

Aiden had helped Eva back up the stairs, tucking her into the bed gently. He gave her forehead a feathery kiss before going to call for a doctor. The doctor was someone that worked for the mafia, fixing up gun wounds and knife cuts so that there would be no questions at the hospital. He explained what happened and the doctor listened, promising he’d be there soon to check her out.

In the meantime, Aiden paced anxiously. He ignored Brendan and Evie, both whining about needing food. He even made sure they didn’t go pester Eva. He just wanted her to be all right, because he knew she was the one. He knew that unlike the other women, he had a chance with this one. He could touch her without her cringing. She might not have wanted to admit it, but he knew.

A knock at the door brought him out of his worries and moved down the stairs, letting Dr. Joey in. The doctor came in and nodded to where Aiden motioned, walking up the bedroom. He had gone through Eva’s files from her actual doctor and knew of everything having to do with the woman. With a friendly hello, he started to examine her.

He made a few noises as he checked her out before nodding. “You are fine, Miss. After reading of your previous situation and knowing of your current one, I would say you’re just stressed beyond belief, but also that you might have an infection. Your baby is very healthy and you’ve gained some weight since your last appointment. It says here, you were probably not going to make it with the baby unless you got a decent meal soon…So, good thing you moved in here. If blood is still present in a week, call me. Also, do not do any strenuous activities.”

The doctor smiled and left, living Aiden sitting on the edge of the bed and watching Eva. She was looking at her stomach, biting her lower lip.

“You…were very sick?” He asked, deciding she must have been since she had improved so much.

“No…I didn’t get enough food. It’s been hard without Tristan. I…I was just so hungry but I had to keep my daughter fed. I tried, but the doctor said I was doing awful. I’m surprised it’s gotten better.”

“Oh..Well…” he sighed and looked down before taking her hand. “I know, you don’t’ want to be here…But I love you. You’re the only girl for me. I’m going to protect you.” He gave her a kiss before leaving, not bothering to listen to her words.

“Thank you for saving me.” She whispered softly, moving to curl up in the blankets. She was completely happy there.

For once in her life, there were no problems.
♠ ♠ ♠
74 subscribers? Dayyyum.
And 27 comments? Pretty impressive.
I'll name the commenters next chapter, just wanted to get this out for my lovely readers. <3
It's short, but I like where it stopped.