Leaving Doesn't Mean Forgetting

Chapter 1/1

When Lacey Stewart heard her boyfriend of almost two years come into the apartment, she looked up from the laundry she was folding and didn't see the smile on his face that was normally there when he came home. Looking into the pack and play where their two month old daughter was asleep in a onesie before she placed the shirt back into the basket before standing up. “Are you okay?”

Nodding his head, he took his Pittsburgh Penguins ball cap off his head and tossed it onto the couch before walking back to the bedroom. Knowing something wasn't alright with her boyfriend, but she knew there was nothing she could do until he wanted to talk about it. It was the stubborn part of him that she loved. It was one of the things that made her fall in love with him to begin with, he wouldn't give up until she agreed to go out with him.

Hearing the cries from her daughter, Lacey made her way over and picked her up. Holding her daughter, she could smell what the problem was. A dirty diaper. So picking up the onesie with her daddy's name and number on the back, she headed towards the master bedroom. The sounds of running water from the shower hit her ears as she walked into the bedroom which meant that Alex was more upset than what he was letting on. With a sigh she laid Isabelle in the middle of the California king sized bed before walking over to the basket where the extra diapers and wipes were.

After changing and putting the new onesie on, the shower turned off and Alex walked out wearing nothing expect a dark green towel. Giving him a smile, Lacey leaned over her daughter and placed kisses on her face. Hearing the laughter of his daughter, Alex walked over to them. Leaning down he kissed Lacey softly on the lips before kissing his daughter's head. Watching as Alex walked away and put on some boxers followed by a pair of pajama pants. “How do you feel today?”

“I feel good. She's been good today. I got most of the laundry done,” Lacey said. “How was practice? You boys ready to face Washington?”

“The boys are ready,” Alex said as he sat on the bed, their daughter in-between them. “I'm not playing.”

“Did you get hurt? Did something happen?” Lacey asked, worry etched in her voice.

Picking up his daughter, he leaned in and kissed her before running his hand over the bit of hair she had. “I've been traded. I leave after the game tonight.”

Lacey had been expecting a small injury or even a healthy scratch as a reason why he wouldn't play tonight. Being traded had never crossed her mind. Alex had done so well while playing for the Pittsburgh Penguins, he gave his all to them. “I don't understand why they would do this. Where are they sending you?”

“They traded me to Dallas.”

“Dallas?” Lacey asked, surprised. “That's really far from Pittsburgh.”

“Across the country where we don't have any friends,” Alex said. “But I don't get to pick what NHL team I get to play for.”

“I don't know what you want me to say that,” Lacey told him. “It's just happening really fast.”

“I know it is, but I can't do anything about that,” he told her as he secured their daughter in his one arm before wrapping his arm around the woman who he fell in love with. “I want you and Belle to come with me. I don't want to be away from you for a long period of time.”

“I have my family here.” Lacey told him

“Please, just think about it.”

“I don't need to think about it,” Lacey said as she moved so she could look into his eyes. “You are my family now. The three of us are a family and I think that if you are gonna have any chance at fitting in you might need us. I might need more time than just one night.”

“You are gonna leave everything and move across the country just to be with me?” Alex asked. “Just like that?”

“Well it might take me a week or so to get everything sorted, but that will give you sometime to get looking at a place and what not.”

“How did I get so lucky that I have two of the greatest women in my life?”

“You wouldn't take no for an answer when I told you I wasn't interested.”

“It was worth it.” Alex said.

That night, Alex sat in the press box with Lacey and their daughter. They weren't the only ones in there, but they were the only ones that were no longer part of the Pittsburgh Penguins. Sidney Crosby sat a few rows in front of them, Paul Martin sat on the other side of the box, and Chris Kunitz was sitting next to Lacey while holding the baby. Engeni Malkin was still recovering from surgery, so he wasn't at the game. The first period was intense and as soon as the period ended everyone in the box seemed to release the same breath they were holding on to.

“So what do you plan on doing?” Chris Kunitz asked as Sidney came and sat in the row in front of them. “Are you leaving tonight?”

“Yeah, after the game I'm flying out to Dallas. I'll be playing in the game against the Devils.”

“What about you Lace?”

“I have to take care of a bunch of things and then me and Belle will be heading out there with him.”

“All of your family is out here, aren't they?” Sidney asked.

“Yeah, all the way to my grandparents,” Lacey said. “My parents won't be too happy to hear that Belle and I are moving to Texas. They are gonna miss Belle so much.”

“First grandchild for them.” Alex revealed.

“I'm gonna miss Pittsburgh to be honest,” Lacey said. “All of you have been so kind to us. Even during the rough patch Alex and I went through while I was pregnant. I don't think there is another team in this league quite like you boys.”

“You are family.” Chris told them.

“If you need help with anything while Alex here is playing in Dallas before you move, feel free to call one of us.”

“I wouldn't want to be a bother.” Lacey said as she looked at her daughter sleeping in Chris' arms.

“You are gonna need help,” Sidney told her. “Even if it's to watch the little one for a few hours.”

“You don't have to do that,” Lacey said. “I'll have to figure it out.”

“Are you going to his first game?” Chris asked.

“I'm not sure,” Lacey sighed. “I would love to, but there is so much stuff to do and I-”

“You both have to go,” Sidney said. “The guys and I will help in whatever you need us to do.”

“You boys have other things to worry about,” Lacey told them. “Like getting healthy. Don't think just because Alex isn't a part of the team anymore doesn't mean I stop rooting for my hometown team.”

“Things won't be the same without you guys,” Chris said. “I'll miss seeing this little one. She's such a good baby.”

“She's quiet like her daddy, but I'm happy about that.”

“Leaving Pittsburgh is going to be harder than I ever imagined.” Alex said.

“That's because you never pictured leaving Pittsburgh. This city is home,” Lacey said. “But this is where we will take vacations.”

“So who is willing to pick Lacey and Belle up from the airport on Wednesday?” Alex asked looking at the guys he would no longer be playing with.

“Don't worry about it,” Chris said. “Someone will be there to pick you and the princess up.”

“I hate good-byes. I've never been good at them.” Lacey said as her daughter started to cry.

Carefully Chris handed the baby over to her mother and the crying baby seemed to calm down.

“Leaving doesn't mean forgetting,” Alex said. “And my memories here are the best and I'm leaving here with my family and friends that I'll never forget.”
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