These Scars Don't Seem To Fade Away.

Would You Ever Tell Me That You Love Me?

[ Ryan's POV ]

"Has anyone of you seen my hat!" I belted out.
"Uhh...No!" Syn-Dee called. Damn! Where the hell could I have left it.
"...I did." Brendon answered.
"And where is that?" I crossed my arms as I walked over to him.
"...IN MY PANTS!" He burst out with laughter.
"Eww. You're fucking nasty man...NOW GIVE ME MY FUCKING HAT!" I lunged at Brendon and knocked him off the couch. "Give me my hat!" I shrieked as I violently shook his shoulders.
"...Nah." He laughed even harder. I didn't even notice the front door open.

"....What the hell is going on?" Someone questioned. I slowly turned around. Oh shit...
"Uhh...Hi, Belle." I blushed. Great...Now I look like an idiot in front of her. When she laughed I couldn't help but smile. I wasn't even paying attention to Brendon as he wriggled free from my grasp. My gaze focused on the girl standing in front of me.
"Belle." Brendon whined, "Ry's going to eat me." He pouted as he crouched down behind her, placing a hand on her hip so he could keep his balance. The left side of my face twitched as I watched him.
"Ry...You okay?" Belle asked. The way the light hit her eyes made them sparkle beautifully. The shade of Green was just exquisite. Oh god...Just listen to me.
"Yeah uhh...I'm fine. There's just...Something in my eye, that's all." I blinked up at her.
She nodded her head. "Alright, then." She smiled down at Brendon then left the room.

"What was that about, man?" He asked as he stood and brushed himself off.
"What was what about?" I stated, clearly confused about what he was talking about. I mean...Brendon rarely makes sense.
"The whole thing that happened with Belle, dumb ass." He stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"The way you looked at her....It was...I don't know...weird." Brendon shrugged. Shit...He can't know that I like her. NO ONE can.
"What are you talking about...I wasn't looking at her funny...and why would you care anyways?" My brow arched.
"I care because....Wait...Why do you care." He narrowed his eyes until he was full out glaring at me.
"...You don't like her....Do you." Oh god...I wasn't exactly looking forward to his answer. Please say no, Please say no.
"Well...." He rubbed the back of his neck. This...Didn't sound to good. "Kind of..."
"NO WAY!" I shrieked. My eyes filled with Horror. "Y...You can't. Just....No." I shook my head about half a million times.
"Are you saying that....Oh god."
"YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND BRENDON! WHY!" I wasn't going to cry...No I wasn't. Not over some girl that I've known for no more then a month.
"I CAN'T HELP IT!" He through his arms in the air. I closed my eyes and looked away from my so called 'best friend' I couldn't even look at him.
"Ry come on..." Brendon softly said.
"NO! I won't listen to you. NO!" Just as I had feared, I let my emotions come pouring out.
"Ryan, we can work this out. Honestly." He placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Get your fucking hand off of me, Urie!" I screamed. He looked taken back by my outburst.
"RYAN! STOP ACTING LIKE YOU'RE SIX GOD DAMN YEARS OLD!" He hit me in the arm as hard as he possibly could. I looked at him and the coldest expression was playing on his face. It took my a few moments to regain my posture...But I felt a little better. I was somewhat glad that he had hit me. It brought me back to my senses.
"Since when did she have a sign around her neck saying 'Ryan's Property' I mean...You can't get angry at me! You two aren't even dating." Brendon crossed his arms.
"That's besides the point! Nothing has even happened with you two. Something HAS happened with me and her." I tried my best to match up to his stone cold expression.
"Thats where you're wrong...WAIT!" His facial expression dropped within seconds.
"What now?" I was getting annoyed with him now.
"You said that something happened with you and her...And something has happened with me and her as well. Dude...Is she playing us?!" His words hit me like a ton of bricks. She wasn't like that. Up until now I thought she was different from every other girl that I had ever met in my life time...Which isn't very long. 21 years, and you think you've seen it all.
"No...She's not like that. She just...can't." I shook my head once more attempting to get the thoughts out of my head that Brendon had solidly fastened into my mind.
"I know what you're thinking. I didn't think she was like that. She just...Can't be." He sighed.
I nodded. "Its just...Not possible." I let out a sigh that beat Brendon's by a mile. Some how...I feel like I'm the one who is the most effected by this little misfortune.