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The Other Side of the World

How About You, Are You Happy?

I grabbed a water bottle and sat on the couch. Man it was so cold in the green room. I sat there waiting patiently for someone to keep me company. That was one problem about just being the merch girl on tour. There really wasn’t much to do when the guys were hard at work.

I lay across the couch just playing with my phone. Boredom has over taken me. I was trying so hard not to fall asleep because Zach hated me taking random naps during the day when it wasn’t needed. He knew by the time I woke up I was in a shitty mood.

“Hey Kay.” I was interrupted by Liam’s warm touch on my leg. I moved my legs and sat up so he could take a seat. “What are you up to?” He opened his water bottle and took a sip.

“Nothing. I’m so bored!” I threw my head back looking up at the ceiling. “Time couldn’t move any slower.” I grunted.

He laughed. And as he did the rest of the boys walked in. “Kaylin, I didn’t know you were going to be in here.” Niall said.

“Problem?” I shot a flirty glare at him. “I just wanted to stop by and hang out. I’m so bored while everyone else is doing their job.”

“What about your job?” Harry said while grabbing some fruit off the table that the venue had left for them.

“My job doesn’t start until the VIP meet and greet.” I looked at my phone. “3pm. Two and a half hours. Gosh. What am I supposed to do for the next two and a half hours?” I rolled my eyes.

“You complain too much.” Louis joked.

“I know. You think I’d be used to this by now. But nope, it’s just as boring as the first time I ever did it. Love what I do for the boys… but all this waiting gets so boring.” Things went silent. The boys were too busy munching on the food. “I am the most impatient person ever.” I grunted.

I got up because these boys did not seem to care that I was bored. “Where are you going?” Liam grabbed my arm not letting me walk away.

I stopped and turned to him. “I don’t know, try and find something to do.” He looked up at me. “Wanna come with me?” I bit my lip.

He let go of my arm and looked around at the guys. “Uh yeah, let’s go.”

Without a second thought, he followed me out of the green room. I made sure to stop at the boys’ sound check to make sure they knew I was leaving. I waved over to Zach to get his attention.

“Be back in time!” He said into the microphone. I nodded to him. I knew Cameron was staring at me. I didn’t look back; walking away was the best thing for me.

We walked out of the venue into the hot sun. There was already a line half way down the block. Allstar Weekend fans were the best. The most dedicated I think. Liam and I waved to be polite. Some recognized Liam and went absolutely crazy. Everyone yelled hi, because well, they knew me as “Zach’s best friend”.

It was silent for a while. I walked a couple steps ahead of him, I was nervous for some reason. We just walked and walked in silence until Liam spoke up, “Missed you at breakfast today. Zach said you weren’t feeling too well. Are you better now?”

I looked back at him. He was looking down at his shoes with his hands in his pockets. His hair fell perfectly in front of his face. I looked back ahead of me, biting my lip, “Yeah, I’m okay now.” He started to catch up with me. “Just a rough night last night, that’s all.”

“Care to share?” He smiled at me. “I’m a good listener you know.” He nudged my arm with his elbow.

“Oh I believe you. Just don’t think this is something you’d like to hear about. Just my past it’s nothing to worry about.” I looked away from him.

We stopped right in front of a Starbucks. “How about I get us something to drink and maybe you can just tell me what’s on your mind.”


“Here you go.” Liam handed me my drink and a straw as we sat on a bench just in front of the place. “Wait.” He grabbed my hand. “Let’s make a deal, since you’re so sure that I don’t want to hear about what happened last night, I challenge you to something.” He winked at me.

I smiled at him. “Well okay, I’m up for it. What do you have in mind?”

“Nothing big. Rip a little bit off your straw.” I did as he said. “And I’ll do that same. Okay. All you gotta do is blow the wrapper off and if yours goes farther than mine, you don’t have to say anything about last night. But if mine goes farther, I say you tell me what’s on your mind. Deal?”

“You’re crazy, but okay.” And we both blew through the straw at the same time. “Damn it.”

“Looks like I’ll be hearing about. I’m all yours….” He looked down at his watch. “For the next hour.”

I rolled my eyes and looked away all shy and what not. “It really isn’t that big of a deal. Drama, that’s all.”

