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The Other Side of the World

Scars Are Forever

I walked out of the bathroom of the restaurant realizing I have two seats to choose from. One person, two seats left; one next to Cameron and one next to Liam.

I took the seat next to Liam.

“Hey guys.” I took my hoodie off and ran my hand through my hair.

“Oh hi.” Liam said straightening himself out.

“What? Did you not want me sitting here?” I raised my eyebrow at him.

“Ohhh…” all the boys said in unison.

“No. I just thought… I just thought you’d sit next to Cameron, that’s all.”

“No,” I looked over at Cameron. He was staring right at me. Then I looked back at Liam, “I like the view right here.” I smiled. “So good show boys?”

“Yes, it was absolutely mental! Loved it.” Louis explained.

“I will never understand your lingo. But I’ll try. How about the rest of you?” We were having such a good time I didn’t even realize everyone else. We kept on eating and talking about everything. The boys were just so excited for the rest of the tour they didn’t really know what was to really come.

As we sat there laughing and just hanging out, I realized one thing and that for a while for a long time I actually genuinely had a smile on my face. Nothing else mattered, except that moment right there.

Which then was rudely interrupted my Cameron, “Hey, will you come outside with me for a sec?”

I looked at Zach who was down the table then at Liam. “Uh yeah,” I got up and grabbed my hoodie.

“Sorry boys, just gotta borrow her for a couple minutes.”

“Yeah that’s fine.” Liam said.

Cameron’s POV

As Kaylin got up I saw her let go of Liam’s hand. I’m guessing they were holding hands under the table. I looked away completely as my heart broke into a million pieces.

I opened the door and held it for her leading us outside. She followed me to a nearby bench.

“How are you?” I said not looking at her. I sat there with my head in my hands, elbows on my thighs looking straight ahead.

“Fine, and you?” She said without any emotion.

“I could be better.” We both got silent as the cars drove past, people walked around and the wind blew.

“So what now Cameron? What do we do now?” She simply asked me.

“I haven’t seen you smile like you did today in a real long time…” I looked up at her. “Kaylin, what happened to us? What happened to everything we had? We used to be that couple everyone envied. We used to be that couple everyone pointed to and said “They’re in love.” What happened to that?”

She sighed, pulled up her sleeve, and grabbed my hand. “This happened.” She took my index finger, moved her bracelets, and had my finger lightly run over her scar on her left wrist. “This day happened.”

I took my hand back and buried myself in my hands; trying so hard to hold back my tears.

“Nothing will ever be the same and I’m sorry.”

I looked up at her with tears building up in my eyes. “Does it hurt?”

“It’s a scar now, but when I look at it, yeah it does. I’m just really scared someone’s going to see them one day.”

“How can you be so forgiving? How can you okay with me?”

“Honestly?” She grabbed my hand again and interlocked it with hers. “I’m can only forgive, but I will never forget. This scar will remind me of that day for the rest of my life.”

“I’m so sorry.” Full out crying now, all I could do is hate myself.

“I know you are Cam, but you and I both know we gotta move forward from this. Me and you; apart…. That’s really what is best for us.” She grabbed my chin, pushed my hair back, and wiped my tears away. “I forgive you. I really do. I just can’t be with you.” She let go of my hand and started to walk away.

I sat on the bench alone, because that’s what I deserved. I took a deep breath trying to collect myself before heading back into the restaurant. I now know what it feels like to be truly alone.

Kaylin’s POV

Surprisingly enough that wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I wiped the tears from my eyes. I walked in back into the restaurant making sure my bracelets were in the right place and my left sleeve was pulled down.

“Is everything okay?” Liam said putting his arm around me on my chair.

“Uh yeah. Everything is okay.” Moments later Cameron came walking in with his eyes all puffy. That’s definitely something you cannot hide.

Liam and the rest of the guys knew something had happened. “How about you stay in our bus tonight? We have an extra bunk. Well if it’s okay with the rest of the lads?”

They all nodded and agreed that it was okay.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to be a burden. It’s your first night on the bus guys, I don’t want to intrude.”

“No seriously, it’s okay. Don’t worry about.”

“Well then I’ll take you up on that offer.” I smiled at them. “Thank you guys. Honestly, I don’t think I can be on that bus tonight. But I’ll have to run it by Zach first.”

“Do you ever do anything without Zach’s permission?” Louis asked.

