Tangled up in You

Dangerously Handsome Stranger.

"Pendejo!" I stuck up my middle finger at my near death experience causer, who could have cut me up! I bent down to retrieve my motorcycle as I heard urgent wolf-whistles from the truck that almost killed me.

The guy that almost ran me over, climbed out of his truck and came up to me, his imfamous smirk was apparent. He slipped off his Ray-Ban sunglasses and revealed goregous light emerald eyes, my heart melted for mere moment as I took it all in. It fueled my annoyance at this dangerously handsome stranger.

"Do you mind talking English because I have no idea what you're saying." I scoffed and crossed my arms and connected my noisette eyes with his emerald ones, completely amused.

"Well,  Pendejo, if I spoke English it would be easier for you to crack the code, chorra. Don't you have something to say to me?!" I always cursed in Spanish when I pissed. Okay, so, it wasn't the best way to go, calling a random handsome stranger an asshole and including stupid as well. But he could have fucking killed me.

"Perra." My ears admired his beautiful voice but I snorted at his comeback, so he does know Spanish. Was that the best he could do?

"Ah, so you do know spanish. Bitch? Really, is that the best you can do?" He walked off at my words. 

"Yo, I'm not done with you!!" I called after him as he stepped back into his truck and pulled his Ray-Bans back on.

"Well, I certainly am. You crazy chick."

"Get back here and give me an apology!!"

He laughs, my heart skips a beat. "Oh please, I would have to drop dead before I give an apology to a fucking crazy chick like you!"

"Vete al infierno!" I shireked in deep fustration. 

"Whatever, crazy chick." With that he drove off. I groaned in annoyance, people these days have no consideration for others. I looked at my watch and groaned once more in pure annoyance.

Well, it was a waste going to school early.

I was late for band practice again. Alyssa and Danea are going to rip me to shreads. This was the fourth time this week, I've been late to band practice for the talent show that came annually.

We competed every year; but we always came second to another girl band called "Topless." which was our school's all time favourite.

In our girl band "Ultraviolet." we all sang: Danea sang high, I sang medium and Alyssa sang low. Topless's pianist Fallon Reed always wanted to me to be apart of their band but I kindly declined because I was devoted to Ultraviolet. Even though they won every year and played at local clubs; Fallon was convinced that their lead singer: Hayden Bennett was horrible and disagreed with her slutty, man candy reputation but the band was enthralled by it. Nothing ever got through Fallon Reed; she was made of stone hard steel.

I climbed back on my thankfully undamaged motorcycle and rode rapidly to school, hoping that Alyssa and Danea hadn't started band practice yet.


I ran urgently through the school auditorium doors to find Alyssa and Danea packing up the equipment. I ran up on stage towards them; they acknowledged me but completely blanked me.

"Guys, I'm sorry I'm..." Danea stuck her hand in my face and gestured me to stop talking. "What is it this time, Jen? You had to look after Gabby and Miguel or you randomly crossed paths with an amazingly goregous guy..."

As a matter of fact, I did but what an Pendejo he was. Don't get distracted, Jen. Although he looked damn sexy in his black and white button ups and those tight band guy jeans. Damn.

"Or some lame ass excuse that you force Alyssa and I to believe." I knocked out of my band guy fantasy and turned to Danea and began to get pissed with her. So what, if I had to look after my foster brother and sister and so what if I just seen one of the hottest guys in Baltimore? She was just being a bitch right now.

"So what?!! What exactly are you getting at Danea? So what if I had to look after the twins? Or whatever lame excuse, I seem to be giving you guys? I'm not your fricking property, Danea! I can do what I fricking like."   

"But what about us, does Ultraviolet mean nothing to you?! We have been relying on you, Jen. We have given you chances and you blew it. You've have missed practice the fourth time this week! We don't seem to be a interest to you anymore." Alyssa finally broke her slience and took sides with Danea. 

I can't believe this! So they want me to give up my personal life for this stupid unsucessful band. It definately won't be if they keep up this negative attitude.

"What the hell do you want me to do? I can't just put a stop to my personal life because of this stupid band and the people that are suppose to be my friends ordering me about? Well, you can think what you like."

"Then, you're out of the band, we'll save you the trouble." I ran my hand through my lengthy curly jet black hair in fustration. Fine, if that's how they want to play it, they can have it their way. I don't fricking need friends like them.

"Fine, have it your way. You guys are being such bitches." I grabbed my bag and walked towards the auditorium doors and as soon as I opened them, I bumped into Hayden who snorted at our accidental gesture. I looked back at Alyssa and Danea and scoffed in disgust.

