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The Other Side of the World

Feelings Start To Surface

I woke up to the smell of tea in the air. Damn, didn’t think these boys could be so cliché. I quickly got up. “Ow!”

“Kaylin, are you alright?” Harry yelled out.

“Yeah I’m fine, just totally forgot that I was in a bunk. Damn it.”

“Here let me help you out.” Harry grabbed me checking out if there was any damage to my head. “You hit your head pretty hard. We should put something on that.” He walked over to the fridge and handed me an icepack. “Keep that on there. You don’t want a huge bump on your face do you?”

“I’ll just go around saying you hit me.” He glared at me.

“Just joking. Jeeze, let’s lighten up the load in here will ya?” We both walked into the front of the bus where the boys were having their breakfast.

“Here, sit over here.” Zayn moved over to make some room for me.

“Honestly guys you don’t have to be so nice to me…” I grabbed a banana off the table; still holding the icepack to my head.

“How are you today though?” Liam asked.

“Fine. Seriously guys, this stuff… Its life. What else is there to do about it.” The guys went silent and just looked at each other. “Oh God guys, seriously. Just stop it. I’m good.” I took a bite out of my banana. With a full mouth I said, “I’m gonna go call Zach you guys are annoying me.”

Liam’s POV

Me and the lads never had to deal with a situation like this before. So as expected we all didn’t know how to handle it. “She’s right boys; we shouldn’t be so freaked out over this. We gotta just go on about everything like its normal.”

“How do you just forget what she told us last night?” Zayn asked.

“Well she told us because we asked. We shouldn’t have even asked in the first place.” Niall said.

“I told you. It’s her past. That’s it. Okay, we don’t need to get in the middle of this.”

“Are you trying to convince us to not get involved or yourself Liam?” Harry said as he took a seat across from me.

“That isn’t fair. There’s nothing going on there.”

“No one even said anything was going on.” Louis got up and sat on the couch.

Zayn added, “It’s a bad idea man. You shouldn’t even be thinking about it.”

“You guys are honestly mental. I have no clue what you are talking about. We’re friends. We enjoy each other’s company that’s all.”

“You always say that Liam. You’re always enjoying their company, but you end up falling anyway. We’re just trying to look out for you man. That’s all.” Harry said reassuring that they were all right.

“Look I appreciate you guys caring, you know I am. But I think I can take care of myself.” I got up to find Kaylin and not deal with the guys. I didn’t need them telling me how to or how not to feel. Though, I really didn’t know what I was feeling.

Kaylin’s POV

“Do you want to meet up for some dinner tonight?” I asked Zach as Liam walked in and took a seat next to me.

“Yeah. We’ll be at the hotel at 3pm, so whenever you guys get in just meet me in our room.” He suggested.

“Okay. Just me and you? I just want it to be me and you.”

“Yeah, if that’s what you want. How was last night? The boys taking care of you?”

“Why are you worrying so much?” I paused. “Yeah everything is good.”

“Something is wrong… Bug, what is wrong?

“Z, just stop okay. I know we’ve been pretty much attached to each other’s hips since I was 7, but everything is good.” I paused again. “Except I hit my head when I woke up, so I have this bump on my head right now.”

“Bug, when will you ever learn?”

“I know it happens during every tour.” We both laughed. “But I have an icepack on it. So I think I’ll be okay, just a little bruise that’s all.”

Things got quiet for a little. I sat there as Zach didn’t say a word and neither did I. I stared at Liam, he just waiting for me to get off the phone.

“Z, I have to go though. But I’ll see you later okay?”

“Bug, are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah, the bump will be gone by tomorrow. Don’t worry.”

“I’m not talking about the bump Bug…” He waited for me to answer.

“Let’s talk tonight, okay? I’ll call you when we get there. I love you, bye.” Then I hung up the phone before he could say anything else. “Gosh, that kid. He just worries too much.” I put my phone away turning to Liam.

“He just cares about you, that’s all.”

