don’t beat yourself up over this. It’s not your fault. I was already screwed up way before you met me.”

“I wanted to fix you, I want to help you.”

“You can’t Liam, you just can’t.” She grabbed face, with her hands at my cheeks. I looked at her deep brown eyes which were filled with tears and she said, “But you can do something for me.”


“Stay strong for me?”

“Always.” I said has my eyes started to tear up more.

“And wait for me?”

“Until the sun stops shining.” I pulled her in hugging her as I never wanted to ever let go. Kissing her on her forehead, never wanting her to leave. “I’ll wait forever for you, Kaylin Marie. Forever, I promise you.” I whispered for only her and me to know.

She then quickly pressed her lips against mine. We kissed like we never have kissed before. And in that moment, we knew what forever was.

She quickly pulled away, walked towards Harry kissing him on the cheek and giving him a strong hug. We we’re all crying at this point. She ran her finger through his brown curly hair and said, “Take care of him for me okay?”

He nodded, “Yeah of course.”

She walked back up to me with a limp in her step. She gave me one last kiss and slowly pulled away, mouthing the words “I love you” just before she turned back around Zach and Cameron.

“I love you, too.” I yelled back at her for everyone to hear. It was the first time I ever said it aloud to her.

I watched as she walked into the security area. I watched knowing I wouldn’t hear from her for months. My heart grew heavy with sadness, but then Harry put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Mate, she’s gonna be okay.” And a rush of relief came over me.

Kaylin’s POV – 3 and a half months later

“Kaylin! Have a seat.”

“Hi, Dr. Andrews.”

“How are you feeling today?” She said smiling as she jotted things down onto her notepad.

“Better, a lot better.”

“That’s good!” She didn’t even look up, she just kept writing. “Happy birthday by the way.” She looked up and smiled.

“Thank you!” I smiled back.

“So you get to go home today. Any big plans?” She went back to writing on her notepad.

“No nothing I don’t think. I think we’re just having family dinner. It’s been a while since we’ve had one of those.”

“And how do you feel about that?”

“I’m okay. I’m nervous. But I’m okay.”

“I see. Are you going to see Cameron? I know you two have been writing letters to each other. I see him drop one off every day.”

I laughed to myself. “I don’t know actually. I mean I supposed I will. But I’m not in a rush to see him.”

She wrote down some notes. “How do you feel about going to school after the holidays?”

“I’m scared. But excited. I think I’m going to be okay.”

She kept writing. “And how do you feel about being out there again? Into the real world as all you kids say it.”

“Scared. Anxious. Worried. Excited. Happy. I’m feeling a lot of emotions about it. But I think they’re all good. “

“You’re going to do great.” She smiled, but not looking up at me. “So do you have your antidepressants?”

“Yes. They’re packed.”

“You still have enough anxiety pills?”

“I do, yes.” I sat there nervously shaking my leg. I just wanted to get out of there already.

Finally she stopped writing and looked up at me. “Well Kaylin Anderson, I think we are done here. You’re free to go.” She stood up putting her notepad down.

“I’m done? I can go home?”

“Yes.” I shot up from my seat at that moment and gave her the biggest hug.

“Thank you so much!”

She laughed at me. “All your bags are in the lobby. There will be someone there to take you home.”

“Thanks again Dr. Andrews!” I said running out of her office.

I walked, well pretty much ran over to the lobby and found Zach putting my bags into his car. “Zach!” I ran straight into his arms.

“Oh it’s been a while since I’ve had this hug.” He pulled away from me and smiled at me before pulling me back for another hug. “Man, I’ve really missed you Bug.”

“I’ve missed you more than you will ever know. We’ve seen each other once, and that was on Thanksgiving and I didn’t even get to see you for that long. I’m surprised I didn’t stay crazy for being in there for so long without seeing you.”

“It’s good to know you haven’t lost your sense of humor.” He said as he rattled his hand through my hair. Now get in.” I walked around the car to the passenger’s seat. “By the way Bug, Happy birthday.”

I smiled at him feeling that everything at that moment was perfect. He got into the car and we started to drive away. “It’s good to be back.”

“How you feeling?”

“I have a feeling I’m going to get that question a lot.” He shrugged at me. “I’m happy. I’m good. I’m just happy to be home.”

“But wait. We’ve gotta make one stop first.”

“Oh come on Z, I want to go home and eat dinner. I’m starving. I’ve been eating that food, if that’s what you call it for 3 and a half months. I want some real food. I want my home cooked birthday dinner. I want to see my family.”

“And you will Bug. Be patient.” We pulled up to a hotel that was near our house.

“Why are we here?”

He grabbed a backpack from the back seat and handed it to me. “Come on.” He got out of the car and opened my door for me. I rummaged through the backpack to find my favorite black strapless dress and my cork wedged white lace shoes.

He led me to a room and said, “Get changed.” Without any questions asked, I did as he said. We parted ways as he went to get ready himself.

“Come on Kaylin, We’re going to be late.” I heard him yell a few minutes later.

“Are you even going to tell me where we’re going?” I said walking out to find him in his light blue button up dress shirt with his black dress pants and fancy shoes.

“Let’s go.” He grabbed my hand and led me back to the car.

Everything was moving so fast I couldn’t even wrap my head around what was going on. “Zach wait!” I said before he got into the car.

“Get in, we’re late!” He said smiling at me just before he jumped in the car.

“Seriously Zachary.” I got in the car and slightly gave up because I knew he would never really tell me. He drove off without saying a word. I waited a bit before asking again. “Where are we going at least? Can you tell me that?”

“We’re going home.” I got quiet for a bit trying to figure out what was going on.

“Okay, but….” I looked around at my outfit. “What’s with all of this?”

“You’ll see.” He smiled at me as we pulled up in front of our house.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter was really hard for me to write. haha.
But please please please tell me what you think of it!
I have one more chapter left before I end the story.
So please tell me how this chapter was! :D
Enjoy! <3