Tangled up in You


"Daiton! It's time for your pretty ass to be ready, and your not! Don't make me come get you." Jeneva yelled up the stairs to my room. Since she was my friend I decided I shouldn't cuss her out this time since I was being kind of slow on purpose.

What? Can you blame me? I only had three hours of sleep last night. My neighbors were real assholes that love to blast music all fucking night. Me being me I went and asked them to turn it down, probably not in the nicest way but I still asked.

"Hey, bitch I'm coming calm down."I yelled back at her while coming down the stairs. I hoped they were all ready to finally go on this tour. I surely was cause I can finally show the world that I am better then most men that play guitars. Forget being a beast on guitar I am a legend!

So let me just tell you the basic stuff about me. My name is Daiton if you haven't notice and if you talk about my damn name I will kick the shit out of you. I'm 18 and I'm from California where the sun is bright and the water is warm, but also brings back memories.

"Daiton Where are you going?" Brian said as I walked out of my dad's house.

"I need to leave I can't be here anymore. You just wouldn't understand if I told you." I said and placed my last suitcase in my Mustang. He came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. i pulled him off of me and stepped away from him.

"Look Bri I love you, I always will but to much has happened and I have to leave." I said while trying not to look him in the eye.

"Dait please don't leave me, if you leave I will have nobody else." He said then cupped my face in his hands.

"You will always have me, but I have to go baby. i promise to call you when I get there okay?" I said and finally looked him in the eye. He had a evil look in his eyes, like he was about to throw me in his trunk and drive off.

"Just know you'll always be mine." He said as I slowly moved towards my car door. I jumped inside and started the engine. I never seen him like that, maybe I really was hurting him more then I thought but he just didn't understand.

As I pulled out of the drive-way he ran and jumped into his car. Was he about to follow me? My question was answered when he went the opposite way I went. I really did love him but I just had to go.

"Lets go trick I'm ready to be on stage!" Jeneva screamed as we went out side to her car. I was leaving my black beauty home. My black beauty is my 1969 Mustang GT clone. I loved that damn car and I would kill anyone that touched it.

"well get in the damn car already. We were supposed to meet the other bands an hour ago. You were the one taking all day."

"Well it's not like we leaving the city tonight, so why not take all day." I retorted back. She thought about it and I guess she thought I was right but didn't say it aloud.

"Wait! Where are your guitars?" She said slamming on the brakes.

"Fallon has them now can you stop trying to give me Brian damage." I said almost hitting my head on the dash.

"Oh." She said like she felt a little slow. Like seriously did she think I would leave my babies at home so they could be all alone? Luckily I didn't live far from the venue we were going to tonight so we made it there in about five minutes.

I got out of her car wondering which of the huge buses was ours. I saw three different buses, a red and black, a green and white one, and a pink and silver one. I hope we didn't have the pink one or I would throw the biggest bitch fit.

"Which one is ours?" I asked Fallon as she came towards us. She knew I didn't like pink so before she got to me stop and started to back away from me. Oh, hell they gave us that ugly shit!

"I'm not touching that bus and none of you can make me." I said before I got a response from anyone. Starla laugh as she came closer to me.

"That's not our bus anymore, I told them you would flip out if they gave us that bus so now we have the red and black one." Bitch fit left me quickly as a smile was now on my face.

"Well I'm glad I didn't have to cuss anybody out this early in the morning." They all rolled their eyes at me then we walked to the stage where all the other bands were. I heard someone playing the drums I guess for sound check but what they were playing was amazing.

I looked up to see a guy with kinda long brown hair and a slightly chubby face. He looked down at me as I walked closer to the stage and smiled. He finished playing and got down from the stage and came over to me.

Oh this was going to be the best tour ever.
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Okay so Here's my first chapter
And yes I really will kick you if you talk about my name xD
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