These Scars Don't Seem To Fade Away.

Sometimes I Find It Hard To Speak.

[ Belle's POV ]
~ The Next Day ~

I awoke the next morning to a damn bird singing in my window. Do they like...follow me or something? I swear they do. They're secretly plotting revenge on me ever since I knocked a bird house out of the tree when I was in second grade. Funny story that is, but that' snot the point right now.
"Great." I muttered. "Just fucking great." Sighing, I quickly tiptoed as quietly as I could through Ryan's room so I wouldn't wake him...But I did. I crashed right into his stupid guitar amp. And guess what else...I fell. Flat on my face.
"AHHH!" I screeched loudly as I tripped over it.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" Ryan shot up in his bed and glared at me. "I was sleeping you know." He hissed.
"Well sorry. Maybe you shouldn't leave your guitar amp in the middle of the room." I rolled my eyes.
"Well maybe I can. It IS my room after all." Ryan walked over to me.
"Eww...Get out of my face." I gagged.
"Excuse me?!" He exclaimed.
"I said get out of my face. Your ugliness is blinding me." I laughed a little.
"What?! Didn't you just call me cute like...yesterday?" Ryan asked.
"Uhh....Yes..." I blushed.
"Hmm...I think I know what this is about." Ryan said.
"What is it about?" I questioned.
"You are just....trying to be mean to me because...You secretly have feelings for me. I'M A GENIUS!" Ryan exclaimed.
"WHAT?! What are You talking about..." My voice was shaky. Okay, Now he was really starting to piss me off. Since when does he have the right to tell me that I have feelings for him...Wait, maybe because I did...BUT HE DIDN'T KNOW THAT!
"HAH! Its true! I so just foiled your plan." Ryan danced around.
"What the hell...What plan." I cocked a brow.
"Uhh...I have NO clue." he stood still.
"Well then..." My voice trailed off.
"Awkward!" Ryan exclaimed.
"What the fuck...Are you High?" I asked him.
"On life maybe." Ryan burst out laughing.
"Your like....a creep!" I exclaimed, as I pushed him up against the wall.
"WHOA! KINKY!" Brendon exclaimed as he opened up Ryan's bedroom door.
"WHAT! NO....NO...AHHH!" I turned around and ran back into my room.
Ryan turned around and looked over at Brendon. "Actually...It wasn't like that. According to her, YOU are the cute one now. Man, she has horrible taste." Ryan shook his head as he walked out of the room.
"HAH! NICE!" Brendon grinned.
"...Brendon, you're weird! Now get out of my room." Ryan stated as he walked back in the room. He grabbed Brendon's arm and pushed him out the door.
"HEY! But thats not..." Ryan slammed the door in his face. "Fair." Brendon sighed as he turned around and walked down the stairs. A door opened behind him. It was Ryan.
"Go ahead in my room man. I honestly don't care." Ryan laughed as he patted his friend on the back.

"Dude....What the hell is Brendon's problem...I don't have feelings for Ryan...Do I?"
"HAH! Are you sure?" A voice asks from the door. My head snaps in their direction. I sighed.
"Thank god its only you." I stated.
"Why? Were you expecting it to be someone else like...Lover Boy?" Brendon laughs.
"Yes...WAIT...NO...I mean...AHHHH!" I through my hands up in frustration.
"Haha! Dude, Chill." Brendon chuckled.
"then stop confusing me damnit." I glared at him.
"Okay, I wont confuse you anymore." He laughed once more before shutting up."Now...How is this confusing you?" He asked me.
"Dude...You sound like your trying to be a therapist or something." I scrunched up my nose.
"Well...I'm not...Okay, Maybe I am...Is it working?"
"NO! Not at all...Wait...I don't know. Do you mean like, Is it working, Or is it not working because I wont tell you that I thought you were Ryan and because I didn't want him to find that I might have slight feelings for....him..." My eyes widened. And Brendon...the fucker just grinned.
"Man I am good." He had a huge ass grin planted across his face.
"Ugh...Damnit!" I groaned.
"What the fuck is going on in there?" Some one knocked on the door.
"Nothing." Brendon exclaimed.
"That coming from you....I doubt it." The voice replied.
"No honestly, Its nothing. We're just having a little talk about R....err...Nothing." I blushed a little.
"Nice one." Brendon laughed. "That was him I hope you know." He whispered.
"Shit." I gasped.
"Okay well....When you guys are finished, We all are going out for a bit so don't be long." Ryan said, then walked away.
"That...Was close." I let out a sigh of relief.
"For you maybe. I didn't do anything wrong...For once." Brendon laughed.
I gave him a funny look.
"What?! Now I look like the good guy cause I'm not the psychotic one." Brendon smiled.
"Fuck you!" I hit him in the arm.
"MOTHER FUCKER! Note To Self, Avoid girls who can pack a punch." Brendon stated.
"Your weird." I laughed.
"So I've heard." He grinned. "So...Is this little talk over?" He asked.
"Uhh...Its not over until you say its over." I laughed a little.
"Well then...I now claim this ov-- RYAN SAID THAT YOU THOUGHT I WAS CUTE!" He exclaimed, suddenly changing the subject. I just looked at him like he had grown another head.
"...He did say that."
"RIGHT!" I laughed. "Yeah, I did say that."
"So...You calling every body cute now?" He grinned.
"Nah, Just you...and Ryan...But uhh...Yeah." I sighed.
"You always seem to say the wrong thing, eh." He laughed.
I looked up at him and smiled. "Seems that way."
"Dude...You totally think I'm sexy." Brendon laughed.
"NO I DON'T!" I swung at him once more, but he jumped out of the way and ran downstairs before I had a chance for my fist to make any contact with his arm.

"BASTARD!" I called as he ran down the stairs. "Stupid Mother Fucker." I muttered.
"What?" Ryan asked as he walked into his room.
"Oh I was...I was uhm...Just talking to...Urie...I mean...Brendon." I stuttered.
"Interesting...So...Whats up?" He asked.
"Uhh...Uhm...Err...Nothing..." I replied.
"Sounds...Fun?" He smiled.
"I don't know what you call fun, But that is definitely not fun." I laughed a little.
"And she laughs."
"Huh?" I cocked a brow.
" just like...Never smile, or laugh." He stated.
"Well..I just...Don't have a reason too." I stated, crossing my arms.
"And why is that?" He asked, as he took a seat on the edge of his bed.
"Because...I have no reasons left in life to smile. To many bad things." I let out a sigh.
"Oh...Right. I'm sorry, I forgot." He looked down at his hands.
"Ryan, I told you I don't want your pity." And with that, I left the room.

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