Status: Working on it... :)


My Dad Michael

A week later, Patch was totally refused by Lucy’s mum and was taken to the vets. We both missed him loads. It was a Sunday so Lucy and I hung out in the forest together, chatting about stuff . “Erm, Lucy, can I ask a question? You probably won’t want to talk about it” I asked? “Yeh, go on”, with her head down, throwing more pebbles in the river. “Remember when you were arguing with your mum, why didn’t you want to talk about your dad?”

Lucy kept silent for a moment, “Don't tell anyone but mum told me this, when I was about 7 years old, Dad just was really weak and constantly tired, he wouldn’t eat as much as he did before. Mum thought it was just a flu. It was going on for 1-2 months. Mum began to worry that we took him to the hospital, after a week or so and the doctor told us that he had brain tumour and because it’s been going on for so long, that most of his brain is affected and he has a very small chance of surviving.”

“We got called to the hospital about a month later. I was looking forward to seeing his face smile at me from his bed, holding his hand once again, seeing his eyes shine again. “You would have to hope a lot.” Mum said. However, when we arrived there, the doctor took mum to a small room with a big window facing me. I sat on a chair, in front of the window so I saw the doctor explaining something to mum.”

“I was supposed to play with a childish jigsaw but I didn’t, I sat there, my eyes on mum. A few minutes later and I saw mum fall on the chair with her hand on her mouth, the doctor was trying to comfort her but she would not even look at him. She started to cry, and I heard her scream, “No, it’s not possible, Michael is strong!” over and over again, with her tears gushing from her eyes. I stood up, I started to cry because I knew what was going on. My arms let go from Timmy, my teddy that dad got me on my 5th birthday.”
“I remember when dad used to read bedtime stories to me every night before I went to bed, he used to tuck me in and kiss me on my forehead. The memories I will treasure forever.”
“I picked Timmy off the floor and hugged him strongly against my chest. I realised that seeing his face smile at me as if the angels restored the life back into his face, holding his warm hand once more, seeing his eyes shine as if it was not the end yet was just a beautiful dream to have on day.”

She stopped for a second and I saw a tear come down from her cheek, I noticed that I had a few tears coming down from my eyes as well. She would not lift her head up; she kept on looking at the river flowing steadily beneath the bridge that we were sat on. I gave her a hug. “I’m really sorry.” I whispered in her ear. My heart felt heavy of guilt and sorrow. After letting go of her, she continued.

“It was unexpected for us; Mum was really depressed about herself not taking him earlier to the hospital. She had an eating disorder for a year and I still remember her sitting on the doorstep crying with a picture of dad with her on their honeymoon. She had a grey face that I could not get over. Every day, when I came back from school, there seemed to be a gloomy, miserable atmosphere as I walked in through the door. Mum cried lots and lots about him downstairs while I was in my room trying to take my mind of things with something, I sometimes used to go in my bed and put a pillow over my head to stop me from hearing from what was said from mum. I used to get sent to Grandma’s when situations became really bad.”

“Mum could not get over it for 4 years until she went to this doctor, who can deal with mental health. She was called Dr. Julia, who really helped with mum’s situation and that is how she it now. Of course it took a lot of difficulty and time but it was really life changing and worth it. That’s why we moved to here and start a fresh life, happy again.”

I saw the happiness restore in Lucy’s face as she smiled at me. “Thank God I can see that smile again.” I said happily and then Lucy said, “As long as I’m with you, I will always have a smile on my face and I will never let you go.” and we both hugged each other.
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Sorry I havn't updated this story for months now. Today I thought of updating this chapter, I little depressing I know. Please comment.