“Well I still want to hear about it. I’m sure you need someone to talk to anyway. And I’m offering. So stop being so stubborn and just talk to me.” He turned to me to make see that I have his full attention.

“Okay well,” I turned to him. I looked straight into his eyes and told him everything. “Cameron and I are ex’s. But he’s my best friend. I told him I didn’t want to be with him last night, and well it didn’t end too well. I’m all he knows and he’s all I really know…. And I think we’re just both really scared to walk away from each other. Or at least I’m scared of walking away from someone I love or loved. I don’t really know.” I paused to catch my breath and hold back the tears. “I hate putting so much love and trust into someone and getting disappointed in the end. Especially when it’s someone you thought was completely different.” It was silent for a while; at least it seemed like it. I didn’t realize all the people walking by, the cars driving past, or the birds flying past us.

I put my head down trying so hard to hold back every tear. I was tired of crying and I definitely didn’t want Liam to see me like this. But to my surprise he lifted my chin, looked straight into my eyes, and as he did slowly a tear ran down my left cheek. With the warm touch of his hand, his thumb slowly wiped that tear away.

“So where do you stand now with him?” He quietly asked me.

“Honestly? I don’t know. I could say I’m really done and over him. But that’s not true. You can’t just throw a 2 year relationship away…” I paused. “What do you think?”

Liam turned away and looked out into the street. “You see that couple right there. The one walking hand in hand, right there?” He pointed out to them.

“Yeah, what about them?” I was confused.

“You see how happy they are? How much you can just tell they are in love from the smile on their faces.” He turned back at me. “That’s what you need, happiness. I know I don’t know you too well, and I don’t know the situation either, but a relationship is based off of trust and happiness.” He looked straight into my eyes again. “You aren’t in love until other people can see it. Like that couple was. They were happy. How about you, are you happy?”

I looked around the street. I saw couples of all sorts; old, young, distant, all over each other, and then I stumbled upon a couple yelling at each other across the street. They were having lunch but having an argument. He looked like he was trying to apologize for something and she wasn’t having it. Then I thought back to last night. I turned to Liam, met his gaze and sighed, “No. I’m not happy. I haven’t been for a while now.”

“There you go. There’s your answer.”

“I’m still confused Liam. I don’t really know what the answer is.”

“Why be with someone when you aren’t happy with them?”

“Oh….” *ring, ring* We were interrupted by my phone. “Oh it’s Zach. Give me a sec, he hates when I don’t answer my phone.”

Liam nodded. “Yeah go ahead.”

“Hey Z, what’s up?”

“Bug, I need you to come back now.” He said frantically.

“Why? I still have like a half hour. I’m just down the block.”

“I need you here now. I need to talk to you.”

“Uhm, uh… okay. Liam and are will head back now.” I got up and gestured for Liam to follow me. “But Z, what’s wrong?” I was getting worried.

“It’s nothing, but I just need to talk to you right now. Just meet me on the bus, okay? I gotta go. If I’m not in there yet, just wait for me.” Then he hung up.

“What’s going on?” Liam tried to keep up with me.

“I don’t really know. I’m confused. But he sounded like he really needed to talk to me.” I kept walking in a fast pace.

“Slow down. I’m sure everything is alright.” Soon enough we were back at the venue. More people were waiting in line now.

Trying to catch my breath, “I’ll see you later okay? I have to go meet him on the bus.”

“Okay, yeah.” He started to walk away.

“Liam!” I ran to him and gave him a hug. “Thanks for helping me out today. I really needed it.”

He smiled, “You look beautiful by the way.” and then walked away. I stood there biting my lip, not even realizing there were a bunch of fans watching us. An uproar of awes from the fans checked me back into reality.

“Zach!” I ran onto the bus. I sighed, “Looks like he isn’t here yet.” I sat down still trying to catch my breath. Not only from almost running back, but because my heart once again was beating faster than a lion trying to catch its prey.

All I could do now was wait for Zach. But all I did was really think of what Liam had said to me. He does have a point. As much as walking away and moving on hurts me, it’s what’s best for me and not only me, Cameron too.

I still hadn’t got my head around the entire situation; actually I think I was more confused that I was before.

“God damn it Zach, hurry up and get in here before my head explodes from all this thinking,” I said to myself.
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I suck at writing. but enjoy! :D xx