“I do.” I looked over at Zach. “I mean yeah, I do. I just like to run things by him first.”

“Seems a bit controlling don’t you think? Always doing what he says?” Zayn said.

“Guys stop it.” Liam interrupted.

“No its okay. And no, not really… not when his intentions are good and he’s usually always right.” I gave them all a half smile. “He knows me better than anyone. I trust him with my life.” Liam sat there staring and glaring at the guys because they put me through that. “Liam, its fine. Trust me. It’s okay.”


Our time at the restaurant was over. And everyone was getting ready to leave. “I’ll be right back guys, let me just go say bye to my family and I’ll meet you on the bus?” I figured if I caught Zach in front of everyone, it would be easier for him to say yes.

“No, you aren’t going to stay on that bus tonight.” He immediately said after I asked him.

“But Zach! That’s not fair. Just for tonight.” I was begging him.

“No. I don’t trust them just yet. Sure they’re cool guys, but no.”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea either.” Vic added.

“No one asked you Vic. Please, guys. Please?”

“No. You aren’t staying on their bus tonight.”

“What’s going on here?” Zach’s dad asked.

“Kaylin wants to stay on One Direction’s bus tonight, but I told her she couldn’t.” Zach explained to his dad while I sat there pouting with my arms crossed.

“That’s not a good idea.”

“Oh come on, please David!” I tugged on his arm. “I’ll have my phone on and with me at all times. I’ll call and text Zach right before I go to bed and right when I wake up. I promise I will be good. Please?”

“It’s Zach’s call.”

“Ugh. Come on Z, I promise.”

“I think she should stay on their bus tonight.” Cameron said out of no where.

“You think so Cam?” Zach asked. Cameron nodded yes.

“Please?” I gave Zach an innocent smile.

“UGH fine. But promise you’ll answer your phone when I call?”

“Only if you don’t call every 5 minutes.”


“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll grab my stuff and I’ll see you in the morning.” I said my goodbyes and headed out.


I got changed on the bus and grabbed everything I needed. I headed over to One Direction’s bus.

*knock, knock* I waited patiently outside of the door.

“Kaylin, welcome to our home for the next couple weeks.” Niall said opening the door for me.

I smiled at him. “Thank you.”

I walked in to find Louis, Harry, and Zayn Just hanging out.

“Here, let me show you to your bunk.” Harry got up and showed me to the bunk I would be staying at for the night. “Sorry you got that one.”

I laughed, “No it’s okay. I’ll take what I can get.” I put my stuff into the bottom bunk. “So what are you guys doing?”

“Nothing really. Just hanging out. Talking. You know, guy stuff.”

“Oh guy stuff. I’m pretty familiar with that. Been around guys like you for years now. Don’t hold anything back.” I winked.

He laughed. “Trust me, we never do. Uhm. Liam is in the back room if you want to see what he’s doing.”

I hesitated. “Uhm you know what, how about I just hang out with you guys for a little.” I didn’t want to see too straightforward you know.

Harry and I headed back to the front of the bus to hang out with the rest of the boys. I took a seat next to Niall right across from Louis, Harry, and Zayn.

“Hey guys when is Kaylin getting here.” Liam said coming out of the back lounge. He walked up and saw me. “Oh never mind then.”

“What? What were you going to say if I wasn’t here?” I raised my eyebrow at him.

He laughed nervously. “Nothing. Just wanted to know when you were getting here.” He took a seat next to me.

“Do I make you nervous Liam?” I got close to his face and bit my lip.

He got even closer. He hesitated a bit, it got silent. “No.” And he stuck his tongue out at me. All the boys laughed.

“So go on talk your talk.”

“What are you on Kaylin?” Louis asked.

“Nothing. I like observing people. I’m weird. A creeper, so what. I kinda want to see how much you differ from the other boys.” They all looked at me confused. “Okay never mind then.”

“What about you, let us know anyone you fancy.” Harry said putting me on the spot.

“No fair. That’s 5 guys against me. Not fair at all.”

“Come on. We aren’t around girls much, unless they’re screaming in our faces. Too much bro time is a little much.” Louis said trying to convince me.

“Okay, well I don’t…” putting my air quotes up, “fancy… anyone.”

“Lies.” Niall called me out.

“Who is there to fancy? I’ve been around the same guys for like ever now. And I’ve been with Cameron for 2 years. I don’t have time to fancy anyone.”

