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Glee'll Be Your Man

My name’s Sophia—it’s really not that hard to pronounce and if you have trouble, well then you really are daft—and I’m going to lay down a couple facts for you before we continue on with the story. I was born and raised in Liverpool, England until I turned thirteen; which is when my father—Douglas—was proposed a raise if he moved down south (Yep, you guessed it: Australia). It was kind of a shock for me but I went along with it, what other choice did I have right? All this time I thought my dad wouldn’t get proposed a different position again, but as life goes on… you realize that it doesn’t continue on through that path you want it to follow. This time we were moving to the states, in a little state I’d like to call ‘unknown’ (Ohio). I mean, of all the exciting states they could have picked from, they chose a little boring town in a little boring state. And as I went through with the move, how would I have known that I would have been pursued by a lot of suitors (well not as drastic as I put it, but still)?

Disclaimer: I do not own the plot line of glee or the show, and neither the characters. But I do own my character and the story plot line.

© Mariana Musto; 2011.

All rights Reserved.
Reproduction of this story or taking of ideas in any way is prohibited and illegal.