Hell's Kings


I stood against the corner waiting for Waylon. I knew my sire was coming this way. It was one of the perks of being a fledgling. You could always find your sire. Then again, your sire could always find you. It was a win/lose situation depending on what you'd done. In my case it was usually a great benefit to me and a great annoyance to Waylon.

That fact always made my day.

I could feel him coming closer until it was time. I stepped out of the alley, my head cocked to the side as I watched him pause and stare at me clearly annoyed. I smelled blood. Not his, but vampire blood...another period blood? Now I was getting curious. What the hell was Waylon doing around a menstrating woman? He avoided them like the plague. I, personally, had no problem with menstrual blood, it was the mood swings that honesty scared the shit out of me. That was why I stayed away from them...even if I craved them more than I should have.

"You've been making trouble," I said arms crossed over my chest as he stopped and glared at me.

"Out of my way Mathias. I'm not in the mood to deal with you tonight," Waylon snapped at me causing my eyebrows to shoot up.

Yes, this was going to be far too much fun. I was like a kid in a candy shop. I wasn't going to be able to stop prodding and bothering even if I was told to. "Well that does sound like a terrible pity, doesn't it Waylon," I said with a chuckle. "And here I was just wanting to stop by for a little chit-chat. Honestly, it's as if you don't like me or something."

Dark eyes narrowed at me and I grinned back in retaliation. "Mathias, if you cross me this night, I swear by all the laws which I hold as holy, I shall destroy you."

An eyebrow shot up in answer. Well, I really had caught him in a pissy mood. It was a sobering thought. There wasn't much that could actually make Waylon that mad and what made Waylon mad was something that should make you cautious. "And here I was coming to ask my sire for advice," I said with a heavy sigh. It was a clear ploy to get his attention, but the sad fact was that it was true.

I could see him considering his next move before he finally sighed and rubbed his brow. "Fine, fine," he growled. "What do you want?" It was amazing the bond between fledgling and sire even when the sire hated his fledgling.