“I know, I know he does. Just sometimes… I don’t know. It’s great having people care about me, but sometimes it’s just too much. I just feel so suffocated sometimes. That’s why I’m so happy to be going to school in September. I think it’s what’s best for all of us.” It got quiet. “Liam, is there something you want to say to me?”

At this point silence was the loudest thing in the room. I knew telling them the truth last night was a bad idea. I don’t even know why I even did it in the first place. I never let anyone in, but with them, it was so easy to trust them.

“Well we should probably go join the rest of the guys.” I started to get up and head for the door.

Liam finally spoke up. “Kaylin, why doesn’t Zach know?”

I turned back to him and sat back down. “Because I know it would ruin everything for him.” I paused. “This is his life. Touring, making music, being in this band; this is his entire life. And I can’t ruin it by telling him about that day.”

“What makes you think it would ruin it for him?”

“Because the moment he finds out what really happened with me and Cameron, he won’t have it.” I looked down at my hands not trying to make eye contact with him. “He already hated the idea of us dating only because he knew the moment we broke up, it would be hard to deal with. Zach is my best friend, pretty much my brother; he cares about me a lot. But truthfully, we made a deal back when right before he got signed onto Hollywood Records…” I paused again trying to collect my thoughts. “Actually he made the promise to me; he said that no matter what happens he’s taking me with him. Ever since I was little we did everything together. And when my parents died, he’s never left me. So when he started his career he made a promise to himself to always take care of me. He has yet to break that promise.” I was so tired of crying at this point, but I couldn’t help but shed a tear. “I’m just scared that if he finds out the truth, he’ll give up everything. And I don’t want that. I want him to be happy. I want him to stop putting me first before himself.”

“So why don’t you tell him that?”

“Because he’s just as stubborn as I am. He won’t listen and we’ll just get into some fight about it.” I wiped my tears, “We should really go join the rest of the guys.” I turned to him, “Liam I know what are thinking… I know you all feel bad for me. But don’t. I really don’t need your guys’ pity. I’m fine. I’ve been fine. But thank you for caring. I’ll be okay though.”

I walked away and headed to join the rest of the guys at the front of the bus. I left Liam, thinking he would follow, but he didn’t.

Liam’s POV

I sat in the back of the bus trying to collect my thoughts of everything that happened these past couple days. Everything Kaylin has said to me since the first day I met her is replaying in my head.

I’m still trying to figure everything out. Where does this leave me? When does this leave Kaylin? I’m stuck and I have no idea what to do. Everything was becoming a bad idea. I was starting to get scared of what I was feeling.

I decided it would be a good idea just to go and hang out with the rest of the lads. That way maybe we can all get our minds off of certain things.

I walked to the front finding everyone just having a good laugh and hanging out. Zayn and Niall were playing Xbox, while Louis was entertaining Kaylin and Harry. I took a seat next to Louis letting him carry on with his jokes as I smiled at Kaylin.

She was lying on the couch with her head on Harry’s lap. He was holding her icepack for her. I absolutely loved the way she was so comfortable with all of us. It was easy for us too. She was all smiles and laughing uncontrollably.

We were all having a good time, but I couldn’t help but think if it was all an act.

She’s hid so much behind that smile. Her smile was the most beautiful thing, but yet, I knew she was broken inside. She acted as if nothing ever bothered her, when I could tell that everything was just eating her up inside.

I sat there thinking and asking myself why me, why out of all people did she open up to me? I watched as her smile grew bigger and bigger as time passed on the bus.

I watched as her eyes, her beautiful brown eyes, were no longer puffy from all the crying of sadness but crying from all the laughter.

I realized I started to care about her more than I really should. I knew I was getting myself into something that was wrong, but felt so right. I wanted to fix the broken girl that was right in front of me.
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Kind of a short chapter. Didn't really know how to go about it since the last chapter was pretty heavy. So this chapter is a little lighter and kind of a filler. Hopefully it leads up to another good chapter coming up! Enjoy! <3 xx