Status: This story will come back...slowly but surely.

Carry Us Away

"Ever Since I Found You, I Wanna Be Around You."

My eyes slowly opened as I woke up, I looking around I got confused for a moment then laughed when I remembered where I was.

Claire had called me earlier this morning, and by that I mean four thirty this morning. Her words were so slurred they sound like one big groan, I might have been asleep when she called but I know a drunk when I hear one and she was so out of it. After a couple of minuets of having her repeat what she said the first time I finally narrowed it down to, "come get me," or "pick me up." Which would've been a lot easier if I really knew what she was saying and where the hell she was, someone finally too the phone from her and gave me directions. When I did get to her she was already passed out...and nearly naked.

Rubbing my eyes I looked at phone, 12:34, shit, so much for riding all day. I owe her though, I've called her plenty of times, actually she was there most of time only in a way better condition than me.

I stretched, well tried to but Opal the big white buffalo was laing on my legs. I reached down and scratched behind her ear bringing her out of her loud snoring daze. There was a harsh knock on the door that immediately brought Opal up and off legs and into an even louder barking fit. I thought for a quick moment on if I should answer the door or not but got up and did it anyway. Opal was still barking when she ran down the hall, I opened the door to see a delivery guy on the other side with a couple boxes.

"Nora Blaine's place?"

I nodded as he shoved a clip board towards me and spoke again,"just sign the line."

I took the board and signed it then tossed it to him,"here asshole."

He shot me a look then walked back to his tuck, I picked up the three boxes and sat them on her counter. Opal was still barking until Claire yell loudly,"shut the fuck up."

I laughed and turned while stretching as she walked stumbled into her living room,"good afternoon sweetheart."

She looked up at me confused and grabbed ahold of the couch arm,"what?"

I laughed as she looked around the room and brushed her back with her hands, she was only in her underwear and probably wondering what happened to her.

She eyed me suspiciously,"what the hell happened, how did I get home, why are you here , and what the fuck happened?"

I laughed at how she could hardly talk and quickly thought of something to tell her to throw he off,"you called me, I brought you home and then we fucked."

She walked over to her table and sat on it, she kept looking at me as I just smiled at her,"we didn't have sex."

"And just how do you know?"

She rubbed her head and sighed softly,"because I might not remember last night, but I remember that I've never woke up with clothes in the same room let alone on me and you so would not be looking that. There's not even a tiny scratch on you."

She shot me smirk that said defeat, she was right though. I'd be covered in bite marks and scratches if we'd had sex. Damn her and her psycho sex.

"You did call me and I did bring you home, but I have no clue what happened to your clothes. You were like that when I found you," I sat on her counter and scratched my bare chest.

She nodded slowly and stood back up,"I'm gonna shower, you can leave."

I didn't really wanna leave,but I stood up and fallowed her down the hall. She stopped and turn into me," I said you could not fallow me into the shower like you used to."

I smiled and licked my lip out of habit,"my hat and shirt are some where in your room."

She raised an eyebrow and walked into her room with me still fallowing,"why?"

I laughed and moved the cover on her bed," because you tried to have sex with me."

I pulled on my shirt and hat and looked at her as she took a couple pills and drank from an already opened bottle beside her bed,"and you passed that up?"

Oh god, she was right again.

"Yeah, easy drunk girls are totally different when I'm the sober one," I laughed lightly as she shot a glare at me.

"Fuck you and get out of my house," she laughed too then quickly walk to the bath room at the end of her hall.

I walked back into her living room and petted the buffalo before I slipped on my shoes opened the door. I went to walkout but one of my legs stayed behind, I turned around and saw Opal with the legs of my pants leg in her mouth. I laughed and shook my leg trying to get her to let go, she just pulled me towards the center of the room. I still had a hold of the door as she tugged harder at my jeans and growled lightly. I know I said I didn't want to leave, but seriously, this ridiculous I sighed and closed the door then looked down at her. She let go of me, I opened the door again and she latched on. I rubbed my face smiling as I closed the door and walked over to the couch after she let go again.

I sat down and sighed loudly, Opal sat beside me and laid her head in my lap and looked up at me. I laughed at her and rested my head back while I waited for Claire to get out of the shower. It was about forty-five minuets before she got out the shower and walked back into the living room while adjusting her towel, I couldn't help but to smile.

Once she saw me she quickly covered herself, even though we've seen each other naked before,"why are you still here?!"

I laughed and pulled at Opals ears,"your big white buffalo won't let me leave."

She rolled her eyes as if I was lying to her, I wanted to stay but I wouldn't blame on the dog.

"Yeah right, so this has nothing to do with the I wanna give back everything you've gave me idea in your head?"

"No, she seriously won't let me leave, she bits me when I open the door," I stood up walked to the door to show her.

She crossed her arms as I opened the door, Opal quickly jumped off the couch and grabbed my pants with her teeth like she had earlier. I pointed down at her with my hands,"see."

She snapped her fingers and called for Opal but she just laid there till I closed the door. Claire rolled her eyes then pulled her dog back her room and closed the door sending Opal into another fit.

She walked back in the room the opened the door for me,"there ya go, now leave."

I looked at her and bit the inside of my lip in thought, I'm not leaving yet. I took my seat back on the couch and smiled as she slammed the door.

"What are you doing? Get out, I even opened the door for you, which is way more than what you did for me," pulled her towel up more over her chest.

I sighed and laced my fingers behind my head,"I'm not leaving yet. Not till we talk, and by that I don't mean what happened at Beaus' the other night." I stood up again and stood right in front of her," no matter how many time you hit me I'm gonna stay till we get through this, so take your first shot."

