

“Aiden...Aiden is going to kill you, you know.” Eva spoke quietly, laying chained to a bed. She didn’t know how long she had been laying there like that, but she wanted to move. The baby inside was getting fidgety, kicking at her. She was also getting hungry and no one would give her answers. Infact, she was pretty much just speaking to an empty room. She was shocked when a man entered. He was probably a few years older than Aiden, with an uncaring atmosphere about him.

“Will he?” The man questioned and smirked, sitting beside of her on the bed. He eyed her large stomach, shaking his head. “He just needs to be taught a lesson. His men...They’ve been killing so many of mine. It’s time he pays. Plus, he owes us a sum of money...” He grabbed some scissors, cutting through the shirt Eva was wearing. “What better way to make him pay than with the woman he loves and his children?”

He slid the sweat pants off her kicking legs and rested his hand on her stomach again right after. He was unsure what he would exactly be doing to her, not really wanting to hurt a baby. Especially one that hadn’t breathed yet. He smiled down at her, giving her cheek a slight kiss.

“Princess...How many months pregnant are you?” He asked softly.

“S-seven...”She whispered, tears in her eyes. She had been at Aiden’s an entire month. She wished she had lied the instant he grinned.

“I do hope you’re ready to give birth, love.” He gave her another smile before leaving. He knew just the way to make the woman panic, and just the way to hit on Aiden’s nerves.


“Does anyone know where they could be hiding her? Them?” Aiden had woken three hours ago, dazed and confused. He had finally remembered what had happened and called his main members in, waiting for news as they brainstormed. He finally heard his cell phone ringing and grabbed it, eyes narrowed as he heard Don Parotti speaking.

“Aiden...Aiden aiden aiden...”The tone was one an adult might use when speaking to a child. “You’ve been killing so many of my men lately...It really isn’t fair.” There was a sound of the man moving around. “And, you owe me some money so...First I’ll take care of that whole killing my men thing. I’ll call you in two hours to talk about money...Oh and one more thing..”

Aiden froze, hearing the screams of Eva. She was crying out about people taking her babies away from her. He listened closely to her sobs and then was pulled back out of his thoughts as the phone shut off. The other mob boss had hung up on him.

He would definitely be getting her back. Her and his children.


“P-please..Please let...let me hold...” Eva was still begging to see her children, heart rate way above what it should have been. They had preformed a c-section and taken her..babies away. She’d given birth to twins and they had taken them away from her. The man from before came in and wiped her tears away.

“Shhh...You can see them once they’ve been cleaned up...I promise..” He gave her a small smile, not surprised that she was borderline hysterical. He sat with her, hugging her close as she sobbed. “Look, there they are...”

The doctor he had called to give the c-section appeared in the doorway with the two babies, swaddled up in blankets. He brought them, gently telling Eva to calm down before he would give them to her. Once she was breathing more normal, he handed them both to her.

“IF Aiden doesn’t give me my money, I’m keeping your children. All four of them.” The man growled into her ear before standing and leaving her alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
....>.> yea. That just happened.
All right, I honestly don't know if a c-section would work..But since she is seven months along..I'm just going to have to assume it did because that's what I wanted to happen. ^^
What ya think? Think Aiden will pay up or will all the children be taken away forever? :[
Thanks for the comments and support :D