Status: Active

After Everything That Happened, I Found You

I feel like I'm going to prom

"Do you want me to stay?" Richard asked as we walked in to my new house in Truckee. I looked around, it was quite big. Too big, almost.

"No, it's alright." I smiled slightly as I turned to face him. He frowned slightly before resting his hand on my shoulder.

"Call me if you need me." He sighed before turning towards the door, giving me one last sympathetic look before shutting it quietly behind him.

I sighed as I walked further in to the open plan living room, there wasn't much in here; just two large brown material sofa's and a large wooden coffee table. The kitchen was bare also, just the essentials. I sat down on one of the sofa's and looked around the room, everything was wooden. The floor, the walls, the doors; everything. I didn't really want to move, I didn't want to do anything. I just wanted to sleep, and so I did.

I wasn't asleep for long, about an hour according to my new iPhone which made no sense what so ever. I groaned slightly as I lifted my head up from the cushion, someone was banging on my front door. I slowly rose from the sofa, dragging my feet all the way to the front door.

"Hello.." I said quietly as I opened the door, seeing a boy about 5 ft 10 with extremely out of control dark brown hair.

"Hey.. I'm your neighbour." He said slowly as his eyes widened. I furrowed my eyebrows together slightly, was there something behind me?

"Yo, I'm Danny." A boy with long ginger hair and a handle bar mustash yelled as he appeared out of no where.

"Ok.." I replied, I've never had a neighbour introduce themselves before, this was rather weird.

"We're going out, you wanna come?" This Danny character asked cheerfully whilst the other boy just stood there looking stunned.

"Erm.. I'm not sure.." I replied, I was still really confused as to what was going on. Was this a joke?

"Come on! It'll be fun." Danny smiled.

"I dunno.. I have no nice clothes." I replied as I raised an eyebrow.

"That's cool, my girlfriend has loadsa nice clothes! YO HAYLEY GET OUT HERE!" Danny shouted as he looked back over at his house, a couple seconds later I spotted a girl running down his drive and then running up mine.

"What's up?" This Hayley girl asked, she was quite pretty with long blonde hair.

"Borrow Navaeh some clothes, she's coming out with us tonight." Danny replied before turning his gaze back to me.

"Sweet! Come with me!" She squealed happily as she grabbed my hand, pulling me out of my own house.

"Erm.. Okay.." I said as we ran down the drive, hands still connected. When we reached Danny's house she didn't stop running either, she literally dragged me up the stairs and to what I'm assuming was the room she shared with Danny.

"Ok, what do you want to wear?" She asked as she opened the closet, boy did she have a lot of clothes.

"I'm not too bothered." I shrugged slightly, I'm not just gonna go rummaging through the girlfriend of the guy I've known two minutes' wardrobe.

"Ok, I'll choose." She smiled as she went through it, chucking out random things. I just stood there awkwardly, what was actually going on? I did kinda wanna go out and make friends but at the same time I just wanted to sleep.

"This would be perfect for you." She smiled as she pulled out an aqua blue strappless dress, I had to admit; it was fucking beautiful.

"Yeah I like that." I smiled as she handed it to me.

"Put it on then we can discuss shoes and accesories!" She giggled happily, she was sweet bless her. She must not be much older than me, probably the same age to be honest.
After I put the dress on she decided I should just sit on her bed whilst she did my make up, decided on which shoes, what bag and what accesories I should wear. It felt like forever until she was finally finished, I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror.. I did look pretty damn hot. My legs were on show, along with the tattoo of three large swallows flying up my leg. This is what I'm wearing:

"You look SO good. Come on, let's go." She smiled widely as she grabbed my hand and dragged me out of her room. Somehow she had managed to get herself ready also, she was wearing a short black body con dress with just simple black platforms.

"I feel like I'm going to prom." I scrunched my face up as we reached the bottom of the stairs, Luke and Danny staring at us in awe.