“What happened with you and Cameron tonight anyway?” Zayn asked curiously.

“Lads, can we not attack her with questions right now? We had her over so we can hang out. No need for this,” said Liam.

I smiled. “Liam, its fine. I’m sure they want to be filled in anyway.” I took my hoodie off not realizing my bracelet came off too. There was my arm, bare for everyone to see. Things got quiet as I frantically tried putting my hoodie back on. “Uhm yeah, so….”

“Kaylin…” Liam grabbed my arm. “Kaylin, what is that?”

I quickly grabbed my arm from him. “It’s nothing. Just caught my arm on something a while back. Just a scar that’s all.”

“You’re a terrible liar you know.” Harry said looking at me concerned.

My throat began to tighten. I knew I had to tell them. Which was hard because Zach and the rest of the guys don’t even know. No one knows but me and Cameron. And I was just feeling so guilty. “Well I guess I can’t hide it anymore.”

“No, just forget it Kaylin. You don’t have to tell us.” Liam said holding my hand.

I took it back from him. “No, really its okay. You can’t really erase what you guys just saw.”

I took a deep breath and collect my thoughts. “You all know that Cameron and I were together for a while, on and off. I mean you’ve heard stuff since yesterday. Funny how much you guys already know about me and I only really met you guys yesterday. Well anyway, we were on tour with Selena Gomez last summer, which was great because she was the reason the guys are where they are today. Anyway, Cameron and I were on the rocks at the time. And I’m not much of the jealous type to be honest with you, but he was getting really close with her at the time. And I guess you can say that was okay with me.” I paused to hold back the tears. Liam grabbed my hand again. This time I didn’t let go.

“Uhm well on the last day of tour, the show was held in San Diego. Well the night before the show Cameron and I got into a really big fight about him and Selena. It was to the point where he was threatening to leave me for her. We said some of the nastiest things to each other that night. Things I regret and things he regrets.” I took another deep breath as a tear rolled down my face. I realized I had all of their undivided attention.

“So I thought I would go find him before he went on stage to wish him luck, well little did I know, I found him making out with her behind the tour bus. He saw me and quickly pushed himself off. I was devastated. Like any other girl would be finding the guy she was in love with kissing someone else, so I ran as fast as I could before he could catch me. I ended up at a nearby storage closet. Found a razor and well, this is where this is from.” I let go of Liam’s hand and pushed up my sleeve. “It was too late for Cameron to come save me. I was on the floor of that storage room. My hands were covered in blood. My jeans were stained and so was my shirt. About 15 minutes later, Cameron found me. Bloody and crying my heart out.” At this point I was full on crying.

“He picked me up from the ground and brought me back to the bus. He wrapped me up, cleaned me up, and left me on the bus without a word.” Everyone remained quiet. I think they were all shocked to even say anything. “No one knows. Not even Zach. It’s been about 8 months since the incident. We just told people we broke it off for good and that it was a bad break up. Everyone believed it because it was true. Us breaking up that badly was bound to happen.” I sat there crying my last tears. I should have never put them in that position. “Oh my gosh guys, I shouldn’t have told you. I’m embarrassed. I feel so stupid. Damn, I always say too much. I should just go.”

I got up to grab my things. I started to cry even more. So embarrassed at myself that I even told them that. They’ve only known me for 24 hours and yet the know my biggest secret. Liam got up and followed me. “Kaylin, don’t go. Not after that. We can’t let you go back to the other bus. Come on.” He grabbed my hand and led me back to the guys.

“We’re really sorry.” Harry said, “and I speak for all of us here, we’re really sorry. And don’t regret ever telling us. Sometimes it’s easier talking to people you don’t know, because they don’t know your past as much.”

Still tearing up I found the strength to say something, “please I beg you guys, do not say anything. This could ruin the band, at least ruin Zach and Cameron. I just can’t deal with that right now.”

“Your secret is safe with us, right guys?” Niall said looking at everyone. They all agreed.

“Thank you seriously. Thank you so much.” It got quiet again.

“Can I ask one thing?” Louis said hesitating.

“Yeah sure.” I said sniffling and wiping my eyes.

“How could you ever forgive him after that?” They all turned to me waiting for my answer.

“It’s easy. I loved him.”
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This one was harder to write. I'm starting to get stuck. But I hope you enjoy it! :D