Status: one shot contest entry

No One Will Hurt You

chapter 1

I move my head with the screams that flow through my headphones like life sport for a dying patient. If there wasn’t music I would probably drop dead, just what everyone ordered.
I make my much despised way down the hall of whispers and lies. Everyone there seems to have starting problems. They stand there loudly judging the prey that walks through there densely populated den. I could feel their deadly stares and poisonous whispers destroying my back and gutting me alive.
His hair is so ugly! That dude ever heard of scissors!
Look at that faggot. I think his balls are going to explode with how tight those jeans are. What are you talking about he doesn’t HAVE balls.
Everything is wrong with me. My hair, clothes, face, body, and the way my walk sends the message that I don’t give a rat’s ass of what they think of me.
“FAGGOT!” Someone yells at a distance they don’t dare to say that to my face. Most of them know that I could beat the shit out of them if my dead hurt desired but since these brain dead douche bags travel in packs they would probably gang up on me and gloat to the whole school on how they beat up the flamer. Real tough guys aren’t they? Having to have a group of others help them take down the school fag.
Keep walking Anthony just breath and walk, breath and walk… The music that is blasting through the head phones go up to another impossible level probably causing some ear damage. As usual my locker is adored by some new remarks from my fellow high schoolers and maybe some of the staff. In neon pink lettering that even a blind person can see is written the same word that someone yelled from the other side of the hall.
I avoid the bright letters and open my locker to take out the crap that I needed for my first period class and slam it shut. It was no use trying to rub off the words. It would only give future violators a clean canvas.
I take my seat at the back of the class where no one bothers to turn and the teacher never glances at. It is a safe spot in this battle field filled with slutty Barbie wannabes and steroid taking morons. They have taken lift the dumb bell be the dumb bell to heart. No one pays attention to me as I draw on my notebook and will the clock to bring the end of this period so I could get on with my life. Like always I had my headphones on so I didn’t realize that the teacher was introducing someone and then calling my name until the teacher slammed a book on my desk.
Before I could tell off the teacher about how I was going to place those books in the deep and dark place that is his ass I saw him. He was the most beautiful person I have ever seen. He looked to be about 5’5 and was as thin as a stick. His angelic face was framed by his jet black hair. Even with all this making my eyes go on over load it was his eyes that stood out the most. They were the palest blue that I had ever seen. As if he had cried all the color out. His face was etched in sadness and fear. For some odd reason I just wanted to hug him and protect him from danger. Weird I don’t even know his name.
“Anthony will you show Tristan around school?”It was more an order than a suggestion so I got up and walked out of the room, Tristan right on my heels. Aw he’s like a puppy! The inner me is freaking out over his cuteness like the fag I am but my outer layer is completely cold and emotionless. So his name was name was Tristan… I glance at the fidgeting boy. The fear in him was more evident now. He was scared of me? That broke my already bruised and abused heart. Towards the end of the mini tour Tristan speaks for the very first time.
“Umm Ant-Anthony?” He stutters quietly. I turn towards him and give a questioning stare.
“Yeah Tristan?” He looks at me through his hair before looking down.
“Ca-can w-we g-g-go to the ba-bathroom?” He whispers. I step closer to him and he cringes as if he thought I was going to hit him. He still doesn’t look at me.
“Yeah sure Trist it’s like right here anyway,” I tell him trying not to sound hurt. He looks at me with a confused expression.
“Trist?” He asks stutter free. My face turns an almost undetectable shade of pink.
“Sorry it just kinda slipped out. I won’t say it again.” I say and make my way into the bathroom. He enters the bathroom in a rushed pace.
“N-no I like the nic-nickname! It’s just th-that no one has ever gave me a nick name before..” he rushes eyes wide. A smile forms on my face. He is so adorable! It felt as if my heart was going to burst and splatter the grey walls of the bathroom. While Tristan washed his hands I studied him further, the tight blue jeans giving a nice view of his ass. Since he was so short he had to reach up for the paper towels at the very top of a shelf. Before I could help him his shirt rode up and I caught a glimpse of cuts and bruises. As fast as lightening I was by Tristan’s side with my hand on his shoulder making him face me. A whimper escapes his light pink lips. The fear was back.
“Don’t hurt me,” he whimpers tears falling down his face. The sight of him crying shattered my heart into millions of little pieces. Gently I wipe his tears away and rest my hand on his cheek.
“Shh Trist I’m not going to hurt you.” I whisper trying to soothe his nerves and gently wiping his tears away. He stares at me with child like eyes.
“Your n-not?” He asks in disbelief like this is the first time no one has up and smacked his face before. I gently caress his cheek trying to calm him down. Automatically I feel him lean into my touch.
“I wouldn’t even think about hurting you..” I say quietly. “Trist?” He looks up at me.
“Who hurt you?” His face loses all color.
“You saw the bruises.” It was more like a statement then a question. I nod.
“I want to know who hurt you Tristan. I know this may sound weird to you but I don’t like the idea of you being in pain.” My hand is now on his shoulder quietly urging him to tell him. His eyes drift to the floor until I take his chin in my hand and gently raise his face up so his eyes met mine. It took all my inner strength to not lean down and peck his lips.
“My ex boyfriend at my old school. He didn’t want anyone to know about us or his homosexuality. One day someone saw us kissing and told the whole school. He told everyone that I threw myself at him and basically made my life hell with daily beatings by him and his friends. It got so bad that me and my mom had to move to another state,” He whispers probably thinking that I would be disgusted that he was gay and that I would do what his ex boyfriend had done to him in the past. On the contrary I was practically bursting with joy. Concern and anger wiped out the gay joy at the moment though. Who would hurt this beautiful angel? I was going to make sure no one ever hurt him and if they wanted to they would have to go through me.
“That asshole..” I growl he cringes and stares into my eyes.
You hate me now don’t you?”Whispers. I laugh lightly.
“I don’t hate you. You’re not the only gay kid in the world, or in our case this bathroom.” I wink a smile playing on my lips. His eyes widen.
“You’re gay?” He asks shocked. I nod trying not to laugh.
“Is it that surprising?” No response his face looked so funny and adorable! That’s it I can’t take it. “You’re so cute!” I cooed before wrapping him in my arms. Giggles erupted from the little boy I held so gently in my arms. Then I did something that took both of us off guard.
I kissed him.
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