Status: Active.

Tragic the Way People Pass Her By


My breath caught in my chest as I fought with my conscience on whether or not to change the channel. My finger froze over the button, unable to move. I could hear commercials playing in the background. They were the typical awkward things. You know, erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis; the usual. By the third commercial, the guide timed out, going back to showing E news.

After what seemed like hours, it finally returned. The blonde lady, who was wearing a way too revealing top, smiled at the camera, as a picture I knew all too well appeared in the corner of the screen.

“Does Zach Porter of Allstar Weekend have a girlfriend?” she said winking at the camera. “Sources have informed us that Zach Porter was recently sighted with a mystery woman at the local Mexican restaurant in San Diego. The two were seen holding hands, and hugging. Could it be that Porter has finally gotten over his previous girlfriend? We all know that his last girlfriend left him to go back to her small town home in Pennsylvania, and left him heartbroken. We’ll keep you updated as we learn more information.”

The newscaster moved on to another story about how Lindsey Lohan was in rehab again. Slowly, I felt the disappointment coursing through my veins.
There was a part inside of me that hoped that Zach wouldn’t move on. That he wouldn’t forget about me. That once his fame died down a little bit, he’d come back to me.

Stupid thinking. I mean, he’s a rock star for crying out loud! He has girls practically bowing down at his feet every single night. He’s been proposed to countless times.

Then again, it was my choice to leave. Nonetheless, tears formed in my eyes, as I angrily punched the power button on my remote. I laid down on my couch, and ran my hands through my hair. Slowly, I cried myself to sleep.

Hours later, I woke up with a start. The TV was on. I must have rolled on it during my nap. E news was back on, even though it was hours later. I could hear dishes clanking as someone did the dishes on the level beneath me.

I sat up, and stretched, reaching my arms out. I rubbed my eyes, as I started listening to the television.

“We have an update for all you A-DUBBers out there! We have a picture of the alleged girlfriend of Zach Porter! The two were spotted together today at Jamba Juice, on what seems to be like a date! Has our Zach finally gotten over his broken heart?” the newscaster said in an overly enthusiastic voice.

My body froze as I saw the picture they showed in the middle of the screen. Zach was looking better than ever. He finally got a haircut, so his hair wasn’t all up in his face. Yet, that wasn’t what got me. Holding Zach’s hand was someone who was a big part of my life. It was Lexie.

Lexie and I had lost touch. Since I went on tour with Allstar Weekend all those years ago, I lost contact with her. Not only her, but also many of my friends from home. I was just so busy; I had no time to talk to anyone besides the boys.

I rewound the show, and paused it on the picture. They both were in mid-laugh, their eyes twinkling with happiness. Their fingers were intertwined. Lexie had died her blonde hair, to a dark brown. It didn’t suit her. It was odd looking at a picture of the two together. I honestly didn’t think that she made that much of an impression on him.

Maybe I was just getting too full of myself. I mean, I’m just another one of his countless ex-girlfriends. Lord knows how many he’s had. It’s entirely my fault this happened. I shouldn’t be upset. It was my choice.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! I just wanna say THANK YOU to all of you who are subscribed, and who have commented! Especially those who have never commented before!

I've been SO busy lately! That's the reason for the lack of updates recently. I just thought you should know that I finally met Allstar Weekend! Best night of my life. (:

Anyway, leave me some love. Or hate. (: Opinions, questions, anything is welcomed. (:

Check out my other stories if you're bored. (:

I used way too many smiley faces in this Author's note.....