These Scars Don't Seem To Fade Away.

I Really Do Want To Love You.

[ Syn-Dee's POV ]

It was around 2 in the afternoon when the door to my room burst open revealing Belle. Well...This isn't the first time this has happened.
"What brings you here, today?" I smiled up at her. She muttered something under her breath before completely dropping her body down on the floor in front of me.
"Seriously...Is there anything wrong?" I asked her once more. She looked up at me with her big, Hazel eyes.
"If you must know...Ryan and Brendon have found out." She quietly said.
"Found out about what?" I asked, not really knowing where she was going with everything.
"FOUND OUT ABOUT EACH OTHER!" She shrieked. My mouth formed into the shape of an 'o' but no sound seemed to come out.
Belle nodded her head. Her gaze was back on the floor.
"What are you going to do?" I asked her.
She shrugged. "I don't know, man. I really don't know."
"Uhh...Chose one?" I suggested. She looked up at me with wide eyes.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" She exclaimed.
"Actually...I wasn't." I stated, "But I mean...If you don't want to choose then...Never talk to them again I guess." I just shrugged.
"How am I supposed to do that when I'm practically over here all the time!"
"WELL...You don't have to come around anymore."
"Are you saying that you don't want me around then." She asked, as new tears were starting to form in the corner of her eyes.
"NO! I didn't mean it like that!"
"It sure as hell seemed like it!" She snapped.
"WELL IT WASN'T LIKE THAT! I'M ONLY TRYING TO HELP!" I was screaming at her now.
"Save it. I don't even need this." She picked herself up off the floor, and was out the door just as fast as she had come in.
Man...I have a knack for screwing things up.

[ Brendon's POV ]

Fuck. I can't believe what the hell is going on. Ryan, my so called "best friend" well...He's falling for the exact same girl I like. I bet it's cause he's jealous. He's trying to get back at me because I'm the front man of our band...Okay I know thats not it. But...AHH!

From the other end of the house I heard a door slamming, and two sets of footsteps. Thinking nothing of it, I flopped down on the couch and turned on the t.v. I cold seriously care less about people walking in the house.
None of it is any of my concerns.

[ No One's POV ]

"Are you okay?" Ryan asked, placing a hand on the crying girls shoulder.
"No, What the hell does it look like Ryan!" She exclaimed as she turned around and looked him in the eyes. Sighing, he grabbed her hand and pulled her outside.

"Now...What exactly happened?" He wrapped his arms around her in a hug once they were outside on the porch. Belle slowly pulled away from him.
"Well...I don't know, Ryan. I don't know what I should do about the whole you and Brendon thing..." Ryan tensed up.
"Oh...yeah." He let out a loud sigh.
"Look...There are some things that you don't know and...I just don't know if I can tell you."
"You can tell me, honestly."
"Ryan...Ugh. I know this is kind of soon to be saying this and everything but...I think I love you." She waited for him to turn around and walk away. To just leave her standing there. But instead...A small smile played across his lips.
"Really?" He grinned.
"...Yes." She sighed as her gaze fell to the ground. Ryan tilted her head up with his finger so she was looking him in the eyes. Without any other words said, he softly pressed his lips to hers.
"I feel the same way." He smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its short.
I'm kind of Writers Blocked for this story at the moment.