

Eva had barely enough time to get him the address as the man kept watching her. He had to let her say goodbye to Evie though as she had neared hysterics once more. He had now given her the two babies to keep her calm again as he panic kept her bleeding from stopping.

She was still shocked she had twins. The little girl must have been hiding behind the boy they knew about. “When may I go home?” She asked softly, looking up at him with glassy eyes. She needed sleep, but she was too scared to.

“When I’m finished. Your little boy toy has...Upset me for the very last time...He will learn his lesson now.” He grumbled softly, going and gently taking the children to place them in a crib together. “Go to sleep.”

She watched him leave and shuddered, curling up on her side.

Aiden had sent his men to find the house, and they had. The problem was that it was heavily guarded with an alarm system. He couldn’t find an exact way in and he didn’t want to fight through. He was scared for his Eva. If they broke in and went crazy, she could be hurt.

He sighed, continuing on with talking to his men although he was distracted. He had Brendan and Evie curled up on his lap. The little girl had not let him go, despite her not liking him. He knew she was terrifed still, missing her mother. He sighed and shifted in his seat, looking up as he noticed everyone staring.

“Did you like that plan?” And they had to explain it once more before he nodded his head in agreement.

It was simple, lots of killing. He would go get Eva and the babies with the help of one other man and they would leave. It had to work, because there simply was no other way around it.

They decided to do it that night, the sooner the better. He would leave Evie and Brendan there with a member of the group, the only other one that Evie trusted.

He once more prayed it would last that long.
♠ ♠ ♠
The next one will be action packed! Woot.
Thank you all for the continuous support of my efforts. Though she will probably get rescued, I do believe more is to come in ways of drama and such :D Also a sequel involving the twins. later on.
Until then!