These Scars Don't Seem To Fade Away.

I'm Addicted To You.

[ Belle's POV ]

Whoa, wait a minute. Brendon was here...Ryan kissed me. I hope he doesn't suspect anything. Oh god. This is going to suck if he knows what happened.

"YOU LET HIM SIT ON ME!" My gaze came off the floor and over to the bed where Brendon was climbing out from under the mattress.
"I can't believe you...I'm going to kill you!" He shrieked, as he lunged over at me. A scream escaped my lips before I was pinned to the floor.
"I said I would kill you if you let him sit on me." Brendon stated, his face hovering above mine.
"Didn't mean...Sorry I'm...uhh..." My words came out a mess.
He gave me one of those famous smiles of his. "Having troubles." He grinned.
I opened my mouth to speak, but closed it knowing that I would again, talk nonsense that didn't exactly make sense. Instead, I just shook my head up and down.
"I can tell." He laughed. His face still hovering over mine. It seemed to be slowly moving closer though. Great. When ever I have one of these 'moments' with ALWAYS happens with Brendon moments later. Why can't I just make up my mind already. Oh thats right, Its kind of hard when I've got one of them practically lying on me. That could always be a minor setback.

"This is 'killing' me." I grinned.
Brendon shrugged. "Maybe, Maybe not." He laughed.
"Oh really." I cocked a brow.
"Yes really." His grin got even bigger.
"Then how are you going to kill me, if this isn't kill---" He pushed himself at me. His lips smashing on mine. Oh great. Stupid hormones. I didn't exactly want to enjoy this...But I did. I just HAD to enjoy this. He pulled away a few minutes later and grinned down at me.
"...Uhh..." Was all I managed to get out.
He let out a soft chuckle as he picked himself up off the floor, then left the hotel room. Well then...So much for not seeing anyone of them. Now I really have to decide. Sooner or later, they'll both find out...and everything will be ruined.

[ Syn-Dee's POV ]
~ Time Skip ~

I bet you're all wondering about what happened when I went out with Spencer. Let me tell you Ama-fucking-zing! We went out to this cute restaurant, there were roses on the tables. The dinner was very fancy. After that he took me to a movie. When we arrived at home...He apologized to me. I didn't exactly know what it was for at first, but after he started then I knew what it was for.

~Flash Back ~

"Brendon! I don't want to watch you and your stupid friends practice!" I crossed my arms.
"Awe, come on Syn-Dee. It'll be fun." He pleaded.
"Fine, I'll come. You are the most annoying cousin ever, though." I stated.
"Thank you! Now come on, lets go!" Brendon led me into a dark room.
"Why...Why is it so dark in here?" I stuttered. I felt around for my cousin, but he was gone.
"Brendon!" I exclaimed. No answer. I opened my mouth to speak, but a hand was placed on my shoulder. I quickly turned around to see who it was and let out a blood curdling scream. I began flailing, and stumbled backwards, tripping over something. A loud -S-M-A-S-H-!- echoed throughout the room. Right away the lights flicked on, and standing in front of me were four teenage boys, each of them wearing a black ski mask...except one. Spencer was standing away from the other three. His mouth was wide as he stared in my direction. I turned to look what I had crashed into. Oh shit...

"My...My...MY DRUMS!" He shrieked as he ran over. He shoved me out of the way and began furiously examining them.
"You ruined them! YOU BROKE MY DRUMS!" He yelled inches in front of my face. Tears welled up in me eyes. He didn't exactly seem to care very much because he just kept screaming at me, and telling me how much of a screw up I was.

So that is how Spencer basically came to hate me. I broke his drum set when I was 13. And now he was apologizing for it....FIVE YEARS LATER! Man, took him long enough. Ever since that day though, I've always had feelings for him. When ever I was around him, I always tried to show that I liked him, and it took him five god damn years to finally notice. What the hell took him so long! Oh well...Why am I complaining! He said he was sorry...then kissed me. My thoughts were interrupted when Belle barged into my room at full speed.

"Whoa...Whats wrong?" I asked her. She looked up at me, her eyes watering.
"I...I don't know what to do anymore." She whispered.
"Whats going on? Are your parents here?" I stated, a worried expression crossed my face as I got up and locked the door.
She shook her head. "No...Its not that. Its...Something else." Thats when it hit me. Remember that vision I was talking about earlier?....yeah, it came true. I knew EXACTLY what she was freaking out about.
"Syn-Dee...What do I do! I like them both so much and...and..." She couldn't finish off her sentence. The tears overwhelmed her.
"Belle...I can tell you one thing. I KNOW they both like you and...I don't want to see either of them hurt but...Go where your heart tells you to go."
"Oh dear..." I sighed.
"Yeah...What do I do. I mean...Ryan is older than me, and Brendon is more closer to my age. But...I don't know. There's just something about Ryan that...Oh god, I don't even know anymore." She hung her head.
"Okay...What is this 'thing' about Ryan?" I asked. She looked up at me. Her eyes filled with hurt.
"Well...I don't really know but...Every time I'm around him my heart is all like...'Flip, Flop, OH MY GOD *dies*' And I know that sounded really cheesy." She laughed slightly.
"Glad to see you laughing." I started, "But...Does Brendon make you do that at all?" I didn't exactly want to know her answer. I didn't want my cousin being hurt at all.
She nodded slightly. "Yeah but...Its different. With Brendon its just like...I feel like my heart is on the verge of beating out of my chest...But with Ryan, It IS beating out of my chest." So I got the answer...My cousin WILL be hurt.
"There you go...Obviously you should go with Ryan. I mean...If you feel more for him, Why hide it?" I stated. God, I hated myself for saying this.
She nodded slowly. "I just...Don't want to hurt anyone. I wish I never even came here."
"NO! Don't EVER say that! You are the BEST friend that I have EVER had." I exclaimed. She stopped freaking out and looked me in the eyes. She nodded her head signaling that she understood. "Now...You should go talk to Ryan. Tell him how you feel." But she shook her head.
"No...I'm going to wait just a little longer. See how everything works out." I smiled...Maybe my cousin wouldn't get hurt.