Status: heartbeat.

The Stolen Kiss.


Smoke?" Jolie asked.
Autumn blinked and asked what that meant?
"Let's get high," Jolie stated.
The waiter, Noah, grinned as he followed Jolie towards the bathroom of the club.
Autumn was nervous, but she refused to stand there like a little kid.
"Took you long enough," Jolie commented with a devilish smile.
Noah took a puff from the joint and smiled in a goofy way. Autumn was nervous, and hesitated to take the joint from Noah. She inhaled a whole new world.

Jolie and Autumn were laughing as hard as they could as they reached Jolie's apartment door. Jolie pratically ran into her door and then stopped.
"What the fuck is this?" She ripped an eviction paper off her door.
"I can't handle this right now, fuck. What the fucking fuck," Jolie almost ripped the paper in half.
"Hey, wait, just come to my place," Autumn remarked.
Jolie looked at her door. "Can you help me get my stuff tomorrow?"
Jolie looked helpless. Autumn nodded.