Yours Truly

Dear Laura

She took out a pen and began to write. She felt so alone, she had lost three people she'd never forget. Though it wasn't by death, she had still lost them too quickly.

She would a letter to each of them. I'll start with Laura she thought.

Dear Laura,
You're my best friend or were. I honestly miss that so much but you probably knew that ha-ha. I'm sorry okay? I don't know what I did wrong but I must have done something. I guess I should let you make your own mistakes and now you are. It hurts that you're happy without me. Remember when we would have those weird conversations? The ones that only us could get. Our inside jokes were the greatest and never got old. I honestly thought we'd be friends forever and nothing would break it but I guess I'm wrong.

We went to concerts together. I remember one lunch I didn't show up, you texted me to see if I was okay. Laura you never judged me and you were just you. You have no idea how much I miss you. You're the greatest friend I have ever had and never forget that. Stop thinking you're terrible.

Yours truly

Jenny dropped the pen. Now who next? she thought as she stared out the window.