

Aiden was warmer than usual when he woke up the next morning. It was almost an uncomfortable sort of warmth, though it was not entirely bad. It was a good sort of uncomfortable, he decided. It reminded him of the warmth he had with Brandon’s mother and he soon remembered why.

Even though he and Eva had fallen asleep with at least a foot between them, they were now pressed together. She was snuggled into his side, his arm wrapped around her and her arm wrapped around his waist. Her face was hidden from view, buried into his side. This all caused him to smile a true smile, a smile that had been in hiding for years. It wasn’t the smile that came out when he killed but it was gone within a matter of moments when she opened her mouth.

“Tristan…You’re moving too much.” She mumbled in her sleep, arm tightening around his stomach, trying to hold him still. It was too late though as he jumped off the bed. Of course, she already had a man. He should have known such a beautiful woman would already have someone to love. Why did he even think she could love him?

“Get up.” Aiden said with a cold voice that was void of any emotion. “I said to get UP!”

He moved and pushed her, trying to get her to wake up. She was awake after the third push, scared she had done something to make him angry. She didn’t know what though seeing as she had been sleeping.

“W-whatever I did, I’m sorry.” Eva whispered, getting off the bed with a deep frown.

“Shut up. Just put these on and go downstairs to fix breakfast. I’ll wake up the kids.” He threw a pair of sweatpants at her before going to get the children up.


Eva was in the process of making pancakes when she heard Aiden coming down to the stairs with another set of footsteps following right after him. She looked up as he entered and a flicker of a smile danced across her face as she saw him holding Evie who seemed to be still sleeping. After deciding her daughter was fine she let her eyes travel down to the little boy standing behind Aiden.

He was taller by Evie and thin, though baby fat was still noticeable on his face. He was almost a spitting image of Aiden with the same black hair and face structure. However, his eyes were big and brown and quite warm. They must have been the same eyes his mother had. She decided that even though he had a killer for a father, he seemed to be a pretty happy looking child.

“Hi, mommy.” He said bashfully, looking down at the ground. He had learned that any woman that came In the house was his new mom. He had gotten used to calling them all mommy, like Aiden taught him to. “My name’s Brendan!”

“Hello, Brendan.” Eva said softly, giving him a smile despite the glare that Aiden was giving her.

“Is breakfast finished?” Aiden questioned, moving into the living room for a minute to set Evie down.

“Yea.” She replied and fixed up plates, waiting to see what he would do. He gave two of the plates to Brendan, telling him to go watch TV in the living room with Evie. He then turned to Eva, pulling a knife out of the knife box. He pushed her firmly against the counter, scowling.

“Who is Tristan?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Next chapter = Intense. =]

I want to thank the following who commented on the last chapter: MarMarJones, Ginaisamaniac, Brinzel, SapphirexFlames, and goesincircles.

I would also like to thank those that have subscribed and shown silent support <3 I think I doubled in the amount of subscribers.
I'd also like to thank The Academy (JKJK)
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