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The Other Side of the World

I Don't Want You Falling For Him

“Bug, wake up!” Zach smacked my arm.

“Uhm… ow. What was that for?” I got up rubbing my arm.

“You know how cranky you get after a nap.”

“Yeah whatever. How long was asleep for?”

“I don’t know about 10 minutes.” He took a seat next to me and put his arm around me.

“So… what did you need to talk about?”

“Oh nothing. I just wanted to spend some time with you before the show.”

“Really Zach? You made me run back here all worried and what not, and all you wanted to do was sit here with me?” I pushed him off.

“Oh come on Bug, you know you want to hang out with me too.” He pulled me in even tighter.

“Not fair. I was having a real good time okay?”

“With Liam? Oh come on Bug, you don’t need to wrap yourself in some new guy.”

“What are you even talking about?”

“Funny don’t play dumb with me. I see you like the kid. I mean that’s cool. But don’t go falling for him or whatever.”

“Hello Mr. Jealousy. I honestly have no idea what the hell you are talking about.” I pushed him off and completely turned my body to him. “I just got off of a 2 year on and off relationship with Cameron; I don’t think I need to be thinking of a new relationship right now.”

“I’m not jealous, I have nothing to be jealous of. But you’ve clearly thought about it. Come here.” He pulled me in again; situating ourselves comfortably. “Look. I’m just looking out for you. I know everything I’m telling you are things you already know, but you need to completely understand this, Liam lives in the UK. He lives all the way on the other side of the world. I don’t want you wrapping yourself in him. I don’t want you falling for him and that might just be too late now. Bug, I know you. You fall fast and you fall hard. I just don’t want you getting hurt. I don’t want you to hurt anymore. That’s all.”

I grabbed his hand and held it in mine. We sat there just in each other’s arms. Let’s face it; Zach is the closest, most important person I have in my life. He’s one person I would never leave behind because I know I always come first in his life. He’s my best friend, someone who no matter what always makes everything okay again. And as hard as it was to admit to him and myself, I knew he was right.

“Z, we should go. It’s almost time for the meet and greet.” We both got up and headed off the bus.

He put his arm around me and kissed my forehead. “Please just keep everything I said in mind. You know I won’t hesitate on telling you ‘I told you so.’” We both laughed and headed inside.


The meet and greet went well. No crazy fans trying to rip the guys’ clothes of this time around. But I’d have to say, One Direction gained plenty of fans and they haven’t even gone on stage yet. Well Americans, definitely can’t resist any UK boy.

I hung around the merch table with Greg. Turns out he’ll be doing Allstar Weekend’s merch for the tour, and I get to represent One Direction.

I spent the whole time having girls come up to me asking questions and saying their opinions about the boys. “Who is the one with the curly hair?” “I like the one with the Irish accent.” “They’re absolutely hot!” “I really like the one with the beanie and glasses.” “Who’s the one with the Bieber hair cut? He’s definitely cuter.”

I stood their laughing and educating the girls on who One Direction were.

All of Allstar Weekend’s families were there. The Porter family came to visit me at the table. “Hi guys!” I greeted all of them.

“Bug, how are you?” Vic asked.

“I’m good. Did you see the boys yet?”

“We did. We did. Do you have to stay here the whole time? Or can you at least watch the show with us?” David, Zach’s dad, asked.

“I really want to see the show with you guys, but turns out One Direction’s merch guy flaked on them last minute. So Greg’s doing the boys’ merch. I’m bummed, but it’s okay.” I started to put things together. “But I want to go back stage with you guys, I want to see everyone before the show starts. Greg, is it okay if I leave for a sec?”

He nodded okay and I headed to the green room with them.

Turns out all the families were in there. I greeted everyone. It looked like Cameron hadn’t told him family that we broke things off, so thing were a little awkward.

“Hey Anna!” I gave her a hug. Anna was Cameron’s 17 year old sister, and probably the closest thing I had to a girl best friend. “What’s up Bridget?” I gave Cameron’s 10 year old sister a high five. You can say I’m really close to his family, but I think they knew something was different. I just tried to avoid every ounce of awkwardness in that room.

There was about 20 minutes before the show started and I really had to go back to my job. Everyone was talking and was getting ready to head over to their seats.

“Hey Kaylin, you have been requested into One Direction’s green room.” Stefanie walked in sipping on her coffee.

“Uh okay.” I looked around and said my goodbyes. I told the guys good luck.

“Bug, remember what I said.” Zach whispered to me as I hugged him. I looked at him and smiled.

I walked out heading over to their greenroom. I saw that Simon was in there giving the boys and talk so I waited outside until he was finished.

“Hi sir,” Simon walked passed me at the door way.

“Hello. Aren’t you supposed to be doing your job?” He was very intimidating.

“Uh, I’m just stopping by to wish the guys good luck and then I’ll be right back there.”

“Very well then.” As he walked away I let go a big sigh of relief and walked in.

“He scares me.” I took a seat on the couch next to Niall.

“He really isn’t that bad. I don’t get why everyone is scared of him.” Harry came over sitting on the arm rest next to me.

“He’s just blatantly honest with the things he says. He’s just real.” Liam chimed in.

“Yeah really scary.” I said sarcastically. “So as requested, I’m here.” I smiled at all of them. “So, you guys go on in what 15 minutes.”

“Please don’t remind me.” Niall said nervously.

I put my hand on his knee. “You’re gonna be fine. The LA crowd is the best. Trust me. You guys are going to do amazing.” I got up, straightening out my dress and realizing I should go save Greg at the merch tables. “I should probably go do my job. But seriously stop freaking out guys, you’ll be fine.” I gave all of the hugs one by one; saving Liam for last.

