Status: Four Chapters


Motel Room

The man sits in the corner, his dark eyes cast towards the drawn curtains. His feet solidly on the stained carpet, his hands resting on worn jean knees. Nighttime. Stars out, not that he could see them.

There is a click and his dark, dark eyes move to the bathroom door.

The woman with the yellow hair walks to the window and sits, wet hair dripping down her pale skin.

Towel in hand, she dries her hair by the furnace. Eyes closed, a melody behind pastel lips.

His gaze never wavers from the contours of her face.

Her eyes meet his. “What?”

“I love you,” the man murmurs.

The woman nods and nods, a contemplating mystery. Her towel is set on the ground. She rises from the floor and her soft hands reach his hardened face.

Earnest desire in the space that separates them.

Lips mold, saliva between.

Careful pastel lips on a chapped mouth, rushed square fingertips coarse on trembling, soft skin.

Pondering love.

Yellow hair and dark eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's odd. I felt like writing in third person. Please comment if I can make improvement or if you want to give it some love. C: