You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Broken and Beaten

Bruise, when they tear you, up have I gone too far, what about my fist, your mouth, her scars? What I'm thinking now, when I stumble down, we can never say that you are gone till it comes. There's no more ways to show you, I just can't take no more. The thought of me inside you, just makes me sick you're going down. But now it's over I'm calmer her crimson flowing, down like water, I saw her as she hit the ground. Now it's over, I'm calmer her crimson flowing, down like water, I saw her as she hit the ground...

They walked down isles trying to find new bed covers, to replace the semen stained bed sheets.
“How about these?” Charlie pulled out a black bed set
Tally looked interested but then she rolled her eyes “Black and white...”
Charlie laughed and turned the corner, Tally pushed the shopping trolley down the isle making her way to the end of it.
Tally was deep in thought as she walked aimlessly down the bedding isle.
Hmmm, what the hell? One of the guys must have left with no clothes on.
She ended up throwing a white bed set into the trolley.
She turned the corner.
“Well fuck me!” Said an aggressive voice
“No thank you.” Tally panicked she knew this guy.
“Aw, why not?”
Tom was looking drugged up like he always did, Tally never knew why she actually got together with this guy, he had short dark brown hair, dark brown bloodshot eyes, he always wore short sleeved shirts that showed his needle scars, he was wearing his dark baggy jeans.
Oh so you still wear those jeans I put in the shredder do you? Tally thought.
He smiled at her and she looked away.
He moved closer to her, she stepped back
“So, how’s my little cow girl?”
“Fuck off Tom” Tally turned to walk away
Tom grabbed her wrist tightly and dragged her back to him by the hair, she spun her round and gripped her bottom jaw tighter.
“Don’t you ever fucking walk away from me, you little bitch.” He snarled
Tally stayed quiet but tried to struggle.

Tally struggled to get free; she managed to pull away and backed away. Tom got angrier, moments later he punched her, splitting her lip, Tally fell to the floor. Tom laughed wickedly then he crouched down to her level.
“See now this is the level... that bitches need to stay” He spat on her.
He had always been a violent boyfriend. He kicked Tally in the stomach and out of habit Tally stayed quiet. Tally still had scars from were Tom had attacked her in the past.

I stayed silent every time he hit me, every time he plunged his fist into my stomach, my side, my chest, my face, my legs... I stayed silent. It was all I knew. If I screamed I’d get beaten harder, If I made the slightest noise, he’d beat me till I was broken, he’d break me till I was... dead.

He finally stopped beating Tally, when security pulled him off her.

“You know. You should let the police deal with that son of a-”
“No. It’s ok, just leave it, it’ll just make him angrier”
“But he can’t do things like that! It’s wrong Tally”
“Maybe I deserved it.”
“No woman ever deserves to be beaten... the way he beat you. Time and time again”
“Only if they hit the man! Then they should expect a good beating!”
“You never hit him though!” Charlie yelled from the kitchen
“I still deserved it!”
“No you fucking didn’t”
“Yes I do! I deserve everything I get from him!” Tally shouted sitting on the couch with her head in her hands
“Why?” Charlie walked into the living room holding a bowl filled with warm salt water and a cloth
“Because I walked away from him.” Tally looked up; she had a burst lip, a cut across her cheek and a red jaw, which would soon bruise.
But this was only a little of what Tom could have done to Tally, he’d done a lot worse when she was with him...
Charlie paused for a moment “Don’t you remember your promise? The promise you made yourself?”
Tally looked up at Charlie, she came and sat on the couch next to Tally, she dabbed the cloth on Tally’s burst lip/
Tally looked at Charlie, she smiled slightly, the salt stung her lip, made her lip tingle and as Tally smiled her lip stung more, but she didn’t make a sound or wince at Charlie’s gentle touch.
Charlie rinsed the cloth in the salt water then dabbed it on the cut on Tally’s cheek. Tally put her hand on top of Charlie’s looking into her eyes.
“Am I hurting you?” Charlie said softly
Tally shook her head, her heart pounded.
Tally leaned closer to Charlie; Charlie stayed 3 inches away from Tally’s lips. Charlie was nervous, shaking slightly.
Tally closed the gap and pressed her lips gently to Charlie’s.
They kissed for a long moment, very passionate kiss.
They pulled back.
“We’ll that’ll get the readers attention now wont it?” Tally smiled and winked at Charlie
“Just making sure they aren’t falling asleep were you?” Charlie smiled and continued to clean and cleanse Tally’s wounds.
“Yep, can’t have it boring now can we?”