

“Are you sure that I’m not spending too much?” Eva asked for what had to have been the millionth time that hour. Her and Aiden were purchasing some things for the baby and for Evie. He had tried to buy things for her as well, but Eva had protested. She loved feeling his shirts on her frame, his pants clinging to her hips. They fit snuggly and she hoped they wouldn’t suddenly stop fitting.

“I’m positive, hun. I’ve been saving money for a special girl.” He gave her cheek a small kiss and wrapped his arm tighter around her. “Besides...You know my occupation. It pays well.”

“All right.” She replied and continued to purchase until she felt they had everything. The two had already painted the baby’s room a green color. It turned out the baby would be a boy and she had been incredibly happy upon finding out. She looked up as Evie came down the stairs and struggled to sit in Eva’s lap. The little girl still hadn’t warmed up to Aiden.

“Mommy...I hungwy....”She mumbled, giving a tiny sniffle as she watched her mother.

“I’ll fix you something, sweetie.” Aiden said and got up to go into the kitchen. He was hurt the kid hated him, but he could do nothing about it. If he hurt her, he’d lose Eva and he could not risk it. He would just have to deal with it until she loosened up. He finished fixing the PB&J and handed it to the child, watching her scurry off with it.

“She’ll grow on you, Aiden..She missed...her dad for awhile. They were really close. When he left, she was heartbroken. It’ll be awhile before she can trust you, I think.” She smiled and pressed her face into his shirt, eyes closing. He moved the laptop away from them and relaxed with her in his arms. They fell asleep just like that.


“Aiden...Aiden...”Eva’s voice was shakey as she pushed at him. Why wouldn’t he wake up? The woman seemed panicked as she shook at him. “Aiden! DAMMIT!”

The man jumped as he finally woke up, chest heaving. “What? What?”

“S-someone is trying to break into the house..I’m scared...”She mumbled and he stood, gently guiding her up the stairs.

“Take the kids into our room and hide in the closet, okay? It locks from the inside.,” He whispered and made sure she was upstairs before he grabbed his gun, cocking it and crouching behind the couch. Mere moments later, the door broke open and four men came in.

“He’s home...Shit. Find the woman and the kids and I’ll deal with him.” Stated a man, who was clearly the leader. He entered the home and began to look around. “I’d show yourself now, Aiden. Wouldn’t want to have to hurt you...”

Aiden stood, gun aimed at the man’s head. “Who the fuck are you?”

“My name is Vince Parotti. I work for the Don Parotti. We’re here to take your kids and your girl..And well, we’ll see what happens to them..” The man didn’t even hesitate to fire a shot at Aiden who got hit by a tranq, not a bullet. He was out within moments and the other three man carried the three others down after. Together they all piled out of the house and into a car, heading for who knew where.

Eva shook in her seat, staring at the house. She prayed that Aiden could find them.
♠ ♠ ♠
An extra long, extra juicy chapter just for you guys :] I apologize for such a long wait!
Thank you so much for the continuation of comments :] I have 107 subscribers, making me so happy. :D I love you guys and all of your support.
I don't think I'll be able to post each commenter's name, there have been too many and that's just something to worry about added onto writing this story.
Tell me what you think should happen :D