Status: Maybe More To Come

Making Things Perfect Again


For two years, two LONG years, Josh had been sitting in a dark, damp basement, being fed only bread and water to survive. When the day finally came, he was curled up in a wet corner, contemplating on giving up on his life, the only thing keeping him alive though, was his soon to be wife, Lucy, who was probably waiting for him in their then new home, awaiting his arrival with open arms. She was also probably baking her special chocolate chip cookies what Josh had asked for just days before this had all happened. That day, he wasn't quite sure on the time, the lights suddenly flickered on. Josh quickly shut his deep, gray eyes.
"PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" A man with a deep voice yelled. Josh, who was now squinting, carefully lifted up his tattooed arms above his long, black hair. With the very little vision he had, he noticed that the loud man was a police officer who was now coming to his aid. He doesn't remember much else about that moment, he only remembers constantly thinking that he would be seeing his dearest Lucy once again.

After several weeks of rehabilitation, He was finally going back home. The home with the white picket fence, rose garden and the unused playground in the backyard. The place where Lucy and him were residing together to start their new lives as newlyweds. Josh's mother drove him there, continuously glancing over at him with sympathetic looks. Josh didn't care though, he just wanted to see his Lucy. As soon as they pulled into the driveway, Josh's wide smile seemed to be cemented onto his face, it was in-erasable. Josh took a deep breath, and walked up to the door. He pushed his long black hair out of his face and knocked on said door.
"Joshua." Lucy said, completely shocked. She wasn't wearing the same expression as Josh was. Lucy's face, normally plastered with a smiled and her inviting blue eyes shining with excitement, was now exhausted, distraught and somewhat sorry. Josh's white teeth were slowly covered with his lips. After moments of standing in shock, Lucy invited Josh into the house. Josh's small nose was engulfed with the sent of her perfect chocolate chip cookies, his ears could hear a screaming child, his heart immediately fell into his stomach. This was supposed to be his home, his Lucy, his child. The two, now, ex-lovers sat on the couch, Josh's legs were much too long, so the hung off the edge, limply.
Josh had so many things he wanted to tell Lucy, but all that came out was "Why?"
Josh had always been the talker in the relationship, but this time he was speechless.
"I wanted to wait for you, I really tried but, I didn't know if I would ever see you again…and I was constantly reminded of how much I loved you…" and just like clockwork, the screaming child ran into the family room.
"Mommy! Cash broke my Barbie's head!" the small girl squealed. Josh looked deeply at her, the same blue eyes as Lucy, same soft, curly brown hair as her too.
"You go get Cash and mommy will talk to him, alright, Presley?" Lucy fake smiled at the little girl.
"Like I said, I had two constant reminders of you, and I needed a distraction," A smile crept upon her sorry face for the first time since Josh had gotten there. "and Kendall came along and it was just about love at first sight." Almost immediately, Josh's heart broke into a million pieces. A small boy marched into the room this time, with a scowl spread across his face.
"I didn't do it mommy! I pwomise!" the little boy was almost in tears. This child was different that Presley though, he had midnight black hair what laid everywhere, narrow grey eyes, and full red lips. It hit Josh like a ton of bricks, there were Lucy's constant reminder, these were his kids. Josh felt like the wind had been knocked out of him.
"This is Cash, you're son" She said quietly.
"Honey, I'm home!" A voice said, almost in a taunting manner to rub in Josh's face that he had his girl, and Josh did not anymore. Josh didn't know what to do…so he ran.
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I would really like some feedback, I am wondering if I should continue writing things, or just leave it at this.
I really enjoyed writing this, and If I remember correctly, I got a decent grade on it.
But, anywhoo, Leave a comment either on my page, this page or message me or something letting me know what you think of it. (: