These Scars Don't Seem To Fade Away.

Sooner Or Later Everything Will Fall Apart.

[ Belle's POV ]

Yup, I totally don't know what to do here. I'm still stuck in between the boys, although they did make a few changes in how they were sleeping. Ryan was snuggled up to me SO close that our faces were actually touching. Not to mention the fact that he was laying on half of my body. My other half you ask? Two words for you. Brendon's Territory. He was on the other half of me. His head buried under my hair, and in my neck. Boy would I have a lot of explaining to do if someone walked through the doors. I hope that DOESN'T happen. As funny as it may be it would be as embarrassing as HELL! I came back down to earth when someone began to stir. It was Ryan. He took in a long breath of air, relaxed, then slowly let it back out as he snuggled in closer...If thats even possible, I mean, I thought it wasn't...Until now. You learn something new every day...Night, or what ever the hell it is now! And every time one of them would breathe, the hot air would climb down my back and tingle my skin. I wanted to kill every bone in my body that said I liked it.

It kind of sucked...When ever I tried to move, I would smack heads with Ryan. Okay, I only tried to move once. Now look where it got me. NO WHERE! Besides my now throbbing head...I wonder if they're even alive. I grinned to myself. Better check! I reached over and flicked Brendon in the side of the head. the kid didn't even move. DUDE! HE'S DEAD!...Wait, wait, wait...He's breathing. False alarm.

By now you can imagine me being fed up. I was uncomfortable, my legs were cramping and my foot was asleep. I HAD to get out of this freaking pile! Only thing came to mind. As quickly as I could, I shoved Brendon off of me. He fell to the other side of the couch...Then rolled off and fell to the floor. I shrugged. I didn't exactly care. It was his fault. Now it was Ryan's turn. Idid the same thing to him that I did to Brendon. Want to know what happened...Nothing, thats what. He didn't even move! I carefully pried his arms off my waist....THEN shoved him off. And he actually stayed on the couch, unlike someone else. *coughsBRENDONcoughs* Yeah, the kids a loser but he's cute so that makes up for it.

"I need fresh air." I muttered as I quietly slipped on my shoes and went outside on the balcony. I leaned against the railing as I stared up at the night sky. It was really pretty the way the stars glistened in the moonlight. This is what I call a perfect night.

"Hey." Someone yawned from behind me.
I turned around and smiled. "Hey, Ryan."
"Why are you up?" He asked as he shut the curtains, and then the sliding door.
"Well...I couldn't exactly sleep." I laughed, leaning my back on the railing behind me. "What about you?"
"Me? Oh...I wanted to talk." He replied.
"Alright...About what?"
He sighed. "Alright look...When ever we talk you usually have some remark thats intended to hurt me. Why?"
"Ryan I...I don't know. I'm scared. I haven't been treated right for 18 years. How am I supposed to think that now that I'm staying here, everything is going to be fine and dandy. You know, one person can only handle so much." I could feel the tears building up in my eyes. I wasn't about to let him see me cry.
"Belle...I understand. I know how you fe--"
"How can you understand!" I blurted out.
"Ryan...I'm sorry. I forgot." So much for not crying in front of him.
"No, I'm sorry. I didn't come out here to talk this." He walked over and stood beside me.
"Then...What was the point of coming out here then?" I asked him.
"Well...The point of me coming out here was..." He leaned in closer and closer then finally...Our lips connected. Whoa, whoa, WHOA! He SO did not just do what I think he just did!
"...Did you just kiss me?"
He shrugged. "I don't know, maybe." A grin formed across his lips. I let out a soft chuckle.
"Well, I'm going to bed. I'll see you later on tomorrow cause I have to go to a radio interview with Jon and Spencer." Ryan yawned,
"...What about Brendon?" I asked.
"You see..He kind of got banned." I let out a loud laugh. "But yeah, see you around." He added.

It was maybe an hour or so later when the sliding door clicked, signaling that it was being opened. I turned and came face to face with Brendon. Man...Not him too.
"Hey, Bren." I smiled.
"Hey." He grinned. "What are you doing out here. Its freezing." He stated, rubbing his arms.
"Yeah...I came to realize that like...10 minutes ago." I slightly shivered.
"I was wonder...I can't exactly sleep and...I was just going to go for a late night drive..." He rubbed the back of his neck, "...And...Do you want to come with me?"
I smiled. "Sure."
His eyes lit up. "Really?! I mean...sweet. We can go when ever you want."
"We can go now. Its not like I'm waiting for anything else." Brendon laughed at me.
"Alright, lets go." He turned around and walked back in the sliding door. Smiling to myself, I followed him.

We talked for a little while, but then he found it hard to drive so he pulled over so we could resume our conversation.
"...And that is how I ended up here." I sighed, as I finished telling him my story. He just stared at me. His eyes watering.
By now I knew I was crying. Every time I tell this story I cry. I don't exactly see what I keep telling people.
"Hey, Don't cry." He brought his hand up to my face and gently wiped away the tears that had fallen.
"I'm sorry." I smiled up at him.
"You don't have to be sorry." He looked me straight in the eyes.
"Yeah but..." I was cut off by him pressing his lips to mine. I sat in between the two seats and kissed back. Okay, this night couldn't have gotten any better...WAIT! What about Ryan. I feel so bad, but we aren't dating or anything. But WHY do I still feel so horrible. I totally take back what I just said. This day...Kind of got bad. Now its going to be even HARDER to decide which one I like more. Stupid Ryan. Stupid Brendon....STUPID ME!