"Seriously? Hayden Bitchett? You guys can't get any lower! You were just waiting to get rid of me. Oh, thanks guys! I know where I stand." I angrily forced the doors open, leaving at Hayden's surprised and disgusted gasps.

I clutched my Glamour Kills messenger bag and walked to the library and mumbled profanities to all the people I hated underneath my breath. Bitchett of all people?! They really would sink that low, if they didn't want me in the band, why didn't they say so? I'm a big girl, I'm made of thick skin, I can handle it. I forcefully pushed the library doors as I did, I was welcomed with a chorus of shushes.

I immediately spotted the array of honey blonde hair and the black t-shirt and glittery writing marked with "The Beatles." I instantly recognized it to be Fallon. I smiled and walked to the table she was sitting at, with a pile of history textbooks in front of her.

She ironically looked up and noticed me. I sat opposite her.

"Hey Jen, what's up?" She put down her blue bio and looked at me with concern. She could probably read my angered expression.

"I got kicked out of the band." she looked at me with sympathy but I gave her look not wanting sympathy. I explained to her what happened leaving out the details about Bitchett. 

"I'm so sorry about that, Jen. They're such bitches for doing that you. Saying that Hayden left the band..."

"...And joined Ultraviolet." I finished her sentence and she gasped and banged her fist on the table and the chorus of shushes started up again. 

"The bitch fucker." Fallon whisper-yelled and did a little victory dance. I giggled at the play of her words. "I knew she was a bitch. I knew she was no good, oh I'm ready to kick ass." 

I picked up one of Fallon's textbooks and mindlessly flicked through it. "Nah, kicking her ass would be too easy. How about we show her how Topless is without her?" A huge grin invades Fallon's lips.

"You're going to join?!! I'm totally down with that. That's freaking awesome, I knew you join our band one day. You were meant to be." she gets up and gathers her textbooks and shoves them into her messenger bag.

I smile brightly at her. "Hopefully, Daiton and Starla will approve of me."

"Of course, they will. I know they will. Trust me, Jeneva Colorado there's a lot of people that worship the ground you walk on."

I laughed and followed her out of the library to the music practice rooms. We were indulged in conversation as we did. Fallon was my next door neighbour, she lived with her grandmother because of the shit she landed herself in multiple times, so her parents decided to ship her to B'more, Arizona just before that.

We arrived at the practice room, welcomed by a guitar chorus of both Daiton and Starla. They were too indulged into their guitar playing to acknowledge us. They came to a halt and noticed us, main attention on me, they gave waves of welcome but was unsure why I was here but they didn't ask a thing.

"What are we going to do?! We haven't got a lead singer and the talent show's in a couple hours!" Starla exclaimed, totally missing the catch that I was their replacement. She sucked on her mini orange capri sun straw.

"Well, obviously guys that's what I'm here for." I stepped forwards from my position next to Fallon.

"But how do we know that you're not suddenly going drop our band to go back to your old band? Also, how much do you really know about us and our music?" I took a deep breath and smiled, this was easy to crack.

"One, I can promise you that I'll never go back to my old band. Hayden and the other girls made it clear that Ultraviolet were for bitches. Two, I'm just like any other big fan in school, when you guys perform, I often wish I could be in your band but I also thought I had to be faithful to Ultraviolet. I promise you, I'll stay faithful to guys, I keep a promise if you let me stick it out my own way."

Daiton smiled and laughed. "I like this girl." She came over to me and snapped me a high five but then she gasped in shock, noticing my Avenged Sevenfold necklace. "You like Avenged?! I freaking love this girl." She examined my necklace with excitement.

"But this is so ancient! How did you get one?" 

"My dad gave it to me before he died. He used play them all the time." I contained myself, refusing to let the tears fall. Daiton gave me look of sympathy and I smiled at her not wanting her sympathy.

"Well, you're definately a member of Topless in my eyes. I wish you came sooner." She hugged me and laughed.

"We'll make up lost time by kicking people's asses that mock your name." I laugh and she agrees with a "Hell yeah." Fallon and Starla began to laugh as well. As the laughter died down, I turned to Starla.

"And Starla...we have to get that shyness out of you and bring out confidence because you're one of the bad ass bass players in our school and should be proud of it." She smiled and mouthed a thank-you. 

"I like you a lot, Jen. You're definately a member of Topless."
♠ ♠ ♠
My first proper story on mibba!
Let's set it off with a bang!
With my four other beautiful co-writers.
Hope you enjoy our work.
The beginning of something beautiful.
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Do what you like xD
