‹ Prequel: Orphan Owned
Status: Active

Orphan Owned Child


We ran onto the stage waving our hands around. The crowd roared when I did my famous sexy pose for them. It was almost like my dads.

"How th' hell you doi' tonigh'? I slurred, then began laughing. This made the crowd go fucking insane. I think they knew I was fucked up and they loved it.

After the Show

My heart thudded as I ran back stage after the encore. My dad was standing there at the curtain, waiting for me. I smiled, but he just glared at me horridly.

My heart skipped a beat when he grabbed my arm and dragged me back to the dressing room. "Chelsie...what are you on?"

I snickered. "Dad, I'm on the Earth? What else would I be on?"

He cupped his face, dragging his hand down slowly. "No, what I meant was, what drugs are you on?" he asked calmly.

I swallowed hard. I didn't know how he was going to re-act to this and I sure as hell wasn't ready for it. He's probably going to freak the hell out and tell me that drugs are bad and I shouldn't do them. Blah, blah, blah...

Finally I let out a sigh. "I smoked a joint."

His head hung down and his chest lifted up and then collapsed down. "Chels...why? I know you probably wanted to try it, but why now? Why'd you have to do it on tour?"

Another one of my high-snickers escaped my throat. "I don't know. I just wanted to try it, you know? I had my chance and I took it. It's not like I planned this out. It just happened, you know?" I rambled.

He nodded his head in response, then took my in a hug. "All you had to do was tell me that you wanted to try it, because if you're gonna smoke pot, then you're gonna try it with Tre, Mike and myself. Alright?"

My eyes were wide opened. I never would have thought my dad would smoke pot with me! It almost makes me think that he isn't a good dad anyways. What kind of parent would smoke illegal drugs with their kid? Oh who the fuck cares...my dad is epic.

After a long hug, I looked up at him and gave him a half-ass grin. "Dad, this stuff is making me really tired. Can you come sleep with me on the tour bus?" I asked with puppy dog eyes.

A sweet laugh shot out of his mouth. "Sure. Lets go take a cat nap," he said, then gave me a small kiss on the forehead.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mkay, so I know that was short, but I'm super-duper busy today.
I'm going to a show tonight to jam out and I just wanted to update really quick for you guys.
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