These Scars Don't Seem To Fade Away.

New Friendships Equals New Romances.

[ Belle's POV ]
~ Time Skip a Couple Weeks ~

So I think I've made my choice on a guy...I hope. I mean...Brendon currently is not talking to either me OR Ryan at the moment. I also haven't talked to Syn-Dee and almost 2 weeks. I basically only have...Three friends at the moment. It sucks.

"These wounds won't seem to heal. This pain is just too real.There's just too much that time cannot erase..." I was walking down the street softly singing to myself when someone came up from behind and covered my eyes.
"Guess who?" The person laughed.
"Hmm...I don't know...RYAN!" I laughed with him.
"Damnit." He stated. I turned around and grinned up at him.
"Any luck with Brendon?" I asked.
He smiled slightly. "Actually...Yes. He started talking to me today. He said that he needed help with a 'problem' of his."
"What problem was that?"
"...He's having girl problems." Ryan stated.
"WHAT!" I gasped.
"Yeah...He met some girl in a coffee shop a few days ago and like...He just wont shut up about her now."
"Dude...What did you say?" I cocked a brow.
"I uh...Told him to invite her over to hang out with us."
"...Us?" My brow arched even higher.
"Yeah...Me, You...Brendon and Her. You know." Ryan shrugged.
"Ahha awe...Of course I'll hang out with you...And Brendon...And the girl." I smiled.
"GREAT! We're supposed to meet them in..." Ryan looked down at his watch "Five minutes." He grinned.
"Dude...You knew I would say yes, didn't you?"
"...Maybe. Now come on! We're going to be late for the movie." He reached out and grabbed my hand, then drug me to the movie theater that was a few minutes down the street.

When me and Ryan neared the doors, I saw Brendon standing outside with a girl. She had dark hair. it was either A dark brown, or black. I couldn't exactly tell. The two of them seemed to be in an intense conversation.

"...Hi Brendon." I kept my gaze low to the ground.
"Uhm...Hi." He muttered, before getting back to talking to the girl...Who I STILL didn't know the name of.
"Ryan...Can I go?" I looked up at him, my eyes pleading.
"Well...If you want to I mean...I can't stop you but...I kind of wanted you here." He frowned.
"If you want me to stay, I can."
"Its up to you, but I would love for you to stay." He smiled. I thought for a moment.
"...Alright." I quickly hugged him, then turned to face the girl.

I cleared my throat. "Hi...I'm Belle." She turned around and smiled.
"The names Beth." She reached out her hand.
"Nice to meet you, Beth." I stated, as I softly shook her hand.
"Same with you." She quietly said, as she drew her hand away. I could tell she was shy.

"SOO..." Ryan cleared his throat. "What movie are we going to see?"
"I don't know man. You pick." Brendon shrugged as he slung an arm around Beth's shoulders. She looked up at him and smiled.
"I'm thirsty!" I blurted out. Everyone looked over at me like I was crazy. I was NOT crazy. I only said I was thirsty. Jeez.
"Uh...Me too. Lets go inside." Ryan stated as he glanced over at me. I smiled up at him.
"Fine by me." Brendon shrugged, then him and Beth walked inside.

"Are you alright?" Ryan whispered into my ear when we were standing in line.
"Why wouldn't I be alright?" I cocked a brow.
"I don't know. You just seem a little...Tense. Thats all." He shrugged.
"Nope, I'm fine." I smiled.
He nodded his head. "Alright." And the next thing I knew...His lips connected with mine.

[ Brendon's POV ]

I'm FINALLY over Belle...Yup, and it feels good. Beth though...Amazing girl. I'm glad I met her. And I'm glad for Ryan's advice. I wouldn't be here in the first place if I didn't talk to him. I've only known her for 3 weeks...And I think I love her. She's just that amazing. We have so much in common its great.

"Hey Beth?" I turned to face her.
"Yeah Brendon?" She smiled up at me.
"I was wondering...Want to come back to my house after the movies and we can hang out for awhile?" I blushed.
"I'd love too." She grinned.
"GREAT!" I sound like an idiot...Nice one Brendon.
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Sorry its so short. I'm having a little writers block for this story. =(