

Aiden was still furious, pacing. He had just gotten the time and place he was supposed the be meeting and dropping the money off. He got to have Evie and Brendan back for the moment, but his Eva and the two children (Two! He was still shocked. She was only to have a little boy and now he had learned there was a small girl that had been born as well.)

He gave the tiniest sigh, still standing with the briefcase and glaring as a black car parked in front of them. Brendan and Evie were yanked out, both asleep and clutching each other. He slid the money forward and the exchange was made swiftly.

“When do I get the other three?” He asked, holding the children carefully in his arms.

“Boss doesn’t think you deserve them back. You took his favorite men, killed them. He believes he’s the right to keep your woman and children , since they never were your’s really. But he hasn’t decided. HE might just use her and lose her.” The man ignored the angry stare that Aiden sent him as they drove off and Aiden and his men went home.


“Mommy told me to gives this to yous.” Evie mumbled when she woke up and saw Aiden, handing him a piece of folded paper.

“Thank you, hun.” He smiled and took it, studying it and grinning as he got the location of the house, now he would gather his men and it would all be swell. He’d get his Evie back for good.

Unless it was too late and something had already happened.
He could only pray not.
♠ ♠ ♠
Firstly, This is a tiny chapter. It's been so long, but a new reader asked me to update so I thought' why not' I know it's short, but I'm not sure if I know where to go with this story. Suggestions?

Secondly, thank you for all of the support. I hope yo ustill read these.

Thirdly, if anyone wants to maybe do a cowrite story, message me :D