I don't know why but I'm kinda getting mad, oh yeah she's hard headed and has killer mood-swings.

She rubbed her tongue along her teeth and rolled her eyes again, she bounced on the sides her feet as she opened and closed her fist. She's mad, good, that means she'll say whatever's on her mind, bad, cause I probably won't live to see tomorrow.

I took a step back when she smiled, this is gonna hurt. All of her weight went behind the fist that just busted my lip.

"That, that's for every time you kissed me after you came back from other girls place. This is for every time you thought hugging me would make up for not saying thank you," I had my hand over my mouth as her fist collided with my shoulder.

why did you say she could hit you?!

I grabbed my shoulder with my other hand and sighed,"okay, okay, I take back the part where I said you could hit me!"

"To late, this for when we were little and you broke the music box that my grandfather gave me before he died," she always hits me for that one, no matter what.

I fell over the side of the couch in a blur when she hit me in the jaw. When my vision came back I looked around and pulled myself up. She was standing there rubbing her hand. I opened my eyes wider then laughed lightly through the pain.

"I think you just knocked me out," I laughed harder and slide off the arm of the couch and sat up on the cushion.

She looked at me and laughed too,"that's what you get. I'm going to get dressed before something bad happens."

She was still mad when she stomped off, and by something bad she meant us actually end up having sex. Which we both knew we wanted.

I laid down on the couch and rubbed my jaw. I hate how we're always bipolar with each other, I have no bad feeling towards her but she, she just has to hate me. I really want her back, why didn't realize that she's the only one who was there for me? And now that I really think about, we never dated, it's like it was just assumed that we were together but nobody ever said anything about all the other girls around her. In some twisted way we did have a relationship together, I was her only and she was my every other.

I closed my eyes and wiped the blood from mouth on my shirt, wincing a little when I touch my very swollen lip. A few minuets later Claire calmly walked back into the room, I looked over at her. Her eyes seemed kinda puffy and red, I sat up as she walked into the kitchen and opened the freezer. I scooted over and flinched when she tossed an ice pack at my crotch me she sat down.

"You look like shit," I knew she smiling as I took of my shirt and wrapped it around the ice pack once then placed it against my face.

I gave her a mean playful glare,"thanks, some lunatic just knocked me out."

She giggled and moved closer to take a good look at my lip,"you'll be okay. I've done worse."

I laughed and nodded,"I know."

I watched her carefully as she sat beside me smiling like she was remembering something.

"Do you remember that one time when you made me really mad-" I chuckled and cut her off.

"You mean ten minuets ago? Yes, I remember that very well," She giggled again and shook her head.

"No, we were real little and we were supposed to be taking a nap and you kept talking to me and I was really sleepy so I kicked you out of the bed," she started laughing really hard and couldn't finish talking.

I remembered thought,"yeah I do! You kicked me out of the bed and I hit my head on some toy in the floor and cut my forehead open. Then your mom yelled at me for crying and told me to go to sleep."

I laughed too as I thought about it, I was a mean to her and deserved every punch and kick she gave me. She was still laughing, but stared waving her hand in front of her face as she started to cry from laughing so hard.

"Your mom hated me, your mom still hates me," I laughed harder while Claire nodded.

She finally calmed her laughing down to where she could talk,"yeah she does, but she hates me too so don't feel special."

I suddenly felt bad at that comment, her mom hates her because of me, of course," I'm sorry about that too."

She stopped laughing and looked at me with some confusion,"for what?"

"Your mom hating you," sighed and took the ice pack off my lip and sat it in lap.

She smiled at me and shrugged,"look, it was choice to go with you instead of going on in school. Besides I'd be doing the same jobs I have now if I had gone on, you don't need a college degree to help people."

I looked at her smiled painfully making her laugh, I shook my head put the ice back on my lip,"I'm going down to see Mom in a couple days if you wanna come you can."

She nodded and scratched Opal when she jumped up in her lap, "yeah, I'll totally go. I haven't seen her in a couple months."

"A couple months? You go and see her,"I was caught off guard.

She raised an eyebrow at how surprised I was,"yeah, just because I wanted nothing to do with you doesn't mean I can't go see your mom. She raised me too, you can't keep her all to yourself."

She was right, if I wasn't at her house she was at mine. That happens though when your parents have the same job but different shifts. I rubbed my tongue against my lip and sighed then looked at her.

"I have to go," I hated to say it but I did need to.

She smiled," your babies need their daddy. I understand, have fun cleaning up their mess."

We both stood up and walked to the door Opal fallowed but just sat down. I watched her as I opened the door, nothing, what a strange dog. I stepped out side then looked at Claire as I handed her back the ice pack. She sighed quietly and took it out of my hand.

"I'll probably leave pretty early on Friday so I can spend all day with her," I moved my hat around and shook my shirt.

"Yeah, um if it's gonna be before seven you'll have to call me," I laughed and shook my head at her.

"Ha, not hardly, I'll be here around nine," I stepped off the single step to my truck.

I turned away from her when she closed the door. I opened my tuck door and threw my shirt into the other seat then looked back to her house when I heard her door open. I turned around as she ran up to me and just stared at me for a couple seconds. I went to say something when her face was in front of mine and her lips kept mine from moving. I winced but quickly forgot about the pain. She pulled away and laughed, while I stood there kinda very confused.

I raised an eyebrow and watched her run back to the door,"so what does that mean?!"

She laughed and shrugged as stepped inside,"I guess it means you're safe."

She closed the door quickly but I just stood there for a moment lost.


I drove home in silence, but couldn't wait till Friday.
♠ ♠ ♠
This longer than I thought it was, it's not very good in my opinion