It Takes Disaster to Learn a Lesson

Baby Register

You are home looking at baby things with Jacko from your computer that you set up on the TV. There is a knock on the door. You open it and see it’s May and your mother blind flooded

“Why is she blind flooded?” You ask.
“Because I’m not going to let her know where you live,” Todd said.

Todd help her inside.

“What is on the TV?” Todd asks.
“She wants to buy the baby stuff so after x-games everyone can put the room together with it being here,” Jacko said.

You go to the living room with May. You sit down and Jacko goes back to lying down.

“Are you ok?” Todd asks.
“I went back to the doctors. I was having pain in my upper leg. I guess I pulled something,” Jacko said.
“Are you out of x-games?”
“Yeah and x-fighters.”

Todd looks at you. You hold up three fingers. Todd cringes a little.

“What was that for Todd?” your mother asks.
“Nothing, now tell Anna what you want to talk about while me and Jacko go and look up some themes for the baby,” Todd said.
“I’m not moving,” Jacko said.

Todd pats his back and leaves.

“Where is he going?” May ask.
“I don’t know but I’m scared of it,” You said.

“Anna,” Your mom said.
“Yes mother?” You said.
“Your baby shower…”
“Ashleigh is doing it.”
“Well we want just a family one.”
“I don’t really want a lot.”

May looks at you.

“You not going to mix it, you will be pissy if you did that,” May said.
“You would be the only one,” You told her.
“There are cousins and there is Vicky you remember her right?” Your mom said.
“Cousin a year older then me?”
“Yes her, she is also pregnant with her husband’s baby.”
“Had to add that in don’t you mom.”
“We are combining your baby showers. Now where are you register?”
“I’m not.”
“While then go on line and do it now.”

You grab the computer.

“You going to be typing?” Jacko asks.
“Yeah,” You said.
“Let me get the keyboard from the office computer.”
“That’s right.”

You get up and grab the key board and hook it up so you can type without the laptop on your lap.

“Where do I go?” You ask.
“Baby r us that is where Vicky is register,” Your mother said.

You go and sign on.

“Now you need a car seat,” Your mom said.
“Ok so do I just type car seat?” You ask.
“No find the one you want.”

You look at Jacko.

“You awake enough to try this?” You ask Jacko.
“Yeah,” Jacko said.

Todd comes in and hands Jacko a bag of carrots and you a bag of Cheetos.

“Thanks Todd, what car seat do you want baby?” You ask.
“That one,” Jacko said.

You look and see he points to the Yellow and black one.

“No, you guys need this one,” Todd said.

Todd goes and shows you the pink one.

“How about this one Jacko?” You ask.
“Is it pink?” Jacko ask.
“Do you like it?
“Ok, it’s fine.”

“Why is wrong with Red?” Your mom asks.
“It’s the color of Honda,” You said.
“Is it blue?” Jacko ask.
“No it’s purple and black.”
“Great choice love.”

You guys register for everything but a crib and bedding saying you guys order. They leave and you look at Jacko.

“Cheese and rice I’m going to have two baby showers,” You said.
“Why not three?” Jacko ask.
“Mulisha and everyone else.”
“Because the wife’s don’t care.”
“I know but the breakdown of it being ten people each…”
“I talk to Ashleigh. I know Marissa was looking forward to it.”
“Ashleigh will be planning both but get help with say Marissa and Susan?”

You grab your phone and call Ashleigh.

“Hey,” Ashleigh said.
“Jacko brought up a good idea,” You said.
“What is it?”
“Two baby showers.”
“Ok do I plan both?”
“Yeah so I get three. You plan both put get help from Marissa and Susan.”
“Ok so who goes to what because there is time to have one with mainly the Mulisha girls.”
“You, Marissa, Michelle, Jessie, Hay, then who else is there?”
“Susan, Brooke, Amy, any other ones?”
“I’m friends with the guys.”
“I know there more guys then girls you like. Friends from school?”
“They ass holes, but there is Kellie.”
“any other?”
“Ashley Grant and Ashley, Scummy’s girl.”
“Grant comes to Mulisha, Ashley comes to the others.”
“So there is Susan, Brooke, Amy, Ashley.”
“Um ask her which one she wants to go to and you be going to both right?”
“Yeah we can have so it’s a guy thing at the compound.”
“What you mean?”
“You know guys are going to bring you gifts.”
“We just set it up so the guys can be there and we eat lunch and you open gifts, do you want to play games?”
“Ok are you register anywhere?”
“Baby r us.”
“Ok I send emails out to the wives to get dates out before X and I call Susan I will tell her what up ok just to limit time.”
“Yes have a split for time wise and to many people to get a clear date.”
“Ok thanks.”
“No problem bye.”

You hang up and look and see Jacko asleep. You kiss his forehead and put in the Nine inch nails videos you have on your computer.
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