Status: Active.

Tragic the Way People Pass Her By


“Shit, shit, shit!” I screamed into the afternoon air. She wasn’t ready. He’s going to ruin this. We will never get to see her again. I ran across the parking lot that our bus was residing in, to the busy city street. Traffic was terrible, yet I managed to hail down a cab. I quickly leaped in, and told the driver Sarah’s address.

“But that is so far away!” he grumbled with a slight Pittsburgh accent.

“Yeah, well, it’s an emergency,” I snapped. The driver muttered some profanities under his breath before pulling out into the busy street. He quickly turned onto the highway, and we were speeding along.

The whole time, I kept trying to call Zach. He wouldn’t answer his phone. Sarah wouldn’t answer her phone. Neither of them would text me back. This wasn’t good.

I leaned my head against the seat, and let my mind race. So many possibilities of how this could turn out. She could end up hating us. She could end up talking to us again. She could slap Zach. She could… She could do so many things.

I’m so scared to find out. I promised her that she wouldn’t see Zach until she was ready. I promised.I can’t break promises.

Finally, the driver pulled up to her house. I didn’t see Zach anywhere. The house looked deserted. I handed the driver some money, and he sped off. I slowly walked up to the front door, afraid of what was going to follow.

I took a deep breath, and reached my hand out to the door. I pushed the doorbell, and chimes were played throughout the house.

I waited.

And I waited.

Finally, as I was about to turn away, I heard footsteps. Slowly, the door opened.

It was Sarah’s little brother.

“Hi, Liam!” I said, kneeling down to his height. “How are you doing? Do you remember me? I’m Cameron!”

He gave me a funky look, before a wave of recognition flooded over his face. “I remember you! You were Sarah’s friend! She’s not home right now.”

I bit the inside of my cheek. Were. That hurt. It was my own fault though. I let her go.
“That’s okay. Do you mind if I wait for her inside? I really have to talk to her.”

“Uh… Let me ask my mom,” he announced, and sped off into the abyss of their large home.

I stood there on their porch, as I waited for him to return.

A few minutes later, I heard the clank of high heels coming down the foyer. Sarah’s mom appeared in the doorway, a smile formed on her face.

“Hi, Cameron! When Liam said that you were here, I wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. It’s nice to see you!” She pulled me into a hug. “It’s been too long! What brings you here to my humble abode?”

“Oh, I was just in the area,” I said with a grin on my face. Mrs. Clark was just so friendly. I forgot how nice she was. “I actually came to see Sarah. Is she home?”

Mrs. Clark shook her head. “No, she’s at school right now.” She looked at her watch. “Actually she should be home in about a half hour. Do you just want to wait here for her?”

“That would be great, Mrs. Clark. Thank you so much.”

I followed her into the large house, into the kitchen. She got me a drink, and started asking me questions all about tour.
♠ ♠ ♠
Shitty chapter, I know.

Schools ending in a couple weeks. This summer, I'm going to be starting up my other stories again, so stay tuned. (:

I'm sorry it's been so long since I updated. Life just gets in the way. I'm going to try to update a lot more in the summer.