“Wish us luck?” He said letting me go after our hug.

“Good luck.” I said rolling my eyes. “You don’t need it though.” He smiled and did his hair flip. “What was that?”

“What was what?” He looked at me all confused.

“That little hair flip thing you did.” I mocked him gesturing the same maneuver he did. “What am I supposed to go crazy after you do that?”

The boys laughed. “Well most girls do.” Zayn spoke up.

“LIKE OH MY GOSH! LIAM PAYNE IS SO SEXY.” I said mocking some crazy fan, grabbing his shirt and everything. “Uhm no.” I glared at him jokingly and straightening out his shirt. “But really I have to go. Do that little flippy hair thing on stage and you’ll get the reaction you want.” I winked at him. “Don’t be nervous boys! Hey come out to dinner with us and the families tonight! I’ll let them know. Good luck babes!” I waved goodbye as I walked out.

But as I walked out I heard Louis say to Liam, “She’s definitely your type of girl.” I laughed at myself and definitely had a smile on my face from ear to ear.

I got out to the merch tables; since the show was starting it really wasn’t as crazy as I thought it would be.

“What are you smiling about?” Greg said laughing at me.

“Nothing I swear.” I thought about what Louis said to Liam. “It’s just been a really good day, that’s all.”


The show went great. Both of the bands completely killed it. Though I was stuck in the back from what I heard it went well. Everyone was packing up and putting everything away. I sat at the edge of the stage looking out at the empty venue.

“Hey, I knew I’d find you here.” Zach came walking up behind me and took a seat next to me. Putting his arm around me he said, “Its amazing isn’t it?”

“You’re all sweaty, get off me.” I playfully pushed him away from me.

“I’m trying to have a moment here and you’re ruining it.”

“We don’t need any more moments between us.” I joked.

“So,” He nudged me. “What’s on your mind?”

“So many things.” I put my head on his shoulder. “Do you remember when we used to just hang out in the back yard around a fire? You and Nate would play the guitar and we would just sing whatever came to mind. Do you remember that?”

“Of course I do. Some of the best memories growing up were those.”

“Do you miss it? Do you miss how easy it was?”

“Yeah, some times. When I’m tired. But this is what I love to do. I love being on this stage.” He patted the floor of the stage. “This is where I belong. What about you?”

“I miss it so much right now.”

He sighed. “I know. I know.” We took the moment to just take it all in. Looking at the empty seats, we both knew this is where we should be.

“Hi,” I looked up and it was Liam.

“Hey,” I smiled up at him.

“I leave you two alone.” Zach jumped down off the stage and started to run up the aisle. “Ten minutes, Bug! Then we gotta leave to go eat. You and the boys better be coming to Liam!”

“Yeah we will!” Liam shouted after him.

“Hey there buddy.” I nudged my shoulder to his still looking around at the empty venue.

“What are you doing here? What are you looking at?”

“You see those lights?” I pointed up at the ceilings.”

“Yeah, what about them.”

“Those are the ones that dim out right before the first band comes on stage. Those are the ones that make every fan in the venue’s heart drop in excitement.” Liam turned his head and smiled at me. “I do this after every show. I sit right here at the end of every stage and just look back at everything. It’s pretty humbling after a while. You first see during sound check how clean and empty the place is, then doors open and the flow of people start to rush in. Then right here right now, you see this, the mess of a good time. The emptiness of seats, hoping that everyone in that crowd went home satisfied. It’s really humbling.”

“That’s amazing.” We both looked around at the place; taking every ounce of the night in.

“Every show gives you a different feeling. That’s why I do it after every show. This is where you will find me.” I smiled at him. “So how did the show go?”

“It was absolutely incredible. I can’t wait for the rest of tour.”

“You were born to be on that stage Liam. I understand that music is your first love. You can just tell.”

“Well, tell me Miss Kaylin, what’s your first love?”

“That’s a good question, I don’t really know. I guess helping people or just talking to people. I like hearing about people’s situations. I guess Psychology or something along those lines.” I looked down at my hands. “Nerdy, I know.”

“No, I think it’s cute. We all have something that makes us happy. Mine’s music and yours is Psychology. All understandable.”

I smiled at him. “Well I’m happy you get it.”

“Of course.” He leaned back having his arm slightly behind me, holding himself up. “So I have a question that I’ve been wondering about.”


“Why are you called Bug?”

I laughed. “Oh gosh, uhm… well… you see, Zach’s whole family calls me Bug, it’s my nickname. The first time I ever met Zach, I asked him if he wanted to see my bug collection. He thought I was weird, but he said yes anyway. Ever since that day, everyone has called me Bug.”

“What an interesting story.” He laughed.

“Hey, don’t laugh at me. I was a weird kid who was into bugs at the time. Don’t hate, appreciate.”

Liam put his hands up in a way that he was surrendering. “Okay, okay. I take it back. It’s cute. But I think I’ll come up with a different nickname for you.”

“And what would that be?” I slyly looked at me. “It better be good.”

He smiled all cheeky. “When I figure it out, I’ll let you know.” He winked.

“Liam, Kay, let’s go!” Harry called out from one of the aisle doors.

Liam and I both jumped off the stage and headed up the aisle.

“I don’t know how you do it Mr. Payne, but you always find some way to get me to tell you everything you want to hear.”

“Well I should find out what I’m doing since this doesn’t work on you,” He did his hair flip again. I rolled my eyes at him. We both left the venue laughing.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is pretty long, but surprisingly easy to write. Enjoy! :D