Status: A work in progress

On My Own

Dear Mom

Dear Mom,
I hope you know that I love you. Even though you always are in bed or talking to Tim or Mow, Sophie, Mawmaw, or anyone but me, and when it comes to me, yeah we'll have a few laughs but it ends with you screaming at me and I don't know what I did wrong, yeah I have a smart mouth or i'm a "smart ass" as you put it but I really can't help that and you should know, because you're the same way. When you talk to me you end up screaming and crying, even if its over me playing a freaking RADIO! I am sorry I cause a lot of your tears and if I was actually writing this to you I would ever tell you that you were one reason to cut myself today. I am so sorry I caused you pain.

Your messed up daughter,