These Scars Don't Seem To Fade Away.

My Secret Is Safe With You.

[ Syn-Dee's POV ]

It's been maybe a week since Belle's been here and already I see a problem coming along. Okay, I don't exactly see it...I...Kind of dreamed it. But that doesn't mean its going to come true...Because it wont. I hope. I mean if it does some true, this definitely will NOT be the first time something like this has happened. I guess you could say I was physic...Sort of. I guess I just get 'visions' in my sleep. It's weird. They don't always come though. Just sometimes. I know when they are visions, and when they are just normal dreams that every 18 year old girl has...This dream wasn't a normal one. It was a vision...This my sound weird but...I could like feel it. I knew it was a vision. What was this vision you ask, I can't tell you. Because if I'm wrong...Then...I just don't like being wrong okay!

I've been watching Belle and the boys. They seem to get along well...Too well I have to say. Okay...Her, Brendon and Ryan get along REALLY well. Shocking isn't it. Belle, Spencer and Jon are good friends...Not as good as Brendon and Ryan but hey, Why am I complaining. If she was good friends with Spencer...I don't exactly know what I would do. I just recently got him to stop hating on me, and she's friends with him in a week! I'm not jealous....Maybe I am, BUT THAT DOESN'T MATTER! Spencer is a special me. Yeah, you probably know where I'm getting at with this. Every moment that I have with him is just special. His personality can light up a whole room. Its just a shame that I'm worried about telling him. I honestly don't want him hating on me...Again.

"Why would he hate on you?" Someone asked. I turned around SO fast...I wasn't talking out loud. I was sure of it!
"...What?" I questioned. It was Belle.
"I uh...Never mind." She quickly turned around and walked away.
"BELLE! NO, WAIT!" I called as I ran after her. She turned around and we almost smacked heads. Startled, she tumbled backwards.
"Haha, Sorry." I laughed.
"Don't worry about it." She grinned. "But what did you need?"
"I...I kind of need to tell you something...I just don't know if I can." I let out a loud sigh.
"You can tell me Syn-Dee." She smiled at me.
"...Fine. But in private. I don't want anyone else hearing what I have to say." She slowly nodded, not exactly sure of what I was going to tell her. Once we were seated on my bed, it was FINALLY time to get the truth out.
"Belle." I sighed. She looked up at me.
"Okay...Here is the truth." I gulped. "I...I have these visions and..." She cut me off.
"Don't say anymore. I understand." She smiled at me. I was shocked. What did she mean by she understood me?
She cleared her throat. "What I mean is that...I know how you feel. You see, there's this thing about me and...I can't do it with many people but I found that I can do it with you...I'm not capable of doing it with anyone in this whole house."
"Capable of doing what?" I asked her.
She let out a sigh. "I can...Read your mind...sort of."
"So...I'm not the only one who has these weird things?" Belle shook her head. "THANK GOD!" I wrapped her in a tight hug.
"This doesn't get any further than this room." She stated.
I nodded. "Of course it doesn't." I smiled.
"Haha good...Spencer's coming." She stated, as she got up and left the room. I gave her a funny look. She shrugged her shoulders and continued walking.

"Hey." Spencer smiled as he walked in.
"Hi." I squeaked out.
He looked at me and laughed. "I was wondering...Want to hang out tonight?" He rubbed the back of his neck. Oh my god...Did he just ask me out!
"I'd LOVE too...I mean...Sure. Sounds like fun." I blushed.
"Sweet." He got up and left the room. Holy shit. My heart just skipped a beat. Man am I ever excited.

[ Belle's POV ]

Everyone has been so nice to me here. I don't even know why. There is honestly nothing good about me. Why do you think my parents hated me. I let out a loud sigh as I flopped down on my bed. Things have been so different lately. I mean...I've never exactly had feelings for a guy....two guys to be exact. But anyways, I've never had feelings for a GUYS like this before. I mean, there was never any guys that were nice to me in my old town and now...Things have totally changed. Ryan and Brendon...amazingly nice guys, and I just so happen to have feelings for them. What the hell am I going to do! I can't like them both at the same time...Okay I can but...I can't date them both at the same time!

"Hey." Someone was in my room. I looked at my door. It was Brendon.
"Hi." I managed to muster out.
"What's up?" He asked as he pretty much invited himself into my room, and on to the edge of my bed.
"Uhm...Nothing really. Just thinking." I muttered.
"Sounds...Interesting." He laughed. He gaze moved to the wall.
"I guess...I mean...Not really." Brendon opened his mouth to speak when someone cleared their throat. I looked up. Ryan. Great, Just great.
"What are you guys doing?" He cocked a brow.
"...Nothing! Absolutely nothing!" I exclaimed. He looked over at Brendon and laughed.
"We were just talking." Brendon stated.
"Oh...About what?" Ryan asked.
"I don't even know. He just came into my room not even 30 seconds before you walked in." I laughed. Ryan nodded his head then sat down on the bed beside me. Uncomfortable! I feel like I'm going to die at the moment.
"You okay?" Ryan looked over at me.
"Me...Uh yeah...I'm fine." I blushed.
"If you say so...Hey, want to watch a movie?" He asked.
I nodded my head. "Sure."
"I mean...You and Brendon can." I looked over at Ryan and smiled.
"Sounds like fun." Brendon said as he got up off the bed. Ryan nodded his head, then got up and left the room. I guess we were watching it downstairs in the living room.

Everyone in the house was gone by the time we started the movie. It was only Ryan, Brendon and me. How...Annoying. I was sitting in between Ryan and Brendon on the couch. It was VERY awkward...The kept moving closer, and closer until we were practically touching shoulders.

By the time the movie was over, everyone was asleep...But me. I was stuck between Ryan and Brendon because 1) Ryan had his head on my boob, and his arms were around my waist, and 2) Brendon was pretty much laying on my legs. Yeah it sucked...Okay why am I complaining? I like them...It doesn't suck.